Question # Topic Total
1 Switch Statement / Jump Table 10
2 Datapath 12
3 Hidden 10
4 Interrupts 2 8
5 Performance Metrics 1 10
6 Performance Metrics 2 10
7 Structs and Endianness 10
8 Datapath Delay 10
9 Hidden 10
10 Hidden 10
Total 100
Question 1 (10 points):
High-level languages provide a “switch” statement that looks as follows.
switch(k) { case 0: case 1: case 2: ... case N: default:
The compiler writer Kaylia knows that “k” can take non-negative contiguous integer values from 0 to N during execution, with any value greater than N going to the default case. She decides to use a jump table data structure (implemented as an array indexed by the value contained in k) to hold the start address for the code for each of the case values as shown below:
Assume we are using the modified LC-2200 instruction set architecture, which can be found in the appendix.
Q1.1 (4 points)
Assume the base address of the jump table is stored in the register $t0, the value of N is stored in register $a0, and the value of k is stored in the register $t1. Help Kaylia out by writing a series of LC-2200 instructions for any positive value of k.
Q1.2 (6 points)
Instead of using a jump table, her friend suggests using a series of conditional branch instructions to compile the switch statement. List one reason why conditional branches could be better, and one reason why switch statements could be better. Explain your answer, clearly stating your assumptions.
Question 2 (12 points):
You are given 23 clock cycles of control signals which is a subsection of the execution macro states of some assembly code. Fill out the 4 lines of LC-2200 assembly instructions that correspond to the control signals. Note that the clock cycles corresponding to the fetch macrostate have been omitted.
.fill Label_X 0x1111
Cycle 4: DrREG, LdA, RegSel = $t0 Cycle 5: DrREG, LdB, RegSel = $t0
Cycle 6: ALU=add, DrALU, WrREG, RegSel=$t1
Cycle 10: DrREG, LdA, RegSel = $t1
Cycle 11: DrREG, LdA, RegSel = $t1
Cycle 12: ALU=add, DrALU, WrReg, RegSel=$t1
Cycle 16: DrREG, LdA, RegSel = $t1
Cycle 17: DrOFF, LdB [Offset = 1]
Cycle 18: ALU=add, DrALU, WrREG, RegSel = $t2
Cycle 22: DrPC, WrREG, RegSel=$at
Cycle 23: DrREG, LdPC
Question 4 (8 points):
Consider an architecture that has 3 interrupt priority levels. The interrupt handler for every device enables interrupts before executing the device-specific code.
The below diagram shows four devices. Smaller numbers represent a higher priority level. B is electrically closer to the processor than D. The INTA line is chained through devices B and D.
Time Interrupted By INTA
0 C
100 D
200 INTA
300 B
400 A
500 INTA
600 INTA
900 INTA
Q4.1 (4 points)
In what order are the three devices acknowledged? Explain your answer.
Q4.2 (4 points)
Assuming that these are the only interrupts, in what order do the interrupt handlers complete? Explain your answer.
Question 5 (10 points):
Kaylia has a program that consists of the following 3 lines, but repeats 220 times.
add $t0, $t0, $t0 sw $t0, 0($sp) addi $sp, $sp, -1
In this implementation, the add instruction takes 4 clock cycles. The sw instruction takes 5 clock cycles. The addi instruction takes 3 clock cycles. Each clock cycle takes 7 nanoseconds.
Q5.1 (2 points)
What is the execution time of this program?
Q5.2 (2 points)
If Kaylia changes her implementation so the sw instruction now takes 3 clock cycles, what is the new execution time? Round to the nearest nanosecond.
Q5.3 (3 points)
What is the speedup achieved after this change? Leave your answer as a fraction.
Q5.4 (3 points)
What is the improvement in execution time after this change? Leave your answer as a fraction.
Question 6 (10 points):
Consider the following program that contains 600 instructions:
… I330: I331: LEA I332: … I343:
I344: COND BR to I330 I345:
I599: HALT
I600: LEA
LEA instruction occurs exactly twice in the program as shown. Instructions 330-344 constitute a loop that gets executed 150 times. All other instructions execute exactly once. Leave your answer as a fraction.
