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CS329 LAB02-Importing the census Solution

Exercise 0 Importing the census

education- marital-
age workclass education_level occupation relationship race se num status

Never- Adm-
0 39 State-gov Bachelors 13.0 Not-in-family White Ma
married clerical
Self-emp- Exec-
1 50 Bachelors 13.0 civ- Husband White Ma not-inc managerial spouse
2 38 Private HS-grad 9.0 Divorced Not-in-family White Ma
3 53 Private 11th 7.0 civ- Husband Black Ma
4 28 Private Bachelors 13.0 civ- Wife Black Fema

Exercise 1 Exploration
同时也可以通过数据的 info 方法获取 entry 的数据条数则记录条数为 45222 条

Data columns (total 14 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 age 45222 non-null int64
1 workclass 45222 non-null object
2 education_level 45222 non-null object
3 education-num 45222 non-null float64
4 marital-status 45222 non-null object
5 occupation 45222 non-null object
6 relationship 45222 non-null object
7 race 45222 non-null object
8 sex 45222 non-null object
9 capital-gain 45222 non-null float64
10 capital-loss 45222 non-null float64
11 hours-per-week 45222 non-null float64
12 native-country 45222 non-null object
13 income 45222 non-null object dtypes: float64(4), int64(1), object(9) memory usage: 4.8+ MB
In [283]:

In [284]:

将年收入为'>50K'的表项除以总数据条数,得到年收入为'>50K'人的占比为0.2478439697492371,即 24.8% In [285]:
# The percentage of individuals making at more than $50000 annually percentage = len(data[data['income']=='>50K'])/data.shape[0] print(percentage) 0.2478439697492371
可以通过 <某一列>.unique()的方法来展示每一列的特征值,这里通过遍历data的所有列,并对其调用 unique()
In [286]:
# Feature values for each column for col in data.columns: print(data[col].unique())
[39 50 38 53 28 37 49 52 31 42 30 23 32 34 25 43 40 54 35 59 56 19 20 45
22 48 21 24 57 44 41 29 47 46 36 79 27 18 33 76 55 61 70 64 71 66 51 58
26 17 60 90 75 65 77 62 63 67 74 72 69 68 73 81 78 88 80 84 83 85 82 86 89 87]
[' State-gov' ' Self-emp-not-inc' ' Private' ' Federal-gov' ' Local-gov'
' Self-emp-inc' ' Without-pay']
' 5th-6th' ' 10th' ' Preschool' ' 12th' ' 1st-4th']
[13. 9. 7. 14. 5. 10. 12. 4. 16. 11. 15. 3. 6. 1. 8. 2.]
[' Never-married' ' Married-civ-spouse' ' Divorced'
' Married-spouse-absent' ' Separated' ' Married-AF-spouse' ' Widowed']
[' Adm-clerical' ' Exec-managerial' ' Handlers-cleaners' ' Prof-specialty'
' Other-service' ' Sales' ' Transport-moving' ' Farming-fishing'
' Machine-op-inspct' ' Tech-support' ' Craft-repair' ' Protective-serv'
' Armed-Forces' ' Priv-house-serv']
[' Not-in-family' ' Husband' ' Wife' ' Own-child' ' Unmarried'
' Other-relative']
[' White' ' Black' ' Asian-Pac-Islander' ' Amer-Indian-Eskimo' ' Other']
[' Male' ' Female']
[ 2174. 0. 14084. 5178. 5013. 2407. 14344. 15024. 7688. 4064. 4386. 7298. 1409. 3674. 1055. 2050. 2176. 594. 20051. 6849.
4101. 8614. 3411. 2597. 25236. 4650. 2463. 3103. 10605. 2964.
3325. 2580. 3471. 4865. 99999. 6514. 1471. 2329. 2105. 2885.
10520. 2202. 2961. 27828. 6767. 2228. 1506. 13550. 2635. 5556. 4787. 3781. 3137. 3818. 914. 401. 2829. 2977. 4934. 2062.
2354. 3464. 5455. 15020. 1424. 3273. 22040. 4416. 10566. 4931.
7430. 34095. 6497. 3908. 114. 2346. 2907. 1151. 9386. 2414.
2290. 3418. 15831. 41310. 4508. 2538. 3456. 1848. 3887. 7896.
5721. 9562. 6418. 1455. 2036. 3942. 1831. 11678. 2936. 2993. 7443. 6360. 4687. 1797. 6723. 2009. 3432. 6097. 1639. 2653.
18481. 25124. 7978. 991. 1173. 2387. 5060. 1086. 1264. 7262. 1731.]
[ 0. 2042. 1408. 1902. 1887. 1719. 1762. 1564. 2179. 1816. 1980. 1977.
1876. 1340. 2206. 1741. 1485. 2339. 2415. 1380. 1721. 2051. 2377. 1669.
2352. 1672. 653. 2392. 1504. 1590. 1651. 1628. 1848. 2001. 1740. 2002.
1579. 2258. 1602. 2547. 2205. 1726. 2444. 1138. 2238. 625. 213. 1539.
880. 1668. 1092. 1594. 2231. 1844. 810. 2824. 2559. 2057. 1573. 1974.
974. 2174. 2149. 1735. 1258. 2603. 2282. 323. 2246. 1617. 1648. 1825.
3770. 1755. 3683. 2129. 4356. 2267. 2080. 2457. 419. 155. 3900. 2201.
1944. 2467. 2754. 2472. 3004. 1411. 1429. 3175. 1870. 1911. 1510. 1421. 2163.]
[40. 13. 16. 45. 50. 80. 30. 35. 60. 20. 52. 44. 15. 25. 43. 38. 55. 48.
58. 32. 70. 22. 56. 41. 28. 36. 24. 46. 2. 42. 12. 65. 1. 34. 75. 98.
33. 54. 10. 6. 64. 19. 18. 72. 8. 9. 47. 37. 21. 26. 14. 5. 7. 99.
53. 39. 62. 59. 57. 78. 90. 66. 11. 49. 84. 17. 68. 3. 27. 85. 31. 51.
77. 63. 23. 4. 87. 88. 73. 89. 97. 94. 29. 96. 67. 82. 86. 91. 81. 76.
92. 61. 74. 95. 79. 69.]
[' United-States' ' Cuba' ' Jamaica' ' India' ' Mexico' ' Puerto-Rico'
' Honduras' ' England' ' Canada' ' Germany' ' Iran' ' Philippines'
' Poland' ' Columbia' ' Cambodia' ' Thailand' ' Ecuador' ' Laos'
' Taiwan' ' Haiti' ' Portugal' ' Dominican-Republic' ' El-Salvador'
' France' ' Guatemala' ' Italy' ' China' ' South' ' Japan' ' Yugoslavia'
' Peru' ' Outlying-US(Guam-USVI-etc)' ' Scotland' ' Trinadad&Tobago'
' Greece' ' Nicaragua' ' Vietnam' ' Hong' ' Ireland' ' Hungary' ' Holand-Netherlands']
['<=50K' '>50K']
Exercise 2 Preprocessing
通过调用sns 的 distplot 方法以及 box 方法,依次绘制出'capital-gain'和'capital-loss'的数据的倾斜连续特征

