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CS2094D Assignment-4 Solution

Naming Conventions for Submission
Submit a single ZIP (.zip) file (do not submit in any other archived formats like .rar or .tar.gz).
The name of this file must be ASSG<NUMBER>_<ROLLNO>_<FIRSTNAME>.zip. (For example: DO NOT add any other files (like temporary files, inputfiles, etc.) except your source code, into the zip archive. The source codes must be named as ASSG<NUMBER>_<ROLLNO>_<FIRSTNAME>_<PROGRAM-NO>.<extension>.
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Standard of Conduct
self-balancing Binary Search Tree (BST) where every node obeys the following rules.
1) Every node is colored either red or black.
2) Root of the tree is always black.
3) There are no two adjacent red nodes (A red node cannot have a red parent or red child).
4) For each node, the number of black nodes from itself to any leaf in the subtree rooted at that node is the same.

Your program should include the following functions and should run in linear time.

isRedBlack(struct node* root) : returns 1 if the tree is an Red-Black tree otherwise 0.

Input format:
A single line containing a string containing the parenthesis representation of a tree. Note that, in addition to the normal parenthesis representation, the key is followed by one of the characters R/B specifying the color of the node specified after the key, followed by a single space.

Output Format:
Print 1 if the tree is a Red-Black tree; otherwise, print 0.

Sample Input and Output

( 33 B ( 13 R ( 11 B ( ) ( ) ) ( 21 B ( 15 R ( ) ( ) ) ( 31 R ( ) ( ) ) ) ) ( 53 B ( 41 B ( ) ( ) ) ( 61 R ( ) ( ) ) ) )


( 33 B ( 13 R ( 11 B ( ) ( ) ) ( 21 B ( 15 R ( ) ( ) ) ( 31 R ( ) ( ) ) ) ) ( 53 B ( 41 R ( ) ( ) ) ( 61 R ( ) ( ) ) ) )


to create a Red Black Tree from the given input. Your program should
include the following function.

insertRedBlack(struct node* root, key) : Inserts a new node with the ‘key’ into the tree and prints parenthesized representation (with corresponding colors) of the created red-black tree.

Input format:
Every line of the input contains a positive integer “key” : Call function insertRedBlack(root, key)

Output Format:
For each line of the input, the corresponding line of the output should contain the parenthesis representation (key value followed by color) of the current tree.

Sample Input Output
25 ( 25 B ( ) ( ) ) 18 ( 25 B ( 18 R ( ) ( ) ) ( ) ) 34 ( 25 B ( 18 R ( ) ( ) ) ( 34 R ( ) ( ) ) ) 30 ( 25 B ( 18 B ( ) ( ) ) ( 34 B ( 30 R ( ) ( ) )
( ) ) ) 36 ( 25 B ( 18 B ( ) ( ) ) ( 34 B ( 30 R ( ) ( ) )
( 36 R ( ) ( ) ) ) ) 28 ( 25 B ( 18 B ( ) ( ) ) ( 34 R ( 30 B ( 28 R (
) ( ) ) ( ) ) ( 36 B ( ) ( ) ) ) ) 29 ( 25 B ( 18 B ( ) ( ) ) ( 34 R ( 29 B ( 28 R (
) ( ) ) ( 30 R ( ) ( ) ) ) ( 36 B ( ) ( ) ) ) )

that implements the disjoint-set data structure using rooted forests. Also,
write functions to implement the ranked union and path compression heuristics on your data structure, and compute the efficiency of the disjoint set data structure find operation by applying neither, either or both of the heuristics, by counting the total number of data accesses performed over the course of the program.

Your program must support the following functions:

makeset(x ) : creates a singleton set with element x .
find(x ) : finds the representative of the set containing the element x .

Note that looking up an element in the data structure must be done in O(1) time.

Input format

The input consists of multiple lines, each one containing a character from {'m', 'f', 'u', 's'} followed by zero, one or two integers. The integer(s), if given, is in the range 0 to 10000.

● Call the function makeset(x ) if the input line contains the character 'm' followed by an integer x . Print “PRESENT” if x is already present in some set, and the value of x, otherwise.

● Call the function find(x ) if the input line contains the character 'f' followed by an integer x. If x is found, output the value of the representative of the set containing the element x, and “NOT FOUND”, otherwise.

● If the input line contains the character 's', print the number of data accesses performed by the find commands by each of the data structures over the course of the program and terminate.

Output format

The output consists of multiple lines of space-separated columns. The columns correspond to the following disjoint-set data structures:

a. with neither ranked union nor path compression applied.
b. with only ranked union applied.
c. with only path compression applied.
d. with both ranked union and path compression applied.

Each line in the output contains the output of the corresponding line in the input, after applying to the respective data structures. The final line of the output contains the number of data accesses performed by the find commands by each of the data structures over the course of the program

Sample Input Sample Output
m 1 1
m 2 2
m 3 3
m 4 4
m 5 5
m 6 6
m 7 7
m 8 8
m 9 9
u 1 2 1 1 1 1
u 3 4 3 3 3 3
u 5 6 5 5 5 5
u 7 8 7 7 7 7
u 9 8 9 7 9 7
u 6 8 5 5 5 5
u 4 8 3 5 3 5
u 2 8 1 5 1 5
f 9 1 5 1 5
m 10 10
u 10 9 10 5 10 5
s 38 32 33 30
4. Write a menu driven program to implement the strict version of binomial min-heap; that is, after any operation, no two trees in the heap should have the same rank. Your program must implement the following functions.

MAKE-HEAP(): Create and return a new heap containing no elements.
INSERT(H, x ): Insert node x into heap H .
MINIMUM(H ): Return the value of the smallest key in the heap H . The function should run in O(1) time, in the worst case.
UNION(H1, H2): Create and return a new heap that contains all the nodes of heaps H1 and H2 . Heaps H1 and H2 are “destroyed” by this operation.
EXTRACT-MIN(H ): Remove the node from heap H whose key is minimum and return a pointer to the node.
DECREASE-KEY(H, x, k): If node x ’s key is at least k , decrease the value of its key by k. Otherwise, print -1.
DELETE(H, x ): Delete node x from heap H .
Additionally, the program should maintain an array A (in the main function) to hold pointers to the nodes in the heap, as detailed in the input format section below.
Input Format
The first line of the input contains a single integer n , the size of the array A.
Each of the following lines contains a string from the set {‘insr’, ‘min’, ‘extr’, ‘decr’, ‘del’, ‘tc’, ‘stop’}, followed by zero, one or two integers, as specified below.

insr j k
min - If A[j] is not pointing to any node in the heap, then insert a new node with key ‘k’ into the heap and add a pointer from A[j] to the new node.
- Print the value of the smallest key in the heap.
extr - Print the value of the smallest key in the heap and delete the node containing this key.
decr j k del j tc - If A[j] is pointing to a node with key at least k, decrease the key by k. - Print the key of the node pointed to by A[j] and delete the node. - Print the number of trees currently in the heap.
stop - Terminate the program.

Output Format
If an operation cannot be performed, print -1.

Sample Input and Output
10 insr 0 10 insr 2 20 insr 5 30 insr 1 40 insr 3 50 extr insr 0 60 decr 3 45 extr tc min del 5



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