Section 1. Overview
General outline of the exercises:
• Exercise 1: Manage a fixed amount of read-only memory
• Exercise 2: Ex1 + the user process can write to the memory
• Exercise 3: Ex2 + the user process can allocate/deallocate memory (simulates mmap()/munmap())
• Exercise 4: Ex3 + mmap()’ed memory should commit-on-write
1.1 Grading
A file (ex1-4.c) for each exercise is required to avoid cases where you break your code for ex2 in the process of implementing ex3. If you successfully implement ex1 to ex4, you can submit copies of the same code in ex1-4.c (as each exercise is a superset of the previous). Similarly, if you complete ex1 and ex2, you can submit copies of the same code ex1.c and ex2.c.
(Note: In this document, when we say “ex1-4.c”, we refer to the four files: ex1.c, ex2.c, ex3.c, and ex4.c.)
The expected behaviour of each of the functions you need to use is specified in api.h. The assignment can be completed without reading and understanding the code in runner.c. We provide a few samples of inputs and output along with runner.c, api.h, and some skeleton code for all exercises (in ex.c).
gcc ex.c runner.c -o ex
If your installation of gcc does not automatically compile your code in multi-threaded mode, you can additionally pass -pthread to the compilation command. On Solaris platforms (such as Sunfire) semaphores are in librt, so you will need to pass -lrt on those platforms.
To run an exercise with ex_sample.in as input, use the following command:
./ex < ex_sample.in
Section 2. Simulating the Memory Management System
2.0 Overview of Memory Management System
There are four components in a typical virtual memory management system, namely:
• the user process,
• the memory management unit (MMU), • the operating system (OS), • the disk.
The user process is any process that runs on an operating system. The user process reads and writes to memory using virtual addresses and it has no knowledge of the physical address of the memory that it uses (i.e. where the memory is located in physical
The MMU is a component that translates virtual addresses into physical addresses using a page table. Every memory access requested by the user process is passed through the MMU to resolve the virtual address (specified by the user process) into the physical address. To determine the physical address from a virtual address, a page table is used. The page table is populated by the operating system, and it provides a mapping between virtual pages and physical frames. The MMU is typically implemented in hardware for efficiency. We ignore the effects of the translation lookaside buffer (TLB) and we assume that the TLB is automagically updated whenever necessary.
As the number of physical frames allocated to the user process is limited (and typically lower than the actual number of pages required), pages might have to be swapped between the disk and the RAM. A page is marked as ‘invalid’ in the page table when it is not in RAM and must be fetched from the disk. When the MMU finds that a required page is not in RAM, it pauses the user process, raises a page fault, and invokes the OS to load that page into RAM.
The OS finds the page on the disk, loads it into RAM, and resumes the user process once the page has been loaded. If there are no free frames in RAM, the OS picks a victim page to write to disk before loading the required page into RAM. If the request is for a page that does not exist even on the disk, the OS typically sends SIGSEGV (segmentation fault) to the user process, which will kill the user process by default (but it is possible for the user process to block SIGSEGV and take alternative actions instead). Once the OS resumes the user process, the MMU retries the page lookup and succeeds (assuming the OS does its job correctly).
Your Task
Your task for this assignment is to implement the functionality of the OS. The MMU and the OS are simulated on separate processes. The MMU has been written for you, and it communicates with your OS via POSIX signals. A simple API for writing to and reading from the disk is also implemented and provided to you (in api.h). You only need to implement function os_run() in ex.c.
Note: The provided API implementation (in runner.c) only simulates the page manipulation in RAM and disk (it does not really reserve pages in RAM or read/write to the disk). However, it should make no difference to your OS code if we rewrote our API implementation to really manipulate pages.
The simulation environment
The simulation environment provided in runner.c implements the MMU and keeps track of the contents of both the disk and the RAM. This simulation environment runs on a separate process, from which we send POSIX signals to your OS when a page fault occurs. OS reads and writes to the disk using the provided API calls provided in api.h. The API calls are forwarded to the simulation environment, and they allow for the environment to perform some checks. During these checks, the simulation environment is able to detect some common errors (e.g. overwriting a dirty page without first writing to disk, writing the incorrect page to disk), and checks that the memory of the user process is not corrupted after a page fault is handled by the OS. (The memory of the user process is corrupted if there is a page that doesn't generate a page fault when the process attempts to read it, but the content of the associated frame in RAM is not what the process expects.)
