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CS3-Dijkstra And Priority Queues Solved

For this assignment you’ll implement Dijkstra’s algorithm for finding the shortest path between nodes in a graph.


To achieve this goal you’ll need two important data structures a Graph and a Priority Queue, which you will do here in part 1.  Actually implementing the Dijkstra algorithm will happen in part 2.

For the Graph object, you will implement your own.  I have provided to you TemplateGraph.h which includes the public facing aspects of the Graph class.  You should modify it (adding private fields only) and change the name to Graph.h  It is up to you how to implement the underlying, private details.  You may use an adjacency list, adjacency matrix, or some other scheme.  I have also provided to you a lightly redacted GraphTests.cpp program, which includes some of the tests I will run on your Graph.  You should fill in more tests and add test functions as you see necessary.

For the Priority Queue object, it would be nice to be able to use the standard library

std::priority_queue Unfortunately, the interface is somewhat limited

(  To implement Dijkstra’s algorithm we need an Update() method to change the priority of items in the queue.  Additionally, it may not be necessary, but it would might be nice to have a Contains() method.  Both of these are missing.  I

guess we can write a letter to Bjarne Stroustrup and ask him what the hell his problem is.  For now we’re just going to have to fix the problem for our-selves by extending (writing a child-class) of  std::priority_queue.

1. Create a BetterPriorityQueue class that extends  std::priority_queue thusly:

class BetterPriorityQueue: public priority_queue<DNode, vector<DNode>, greater<DNode>>::priority_queue { // ... your code goes here ...


Oh yeah, that’s a big one!  Specifying the priority_queue this way makes three distinctions.  First, the items inside this queue will be DNode which is a struct.  The code for for DNode is provided to you in Dnode_struct.txt, but you will have to decide where to incorporate it into your project. The second parameter specifies that a vector of DNode will be used as the underlying mechanism to implement the priority queue (fine).  The third parameter specifies that this queue will place the minimum item first instead of the largest (also fine).

Your BetterPriorityQueue should add four new public methods.

•        Contains() takes a DNode and returns true if that DNode is in the queue.

•        Update() takes a DNode and uses the values in that DNode to change the priority of a matching DNode.  For example,

suppose BetterPriorityQueue bpq = [(a: 1), (b: 2), (f: 9), (d: 13), (e: 14)] DNode n = (f: 0);  calling bpq.Update(n) results in [(f:0), (a: 1), (b: 2), (d: 13), (e: 14)]

If the DNode doesn’t match any existing in the queue, Update() should have no effect on the queue.  The example above is not literal C++ code, it is written to be human understandable. Please note, the order of the nodes is determined by an underlying binary heap.

•        ToString() returns a string representation of the queue (like those shown above)

•        DnodeToString() static, takes a DNode struct and returns a string representation (like those shown above, in the queue).

Extending  std::priority_queue provides you access to the protected member c, which is the vector<DNode> containing the items of the queue.  You can use c to implement the above methods.

An incomplete test file BPQTests.cpp has been provided to you.  You should fill in more tests and add test functions as you see necessary.

You’re done when you have a well tested Graph and BetterPriorityQueue.  Or not, I suppose.  I can’t really stop you from simply giving up.  I’ll leave it up to you to decide how much testing is enough testing for your own piece-of-mind.  Just be sure to remember that your success and happiness for the rest of your professional life depends on your exhaustive completion of this specific homework assignment.

For part one you should have a Makefile that creates two executables:

• Graph.cpp GraphTests.cpp → graph-tests • BetterPriorityQueue.cpp BPQTests.cpp → bpq-tests
Note: This assignment is complicated on my end.  I might have (very probably) made a technical mistake that makes the assignment very difficult or perhaps impossible!  Sorry in advance for that.  If you notice something seems missing, undefined, or otherwise confusing please don’t hesitate to reach out to me!  For those of you wondering how I could make a mistake just know that I am in fact perfect and any mistake is likely the result of the imperfect society that raised me.

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