1. As a simple variation of the homework problem 8, implement a procedure string_bubble_sort in MIPS assembly language that, given a string S and its length, sort S. You should print out the original string and the sorted string respectively.
For example, if S =“HelloWorld” and length = 10, then after calling your procedure S becomes “HWdellloor”, and this reversed S should be printed out. (NOTE: S = “H ello” and length = 6, S becomes “ Hello”, assuming each space will be calculated as an each length with the corresponding ASCII code).
In the program, we assume the variables (e.g., S and length) should be declared and initialized manually in the .data section. (Need to be tested by changing the S and length manually.)
The signature of this procedure in a high level language would look like this:
void string_bubble_sort(char String[], int length);
Output: for S =“CAB” and length = 3
With the printed ABC
The string S MUST have ABC (,with ASCII representation; the address might be different)
NOTES: How to print Integers and Strings/space/newline etc using ‘syscall’ https://courses.missouristate.edu/KenVollmar/mars/Help/SyscallHelp.html
" "
.text main:
# Register assignments
# $s0 = x
# Initialize registers
lw $s0, x # Reg $s0 = x
# Print msg1
li $v0, 4 la $a0, msg1
# Print result (x)
# print_string syscall code = 4
li $v0,1
# print_int syscall code = 1
move $a0, $s0
# Print newline
# Load integer to print in $a0
li $v0,4
la $a0, nl
# Exit
# print_string syscall code = 4
li $v0,10
# exit