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CS330 - Assignment 1 - Operating Systems -Solved

1       Execute This!!!

1.1       Execute a Command (15 Marks)
In this part, you will be exploring how to execute a command passed as an argument. You need to complete the implementation of the following function in Part1/1.1/executeCommand.c


int executeCommand(char* cmd);

This function should create a child process to execute the command cmd. The command cmd will only contain a single program name followed by its options. A single space will separate options in cmd. (e.g., “ls -a -l”). The function must get the path to the executable in cmd from the environment variable CS330  PATH. This environment variable is a colon-delimited string of paths in which to look for the executable.

Eg. "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin"


On success, return the status code of cmd. On failure, return -1.

Check for possible errors such as lack of permission, no binary file found, etc. Print “UNABLE TO EXECUTE” and exit in case of any error.

You must only use the below mentioned APIs to implement this part of the assignment. Refer to man page of these APIs to know about their usage.

–                     fork

–                     execv

–                     wait

–                     exit

–                     stat

–                     pipe

–                     open – close

–                     read

–                     dup2

–        strtok

–        getenv

–        strcpy

–        strcat

–        strcmp

–        strlen – printf

–        fgets

–        malloc
Run the script Part1/1.1/ for running the provided sample test cases. You can see output of your program for TEST CASE N in the file outputN.txt.

$ ./

1.2       Execute In Parallel (25 Marks)
Since you now know how to execute a command, you are required to execute multiple commands in parallel in this part. You need to complete the implementation of the following function in Part1/1.2/executeInParallel.c.


int executeInParallel(char *infile, char *outfile);

The function takes paths to an input file (infile) and an output file (outfile) as arguments. The input file will contain at most 50 commands to be executed, one per line. The function must create child processes, one for each command, which will execute the commands. The child processes must execute in parallel. The parent should not wait for one child to finish executing before forking another child.

The child processes must communicate the outputs to the parent process. The parent process must write these outputs to the outfile in the order of the commands specified in infile.

The full path to executables for the commands must be found out using CS330 PATH environment variable as in Part 1.1.


On success, return 0. On failure, return -1.

If a command was not found in the path or if it failed to execute due to some errors write “UNABLE TO EXECUTE” as its output to the outfile.

You must only use the below mentioned APIs to implement this part of the assignment. Refer to man page of these APIs to know about their usage.

–                     fork

–                     execv

–                     wait

–                     stat

–                     pipe

–                     open – close

–                     read

–                     dup2
–    strtok

–    getenv

–    strcpy

–    strcat

–    strcmp

–    fgets

–    malloc

–    printf
Run the script Part1/1.2/ for running the provided sample test cases. You can view the output of your program for each of the test cases in Part1/1.2/outputs directory. 

2           Lets Design a Game, Rock Paper Scissors!!!

Game Rules
Two players secretly choose either paper, scissors or rock. They then reveal their choice. An umpire decides who wins as follows:

•    Paper beats rock

•    Rock beats scissors

•    Scissors beat paper

•    Matching choices draw

The winner gets a point or no points to both players in case of a draw.

2.1       Umpire program (25 Marks)
In this part of the assignment, you must complete the umpire program in


The program should take two player executable names as arguments and decide the winner based on the game rules.

$ ./umpire player1 player2

Details on Player:

You are given two player programs as part of the assignment, player1 and player2. These are executables compiled from the source file Part2/2.1/player.c. Run make inside Part2/2.1/ to compile the player programs.

We will use the following representations for the possible throws:

0→rock, 1→paper, 2→scissors.

Player processes when given ’G’,’O’, ’ \0’ (3 bytes) as stdin will output a move (1 byte character with value either ’0’, ’1’ or ’2’) to stdout. Players will exit on EOF.

The umpire program will do the following:

•    Create a child process for each player. The child process will exec the specified player program (once the stdin and stdout are set up appropriately to communicate with the umpire)

•    Play a rock paper scissors match for ten rounds. In each round the umpire will write “GO” to the stdin of the players. Then the umpire will read the moves from the stdout of each player. The umpire will keep score for both players.

•    After ten rounds, print the score of the first player followed by a space and then the score of the second player.


6 4

Check for possible errors like the player executable not being found, or the pipe creation or exec call failing. If there were no errors, exit returning 0. In case of errors, umpire should exit by returning -1.

