1. Implement a ‘replace’ procedure (function) in MIPS assembly language that, given an array of integers Arr, its length, integers x and y, replaces all x with y in Arr. Then your program should print out all values of Arr.
For example, if Arr = {21, 20 , 51, 83, 20 , 20 } , length = 6, x = 20 , y = 5 and index = 0, then after running your program the values of Arr MUST be Arr = {21, 5 , 51, 83, 5, 5} and the values MUST be printed out. Your procedure must follow the MIPS procedure call conventions.
In the program, we assume the variables (e..g, Arr, length, x, y and index) should be declared and initialized manually in the .data section.
The signature of this procedure in a high level language would look like this:
void replace(int Arr[], int length, int x, int y);
2. Additionally, implement a ‘printArrInt ’ procedure in MIPS assembly language that prints each element of the Arr using its length. Call this function twice to print the Arr. (i.e., before and after the replace procedure call).
The signature of this procedure in a high level language would look like this:
void printArrInt(int Arr[], int length);
21 20 51 83 20 20
21 5 51 83 5 5
NOTES: How to print Integers and Strings/space/newline using ‘syscall’
" "
.text main:
# Register assignments
# $s0 = x
# Initialize registers
lw $s0, x # Reg $s0 = x
# Print msg1
li $v0, 4 # print_string syscall code = 4 la $a0, msg1
# Print result (x)
li $v0,1
# print_int syscall code = 1
move $a0, $s0
# Print newline
# Load integer to print in $a0
li $v0,4
la $a0, nl
# Exit
# print_string syscall code = 4
li $v0,10
# exit