由于原来'capital-gain'以及'capital-loss'都有数据等于0,在转换成为 log 的时候会导致不正常的数,所以在转换的时候,现将所有的'cpaital-gain' 以及 'capital-loss' 数据加一再取log,转换成为新的两列之后根据这两列进行 distribution 以及 box 图的绘制

之后将各分类数据通过 get_dummies 方法转换成为数值数据,完成 one-hot 编码

education- capital- capital- Log_capital- Log_capital- Z_capital- Z_capital-
age per-
num gain loss gain loss gain loss

0 39 13.0 2174.0 0.0 40.0 7.684784 0.0 0.142888 -0.21878 -
1 50 13.0 0.0 0.0 13.0 0.000000 0.0 -0.146733 -0.21878 -
2 38 9.0 0.0 0.0 40.0 0.000000 0.0 -0.146733 -0.21878 -
3 53 7.0 0.0 0.0 40.0 0.000000 0.0 -0.146733 -0.21878 -
4 28 13.0 0.0 0.0 40.0 0.000000 0.0 -0.146733 -0.21878 -
5 rows × 101 columns

Exercise 3 Shuffle and Split Data
首先将需要预测的 'income_>50K' 属性赋值给 Y 并将其从 X 中去除之后,将数据按照训练集:测试集 = 8:2 的比例进行划分最终将36177 条数据用作训练集,9045条数据用作测试集

The shape of y_train is: (36177,) The shape of y_test is: (9045,)
Exercise 4 A Simple Model
What would the accuracy and F-score be on this dataset if we chose a model that always predicted an individual made more than $50,000
since $ACC = rac{TP+TN}{TP+FP+TN+FN}$, and when the model always predicted and individual made more than $50,000, then TN=FN=0, $ACC = Precision = TP/(TP + FP)$,according to the result in Exercise 1, the accuracy is 0.2478, which is lower than the normal model like Logistic Regression Model.
As for the F-score, since the FN = 0 when the model always predicted and individual made more than $50,000, so the F-score is 1, which is higher then the normal model like the Logistic Regression Model.
In [291]:
#What would the accuracy and F-score be on this dataset if we chose a model that always predicted an individual made more than accuracy = 0.2478439697492371 f_score = 1
Exercise 5 Evaluating Model
The following are some of the supervised learning models that are currently available in scikit-learn :
Gaussian Naive Bayes (GaussianNB)
Decision Trees
Ensemble Methods (Bagging, AdaBoost, RandomForest)
K-Nearest Neighbors
Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Logistic Regression
You need choose three of them, draw three ROC curves on the census data, and analyze and compare the them.
我选择的三个模型分别是 逻辑回归, 决策树分类器,高斯朴素贝叶斯来对收入进行预测

分析使用三种分类器预测产生的 ROC 图,可以看出,在相同的 FPR 下,使用逻辑回归分类器的 TPR 要比另外两种分类器都要大,说明在census.csv 这个数据集上面,逻辑回归表现得比另外两种分类器都要好,预测结果的质量也更高。从ROC 图中看来,朴素贝叶斯分类器的表现优于决策树分类器的表现,决策树的ROC曲线相对更贴近随机分类器产生的结果,产生结果的质量不如朴素贝叶斯分类器。
Exercise 6 Questions
选择的模型是决策树分类器以及随机森林分类器模型,通过 matplotlib 库里面的barh 方法绘制关于影响两种模型预测的最大影响特征因子的水平条形图,依次如下面两图所示

(2) Describe one real-world application in industry where a model can be applied
(3) What are the strengths of the model; when does it perform well?
(4) What are the weaknesses of the model; when does it perform poorly?如果使用决策树分类器进行预测,模型的缺点就是容易过拟合,导致泛化能力较差。
(5) What makes this model a good candidate for the problem, given what you know about the data?

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