Q1: String manipulation functions
Write the implementation of the following functions:
int Strlen ( char ∗s1 )
/∗Returns the length of
the string
in a number
characters. ∗/
char ∗Strcpy ( char ∗s1 ,
const char
∗s2 )
/∗Copies string s2 into
array s1 .
The value
s1 is returned. ∗/
1 char ∗Strncpy ( char ∗s1 , const char ∗s2 , size t n ) 2 /∗Copies at most n characters of string s2 into array s1 .
3 The value of s1 is returned. ∗/
1 char ∗StrCat ( char ∗s1 , const char ∗s2 ) 2 /∗Appends string s2 to array s1 .
3 The f i r s t character of s2 overwrites 4 the terminating null character of s1 .
5 The value of s1 is returned. ∗/
{ 1 char ∗StrnCat( char ∗s1 , const char ∗s2 , size t n ) 2 /∗Appends at most n characters of string s2 to array s1 .
3 The f i r s t character of s2 overwrites the terminating 4 null character of s1. The 5 value of s1 is returned. ∗/
1 int StrCmp( const char ∗s1 , const char ∗s2 ) 2 /∗Compares the string s1 with the string s2 .
3 The function returns 0, less than 0, or greater 4 than 0 If s1 is equal to, less than or greater 5 than s2, respectively. ∗/
1 int StrnCmp( const char ∗s1 , const char ∗s2 , size t n )
2 /∗Compares up to n characters of the string 3 s1 with the string s2. The function returns 0, 4 less than 0 or greater than 0 if s1 is equal to 5 to, less than or greater than s2, respectively. ∗/
char ∗∗StrTok( char ∗s1 , const char s2 ) /∗A call to StrTok breaks string s1 into
' ' tokens ' ' ( logical pieces such
as words
in a line of text ) separated by contained in char s2∗/
int StrFind ( char ∗s1 , char ∗s2 )
/∗Searches the string s1 for the
f i r s t occurrence
of the string s2 and returns its
i f s2 not found returns −1.∗/
starting index ,
1 char ∗ SubStr ( char ∗ , int pos , int len )
2 /∗This function returns a newly constructed
3 string variable with its value initialized 4 to a copy of a substring of this variable . 5 The substring is the portion of the string
6 that starts at character position ' ' pos ' ' and 7 spans ' ' len ' ' characters ( or until the end 8 of the string, whichever comes f i r s t ). ∗/
Figure 1: A mapping table between English Alphabets and Morse codes. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Morse code
Q2: Morse Code
Morse code has been one of the most basic communication protocol and is still used to convey SOS messages and other urgent communication. In Morse code each English alphabet is encoded by a sequence of ’.’ and ’-’, see Figure 1 for complete mapping between English alphabets and Morse codes. Letters are separated by spaces and words by ”/”. Your task is to design a program that can (i)convert any given string into a Morse code sequence char* convertToMorseCode(char*) and (ii) a Morse code sequence to a string. char* convertToString(char*) You are not authorized to use string data type, however, you can use char*
Q3: Magic Squares
In this question, your goal is to write code for solving magic square (for details read the attached file magicsquare.pdf) using 2-D pointers. Your function should take the dimension of the magic square as input and then solve the magic square for a given dimension. You are required to return a 2d pointer to an integer.
1 int ∗∗ magicSquare ( int size )
2 /∗This function returns a 2d pointer that dynamically 3 allocates a matrix of size passed as arguments 4 and stores the magic square in the allocated matrix . ∗/
Q4: Text Analysis
The availability of computers with string-manipulation capabilities has resulted in some rather interesting approaches to analyzing the writings of great authors. This exercise examines three methods for analyzing texts with a computer. You have to use char * for following exercises.
Write a function that receives a string consisting of several lines of text and returns an array indicating the number of occurrences of each letter of the alphabet in the text. For example, the phrase To be, or not to be: that is the question: contains one a, two bs, no cs, and so on.
1 void countLetters ( char ∗string , int ∗&array , int & size ) 2 /∗Parameters :
Input :
char ∗ : a multiline string 5 Output :
6 int ∗: an array containing counts of each letter, 7 to be allocated in function 8 int: array size ∗/
Write a function that receives a string consisting of several lines of text and returns an array indicating the number of one-letter words, two-letter words, three-letter words, and so on, appearing in the text. For example, the phrase Whether this nobler in the mind to suffer contains 2, 3, 4, etc. length words.
1 void countWordsBasedOnLength( char ∗string , int ∗&array/∗to be allocated ∗/ , 2 int & size /∗updated array size ∗/) 3 /∗Parameters :
Input :
char ∗ : a multi−line string 6 Output :
7 int ∗: an array containing counts of each different length words , 8 to be allocated in function 9 int: array size ∗/
Write a function that receives a string consisting of several lines of text and returns arrays indicating unique words and the number of occurrences of each unique word in the text along with their size.
void counting unique words( char ∗string , char ∗∗&uwords/∗ l i s t of unique words ; ∗/ ,
int ∗&array/∗to be allocated ∗/ , int & size /∗updated array size ∗/) 3 /∗Parameters :
Input :
char ∗ : a multiline string 6 Output :
7 char ∗∗: an array of unique words 8 int ∗: their counts 9 int: number of unique words∗/