2.0.1 API calls
OS reads from and writes to disk using the API calls provided in file api.h. You can make use of the following API calls:
• void disk_create(int page_num) - Prepare and initialize page_num on the disk.
• void disk_read(int frame_num, int page_num) - Asks the disk manager to read the page page_num from disk into frame frame_num.
• void disk_write(int frame_num, int page_num) - Asks the disk manager to write page page_num from frame frame_num to the disk. If the page does not already exist on disk, calling this command is a fatal error for your OS.
• void disk_delete(int page_num) - Delete page page_num from the disk.
2.0.2 page_table struct
We implemented and provided a page_table struct in page_table.h. This struct contains the page table that the MMU uses to translate virtual addresses into physical addresses. As the MMU is typically implemented in hardware, the layout of the page table (and page table entries) is determined by the hardware. Hence you are not allowed to modify the layout of the page table (and page table entries).
The page_table contains an array of page_table_entry. Each page_table_entry contains four fields:
• frame_index: the frame that this page is located at
• valid: 1 if this page is valid, 0 otherwise
• referenced: set to 1 by the MMU whenever this page is accessed
• dirty: set to 1 by the MMU whenever this page is written to
2.0.3 MMU behaviour
The simulated MMU in runner.c adheres to the following behaviour:
When the user process wants to read from some page X:
1. If entries[X].valid is 0, raise a page fault to your OS (further explained in the description for exercise 1)
2. Otherwise, set entries[X].referenced to 1 and read data from the frame located at entries[X].frame_index
When the user process wants to write from some page X:
1. If entries[X].valid is 0, raise a page fault to your OS (further explained in the description for exercise 1)
2. Otherwise, set entries[X].referenced to 1 and entries[X].dirty to 1 and write data to the frame located at entries[X].frame_index
In particular, this means that if entries[X].valid is 0, entries[X].frame_index is not used by the MMU. Furthermore, entries[X].referenced and entries[X].dirty are never read by the MMU.
When a page fault is raised to your OS, your OS should make the necessary amendments to the page table and then signal the MMU to continue. The check for memory corruption of the user process happens immediately after the MMU receives the signal to continue; failing the check results in an error message and in the immediate termination of the simulation environment. The MMU will also check that entries[X].valid is now 1. If both checks pass, the MMU will re-run the above algorithm on the instruction that produced the page fault, and then continue with subsequent instructions.
2.0.4 Second chance page replacement algorithm (CLOCK)
The algorithm is defined below to ensure that your OS places pages at identical frames as our implementation. During grading, the location of each page in RAM is used to check that your implementation of the algorithm is correct.
A circular queue of frames is maintained, starting with frame 0, then frame 1, and so on until the last frame. The queue then wraps back to frame 0 (hence its “circular” property). The algorithm also maintains a next victim index into this queue. The frame that the next victim points to is called the next victim frame. Initially, all frames do not contain valid pages, and the next victim is frame 0.
When a page fault occurs, the algorithm should choose the frame for the replacement page as follows:
1. If the next victim frame does not contain a valid page, or the page in the next victim frame does not have its ‘reference’ bit set, this frame is chosen. Then go to step 3.
2. Otherwise, clear the ‘reference’ bit, and set next victim to the next element in the circular queue (wrapping around if necessary), and go back to step 1.
3. Set next victim to the next element in the circular queue (wrapping around if necessary).
Remember that since the MMU will re-run the instruction that caused the page fault, the ‘referenced’ bit is set on the replacement page once the MMU is signalled to continue.
2.1 Exercise 1 [Lab Demo Exercise]
In this exercise, your OS needs to handle page faults for memory. Assume that the user program never writes to its memory (memory is read-only). Hence, the ‘dirty’ bit from the page table entry is never set by the MMU, and the OS does not need to write a page from RAM to the disk.
You need to implement the function specified below in your ex1.c file:
void os_run(int initial_num_pages, page_table *pg_table)
The sample input and output for all exercises in this document assume that FRAME_BITS is 2 and PAGE_BITS is at least 5.
In your os_run() function, you should do the following:
1. For each page from 0 to (initial_num_pages − 1), create the page on the disk. For simplicity, the disk stores every page of the user process, regardless of whether it is also in RAM. The pages on disk and pages in the virtual memory of the user process are identified using the same index.
