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CS3230-Programming Assignment 1 Solved

Idle games are getting very popular nowadays, especially on mobile platforms. These are games where you perform some simple action, like tapping the screen, in order to earn some form of currency. Over time, you can buy upgrades that increase the amount of currency you get per action, and units that generate currency automatically for you over time.

However, many idle games require you to perform manual actions to reach a certain amount of currency before you can start purchasing units. There are usually multiple ways to achieve this, some ways longer than others. A game developer has designed a new idle game with an achievement system and has decided that they want to award an achievement to the player if they reach this amount using the minimum number of taps.

In order to implement the achievement, they first need to calculate what is the minimum number of taps required. The developer realised that you are taking a class on algorithm design and has thus tasked you to help him design and implement an algorithm to solve this problem.

The design of the idle game is as follows. The currency is dollars($) and you get dollars every time you tap the screen. You start with $0 and your tapping starts at level 0 and generates $value0 per tap.

At any point, you can upgrade your tapping to level i for a cost of $costi and from then on every tap will generate $valuei per tap. The amount of money you have cannot go below $0 so you must have the required amount of money before you can upgrade. You are, however, allowed to skip levels, so for example from level 0 you can immediately level up to level 2 by paying $cost2 and you do not have to pay $cost1.

The developer has also designed the game such that the higher the level, the higher the cost and value you get per tap. Mathematically, this means that if i > j then costi > costj and valuei > valuej. Given this information, you need to calculate what is the minimum number of taps you need to get some required amount. For the purposes of this problem, upgrading a level does not count as a tap.

The game developer has already implemented the rest of the game and only needs you to implement a function to calculate the value described above. This function will take in 4 parameters:

•     maxLevel - The maximum level your tapping can be upgraded to

•     amountRequired - The amount of money that needs to be reached

•     values - A list of (maxLevel + 1) integers where values[i] is valuei as described above

•     costs - A list of (maxLevel + 1) integers where costs[i] is costi as described above

You are allowed to submit in either Java or C++11. Templates for both languages have been provided in the IVLE Workbin in the same folder as this task statement. The templates have implemented the I/O routines for you so you are strongly encouraged to use them. In addition, you are allowed to add other functions into your program to modularise your code but you must submit only ONE source file.

For testing purposes, the program will read in the parameters listed above from standard input in the exact order listed above for each test case with each parameter on a separate line. There can be multiple test cases within one run and the first integer gives the number of test cases. The program will output one line for each test case, which contains one integer that is the answer for that test case.

For example, if a game is designed such that maxLevel is 2, amountRequired is 15, values = [2, 4, 9] and costs = [0, 5, 8], then the input it expects will look like this:




2 4 9

0 5 8

For the example game listed above, if you just keep tapping and upgrade by 1 level every time you reach the required cost, you will follow these series of steps.

1.    Tap 3 times to reach $6

2.    Pay $5 to upgrade to level 1 with $1 left

3.    Tap 2 times to reach $9

4.    Pay $8 to upgrade to level 2 with $1 left

5.    Tap 2 times to reach $19

This will require 3 + 2 + 2 = 7 taps.

You also do not have to upgrade to the maximum level in order to reach the amount required. For example, you can follow these series of steps.

1.    Tap 3 times to reach $6

2.    Pay $5 to upgrade to level 1 with $1 left

3.    Tap 4 times to reach $16

However, this will still require 3 + 4 = 7 taps.

The sequence of steps with the least number of taps is as follows.

1.    Tap 4 times to reach $8

2.    Pay $8 to upgrade to level 2 with $0 left

3.    Tap 2 times to get $18

This set of moves only requires 4 + 2 = 6 taps and this is the least you can use so your function should return 6.

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