You must only use the below mentioned APIs to implement this part of the assignment. Refer to man page of these APIs to know about their usage.

–    pipe

–    fork

–    dup2

–    close

–    execv

–    execl
–    write

–    open

–    exit

–    read

–    printf
Run the script Part2/2.1/ for running the provided sample test cases. Make sure they are all passing before submission.

2.2      Tournament (35 Marks)
Create a modified version of umpire in Part2/2.2/umpire2.c that can conduct a rock-paper-scissors tournament.


$ ./umpire2 [-r rounds_per_match] players.txt

The -r option (if it exists) is an integer N, the number of rounds to be played per match. If -r does not appear, default to N=10.

The first line in players.txt specifies the number of players, P, participating in the tournament. The next P lines are the names of the player executables. The player list may contain duplicates. The maximum length of a player program name will be 100 characters. There must be at least two competitors specified. We give each competitor an ID starting from 0 to P-1 in the order shown in players.txt.

Here is a possible players.txt file for a tournament with 3 competitors:

players.txt ----------3 player1 player2 player2

Your program will do the following:

•    Print the IDs of all the competitors (0 to P-1) in the tournament.

•    Create one child process per competitor and setup communication with the umpire using pipes like before.

•    In each level of the tournament, pair up the competitors and referee matches between them in parallel. The competitors that haven’t lost any matches are termed “active.”

The following algorithm pairs the participants:

Order the players in increasing player ID. Iteratively pair the lowest ID active and unpaired competitor with the second-lowest ID active and unpaired competitor. In case of an odd number of active competitors, one player will be given walkover i.e. that player will be allowed to move to next level of the tournament without playing against any player in current level. Ignore the competitor who got walkover during pairing.

To decide which player will be given the walkover, call the provided function in Part2/2.2/gameUtils.c

getWalkOver(int numActivePlayers);

/* Returns a number between [1, numActivePlayers] */

Example: if p0, p4, p6 are the active players, and if getWalkOver(3) returns 2, that means the 2nd active process, p4, gets the walkover. p0 and p6 are paired.

•    For each level, the umpire will oversee multiple matches in parallel. E.g., If there are two pairs (p0,p1), (p2,p3), then the umpire will communicate with (p0,p1) to referee their first round, and then it will communicate with (p2,p3) to referee their first round. While there are rounds still left to play in the match, the umpire will alternate refereeing rounds (p0,p1) and (p2,p3) until the matches are over.

•    The player with the smaller ID is declared as the winner in case of a TIE.

•    Terminate any losing competitors at each level of the tournament.

•    Print the competitor IDs, in increasing order, that get to advance to the next level in a space separated line. Include the competitor that got a walkover.

In case of any errors like a player is not able to participate i.e. exec fails, tournament will not take place and umpire should exit by returning -1. Exit returning 0 on success.

You must only use the below mentioned APIs to implement this part of the assignment. Refer to man page of these APIs to know about their usage.

–                     fork

–                     execv

–                     dup2

–                     pipe

–                     open – close

–                     read

–                     write
–    wait

–    exit

–    fcntl

–    printf

–    malloc

–    free

–    atoi
Run the script Part2/2.2/ for running the provided sample test cases. Make sure they are all passing before submission.

Example: Tournament with 5 players

Level 1 of the tournament

p0, p1, p2, p3, p4 will be paired as (p0,p1), (p2,p3). Let p4 be the player that got a walkover.. This is because getWalkOver(5) returned 5, which means the 5th active player (p4) gets the walkover.

Let the winners be p0, and p2. These 3 players (including p4) will play in the next level of the tournament and remaining players will be terminated.

Level 2 of the tournament:

Among p0, p2, p4, one player will get walkover. Assume getWalkOver(3) returns 2 which means the 2nd active player gets the walkover i.e. p2 gets the walkover. So the following pairing will take place (p0,p4). Let p0 win the match. p4 is terminated. p0,p2 will move on to the finals.

Level 3 of the tournament:

p0, p2 are paired. Let the scores be tied. Since p0 is the lower ID process. Therefore, p0 is declared the winner.



p0 p1 p2 p3 p4 p0 p2 p4 p0 p2 p0

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