2. Wait on SIGUSR1 using sigwaitinfo(). SIGUSR1 is sent by the MMU to the OS to indicate a page fault. The page required by the user process is stored in the integer value of the sigval union associated with the received signal (see the skeleton code in ex.c for details).
a. If the page required is ‘-1’, it is a sentinel value that indicates that the user process has exited. Your OS should do any necessary clean-up (e.g. free memory that you allocated) and then return from the os_run() function.
b. Otherwise, a page fault has occurred. Your OS should load the required page from disk to a frame (as per the second chance page replacement algorithm described above, using the disk_read() API call), modify the page table as necessary, then send SIGCONT back to the MMU (the pid of the MMU can be obtained from the siginfo_t structure populated by sigwaitinfo()). Then go back to step 2.
The SIGCONT signal should have the integer value of its sigval union set to ‘0’. This is because a different value indicates an error for later exercises.
The runner.c provided to you will wait indefinitely for the SIGCONT signal from your OS. However, during grading, our runner will only wait for a “reasonable” amount of time (of at least ten milliseconds per page fault, excluding the time spent in the disk API functions), after which the runner will assume that your OS is not functioning properly.
Your task for Exercise 1:
Currently, the implementation of os_run() implements a trivial memory management algorithm that only uses a single frame.
1. It produces the correct sequence of calls to disk_read() (comparing both the frame and page indices) (see Section 2.0.1 for details on disk_read)
2. It does not corrupt the memory of the user process
3. It does not make any API call with invalid parameters or raise invalid signals to the MMU
Note that it is not necessary to use multi-threading in any exercise of this lab assignment. However, if you do so, take note that the disk API functions are not thread-safe – you will have to ensure that successive calls to disk API functions are synchronised with each other.
Sample input (read by the simulation environment) – ex1_sample1.in
10 r 1 r 2 r 0 r 1 r 6 r 7
r 0
r 2
r 8
r 9
The first line of the input contains a single positive integer, specifying the number of pages the user process needs on initialisation. This is passed to os_run() via the initial_num_pages parameter. Each subsequent line contains a character ‘r’ followed by a page number, indicating that the user process wants to read from the specified page.
Possible output
disk_create(): Creating disk page 0... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 1... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 2... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 3... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 4... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 5... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 6... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 7... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 8... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 9... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 0 from disk page 1... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 1 from disk page 2... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 2 from disk page 0... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 3 from disk page 6... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 0 from disk page 7... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 3 from disk page 8... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 1 from disk page 9... OK. Runner: Child terminated normally with status 0.
Explanation of output
disk_read is called only when there is a page fault. Hence you will not see a disk_read for every read in the input file.
Note that the calls to disk_create() need not be sequenced before any call to disk_read(), as long as:
• For every page X, every call to disk_read() that loads page X must happen after some call to disk_create() that creates page X
• For every page X, there must be at most one call to disk_create() that creates page X
The constraints above allow the for lazy creation of pages on disk, which will be required in exercise 4.
Getting a message that ends with an exclamation mark, like in the example below, usually indicates a bug in your OS implementation or that an incorrectly formatted input command is supplied to the runner.
disk_read(): OS tried to load a page that is not on the disk!
2.2 Exercise 2
In this exercise, you will build on your code for exercise 1 to implement writing pages from RAM to the disk. When the user process writes to a page, the MMU sets the ‘dirty’ bit on the relevant page table entry. You should use the dirty bit to decide whether a page must be written to disk when it is evicted from RAM. To write a page from RAM to the disk, use the disk_write() function. Take note that the page_num parameter of the disk_write() function must be the actual page index of the frame.
Your task for Exercise 2:
You should build on your solution for exercise 1, implementing the ability (in the OS) to write evicted pages to disk, and to detect a segmentation fault of the user process.
1. All requirements from exercise 1.
2. It produces the correct sequence of disk_write() and disk_read(), according to the second chance page replacement algorithm described above.
3. If the user process attempts to access a page that it does not have access to, the SIGCONT signal is raised with the proper sigval as described above.
Sample input 1 (read by the simulation environment) – ex2_sample1.in
r 0 r 1 r 2 r 3 w 0 w 2 w 4 r 1 r 5 r 0 w 3 r 1
r 2
w 4
r 3
Each line that contains a character ‘w’ followed by a page number, indicates that the user process wants to write to the specified page.
