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CS2110-Timed Lab 3 LC-3 Assembly Solved

You are given a string of essentially random characters, and your task is to replace all non-numeric characters with space characters.

1         Instructions
The following files have been provided for you:

1. timedlab3.asm

You will be editing timedlab3.asm to replace instances of non-numeric characters in a string with space characters. The space character (i.e. ' ') corresponds to decimal value 32 in ASCII. All other ASCII characters in the provided string, outside of the range '0'...'9' should be replaced with ' '.

Remember: Strings are zero-terminated arrays of characters!

An ASCII table has been provided for your reference at the end of this document: The space character is highlighted with red and the numeric digits are highlighted with yellow .

We have defined the following assembly language labels for you:

• STR ADDR: The address of the beginning of the string Consider the following examples:

" 3 5 32 "
" 3 5 32 "
"         3            "
Note: Replace characters in the existing string. Do not copy it!

Hint: You may create your own labels with .fills!

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