Q6.1 (5 points)
What is the static frequency of LEA instruction? Show your work for credit.
Q6.2 (5 points)
What is the dynamic frequency of LEA instruction? Show your work for credit.
Question 7 (10 points):
For the struct defined below, show how a smart compiler might pack the data to minimize wasted space and follow alignment restrictions. Pack in such a way that each member is naturally aligned based on its data type. Assume the compiler will not reorder fields of the struct in memory. Assume a char is 1 byte, an int is 4 bytes, and a short is 2 bytes, and an int64_t is 8 bytes. Moreover, assume the CPU architecture is big-endian and its granularity supports load word (LW), load byte (LB), and load half-word (LHW), where a memory word is 4 bytes.
struct x { int a; int64_t b; char d; short e[1];
data = {
Q7.1 (10 points)
Assume struct data is saved at 0x1000. Fill out this table with the hex values of the data stored at each memory address
+0 +1 +2 +3 Starting Address
Q7.2 (2 points)
CPU issues the following instruction: LW R1, MEM[0x1008]. Show the content of R1.
Q7.3 (1 point)
You are a clever programmer who knows the architectural details and how the compiler will pack the variables to optimize on space. Reorder the elements of struct data such that it will result in optimal space usage.
Q7.4 (1 point)
How many bytes do you save by reordering the elements of struct data?
Question 8 (10 points):
Consider the datapath with the delays shown below. Solid lines are data lines; dashed lines are control lines. All times are given in picoseconds - e.g., reading from or writing to the register file takes 2 picoseconds (2x10^-12s). What is the minimum clock cycle in ps?
Component Delay (ps) Notes
Wire 2
ALU 3 Combinational
Register hold + setup 4 For IR,PC,A,B
Register output-stable 2 For IR,PC,A,B
Memory 200 Level Logic
SPRF Access (read or write) 3
LC 2200 ISA with an additional LEA and BGT instruction
Mnemonic Example Opcode
(Binary) Action
Register Transfer Language
add $v0, $a0, $a1 0000 Add contents of reg Y with contents of reg Z, store results in reg X.
RTL: $v0 ← $a0 + $a1
nand $v0, $a0, $a1 0001 Nand contents of reg Y with contents of reg Z, store results in reg X.
RTL: $v0 ← ~($a0 && $a1)
addi addi $v0, $a0, 25 0010 Add Immediate value to the contents of reg Y and store the result in reg X.
RTL: $v0←$a0+25
lw $v0, 0x42($fp) 0011 Load reg X from memory. The memory address is formed by adding OFFSET to the contents of reg Y. RTL: $v0 ← MEM[$fp + 0x42]
sw $a0, 0x42($fp) 0100 Store reg X into memory. The memory address is formed by adding OFFSET to the contents of reg Y. RTL: MEM[$fp + 0x42] ← $a0
beq $a0, $a1, done 0101 Compare the contents of reg X and reg Y. If they are the same, then branch to the address PC+1+OFFSET, where PC is the address of the beq instruction.
RTL: if($a0 == $a1)
jalr $at, $ra 0110 First store PC+1 into reg Y, where PC is the address of the jalr instruction. Then branch to the address now contained in reg X.
Note that if reg X is the same as reg Y, the processor will first store PC+1 into that register, then end up branching to PC+1. RTL: $ra ← PC+1; PC ← $at
Note that an unconditional jump can be realized using jalr $ra, $t0, and discarding the value stored in $t0 by the instruction. This is why there is no separate jump instruction in LC-2200.
halt 0111 Halt the machine
bgt $a0, $a1, done 1000 Compare the contents of reg X and reg Y. If the value in reg X is greater than the value in reg Y, then branch to the address PC+1+OFFSET, where PC is the address of the bgt instruction.
RTL: if($a0 > $a1)
lea lea $a0, stack 1001 An address is computed by sign-extending bits [19:0] to 32 bits and adding this result to the incremented PC (address of instruction + 1). It then stores the computed address into register DR.
RTL: $a0 = MEM[stack]