Possible output 1
disk_create(): Creating disk page 0... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 1... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 2... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 3... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 4... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 5... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 6... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 7... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 8... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 9... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 0 from disk page 0... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 1 from disk page 1... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 2 from disk page 2... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 3 from disk page 3... OK. disk_write(): Writing frame 0 to disk page 0... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 0 from disk page 4... OK. disk_write(): Writing frame 2 to disk page 2... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 2 from disk page 5... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 3 from disk page 0... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 1 from disk page 3... OK. disk_write(): Writing frame 0 to disk page 4... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 0 from disk page 1... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 2 from disk page 2... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 3 from disk page 4... OK. Runner: Child terminated normally with status 0.
Sample input/output 2 shows how segmentation fault is handled:
Sample input 2 (read by the simulation environment) – ex2_sample2.in
r 0 r 1 r 2 r 3 r * 8 r * 9 w * 10 r 4
The ‘*’ (asterisk) character is included when reading and writing pages that are not mapped to the user process. These instructions are expected to cause a segmentation fault for the user process. While the input format would already have been semantically unambiguous without the use of the asterisk, mandating the asterisk for unmapped pages makes it easier to catch errors in the input file format. The runner checks that the page is indeed not mapped to the user process.
Possible output 2
disk_create(): Creating disk page 0... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 1... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 2... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 3... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 4... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 5... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 6... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 7... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 0 from disk page 0... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 1 from disk page 1... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 2 from disk page 2... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 3 from disk page 3... OK. Runner: OS detected user process segfault... OK.
Runner: OS detected user process segfault... OK. Runner: OS detected user process segfault... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 0 from disk page 4... OK. Runner: Child terminated normally with status 0.
Sample output 2 shows that OS detects a segmentation fault for each of the reads and writes on pages 8, 9, and 10. This is because only pages 0-7 are mapped and can be accessed.
2.3 Exercise 3
In this exercise, you will build on your code for exercise 2 to allow the user process to mmap/munmap memory. For simplicity, every mmap called by the user process asks for memory that is exactly one page size, and the user process does not demand that the memory is mapped to a particular virtual address. Specifically, your OS code should determine a free page to map the new memory region. If the user process tries to munmap un-allocated memory, then munmap should be ignored (no operation is done by the OS).
The OS knows that the user process is calling mmap/munmap when SIGUSR2 is sent by the MMU:
• For mmap, the integer value of the sigval union associated with the received signal is ‘-1’.
• For munmap, the integer value of the sigval union associated with the received signal is the page number that needs to be unmapped.
You need to modify the signal handling on your own to listen to SIGUSR2.
To mmap new memory, the OS does the following steps:
1. Find a page that is not mapped. Before any page is mapped using mmap, the
pages available for mapping are from initial_num_pages to
2. Create the new page on disk (map on disk), by using the disk_create API call.
3. Raise SIGCONT signal to MMU with an integer value of its sigval union set to the new mapped page.
To munmap memory, the OS does the following steps:
1. Determine the page that needs to be unmapped by reading the integer value of the sigval union.
2. If currently mapped to a frame, the page should be marked as invalid.
3. Delete the page from disk using disk_delete API call.
4. Raise SIGCONT signal to MMU (integer value of its sigval union is not important).
Note that the user process is allowed to munmap from the initial set of pages created at the start of execution.
Similar to ex2, OS should give a segmentation fault if the user process is trying to access unmapped memory. But you need to check for both initially allocated pages and mapped pages using mmap.
Your task for Exercise 3:
1. All requirements from exercise 2.
2. It waits for mmap/munmap by listening to SIGUSR2.
3. It executes mmap requests properly by choosing an available page, which can then be used by read/write operations.
4. It executes munmap requests properly, and subsequent read/write operations to the unmapped page raise a segmentation fault correctly.
o If the user process attempts to munmap a page that was not mapped, no operation is performed and execution of the user process resumes.
Remember that in all situations you have to raise SIGCONT signal to MMU.
