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CS3120-Homework 5 Neural Networks Solved

1.Read through Slide11 and 12, watch video lectures of neural networks.

2.Run the code “” (blackboard)

3. Trains the NN more than 1,000 times and observe the change of the loss value.

4. Implement a “3-6-2” network (using code to fit the following data: 

X=np.array(([0,0,1],[0,1,1],[1,0,1],[1,1,1]), dtype=float)

y=np.array(([0,1],[1,0],[1,0],[0,1]), dtype=float)


5.  What are the dimension of weight matrix 1 and weight matrix 2? (5pts)

6. Test the two following samples and write down the predicted y values for them. (5 pts)

Testing sample one: X1 = [0, 0, 0]    y1=[? ?]

Testing sample two: X2 = [1,1,1]      y2=[? ?]

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