Sample input (read by the simulation environment) – ex3_sample1.in
5 r 2 r 1 r 0 m 10 r 10
r 3 w 10
w 1 w 0 r 4
r 2 r 1 u 10 m 11 r 0 w 11
u 11
u * 16 r 2 r 3
Each line that contains a character ‘m’/‘u’ followed by an identifier, indicates that the user process wants respectively to mmap/munmap the specified memory identifier. This identifier is solely for the purposes of parsing the input file, and is never sent to the OS. Note that the identifier is NOT equivalent to the page number that should be mapped/unmapped. In the sample input above, the use of ‘10’ as an identifier means that the page mapped at “m 10” is the same page read at “r 10”, the same page written to at “w 10”, and the same page unmapped at “u 10”. The OS has the freedom to decide where to mmap the new page to – in the output below, the OS decided to map the new page at index 5. The runner internally maintains a mapping between the identifiers and the page numbers in the OS.
Possible output
disk_create(): Creating disk page 0... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 1... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 2... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 3... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 4... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 0 from disk page 2... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 1 from disk page 1... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 2 from disk page 0... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 5... OK. Runner: mmap operation OK, OS mapped page 5.
disk_read(): Loading frame 3 from disk page 5... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 0 from disk page 3... OK. disk_write(): Writing frame 1 to disk page 1... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 1 from disk page 4... OK. disk_write(): Writing frame 2 to disk page 0... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 2 from disk page 2... OK. disk_write(): Writing frame 3 to disk page 5... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 3 from disk page 1... OK. disk_delete(): Deleting disk page 5... OK. Runner: munmap operation OK, OS unmapped page 5. disk_create(): Creating disk page 5... OK. Runner: mmap operation OK, OS mapped page 5.
disk_read(): Loading frame 0 from disk page 0... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 1 from disk page 5... OK. disk_delete(): Deleting disk page 5... OK.
Runner: munmap operation OK, OS unmapped page 5.
Runner: munmap operation OK, OS did not unmap any page because page 16 was already unmapped. disk_read(): Loading frame 3 from disk page 3... OK.
Runner: Child terminated normally with status 0.
2.4 Exercise 4
In this exercise, you will implement commit-on-write behaviour for memory, in addition to all requirements for ex3. Specifically, a page should be created on disk only when the first read or write is done on it (i.e. lazy creation of pages on disk). The output for this exercise should show disk_create() operations taking place just before the first disk_read() or disk_write() on that page (instead of in the beginning of the execution or during an mmap operation).
For the input in exercise 3, this is a possible output:
Possible output
disk_create(): Creating disk page 2... OK.
disk_read(): Loading frame 0 from disk page 2... OK. disk_create(): Creating disk page 1... OK.
disk_read(): Loading frame 1 from disk page 1... OK.
disk_create(): Creating disk page 0... OK.
disk_read(): Loading frame 2 from disk page 0... OK. Runner: mmap operation OK, OS mapped page 5. disk_create(): Creating disk page 5... OK.
disk_read(): Loading frame 3 from disk page 5... OK.
disk_create(): Creating disk page 3... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 0 from disk page 3... OK. disk_write(): Writing frame 1 to disk page 1... OK.
disk_create(): Creating disk page 4... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 1 from disk page 4... OK. disk_write(): Writing frame 2 to disk page 0... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 2 from disk page 2... OK. disk_write(): Writing frame 3 to disk page 5... OK. disk_read(): Loading frame 3 from disk page 1... OK. disk_delete(): Deleting disk page 5... OK. Runner: munmap operation OK, OS unmapped page 5.
Runner: mmap operation OK, OS mapped page 5.
disk_read(): Loading frame 0 from disk page 0... OK.
disk_create(): Creating disk page 5... OK.
disk_read(): Loading frame 1 from disk page 5... OK. disk_delete(): Deleting disk page 5... OK.
Runner: munmap operation OK, OS unmapped page 5.
Runner: munmap operation OK, OS did not unmap any page because page 16 was already unmapped. disk_read(): Loading frame 3 from disk page 3... OK.
Runner: Child terminated normally with status 0.
In the output above, each page is only created on disk just before the first read or write to that page.
Section 3. Submission
Zip the following files as E0123456.zip (use your NUSNET id, NOT your student no
A012…B, and use capital 'E' as prefix):
a. ex1.c
b. ex2.c
c. ex3.c
d. ex4.c
Do not add additional folder structure during zipping, e.g. do not place the above in a "lab4" subfolder etc.
Please ensure you follow the instructions carefully (output format, how to zip the files etc). Deviations will be penalized.