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CS2093D Assignment 1 Solution

Write an assembly language program to:
1. Input three numbers and if one is equal to the sum of the other two numbers print the number.
2. To read two distinct numbers and display the even numbers between the numbers.
3. To implement a calculator that performs the following operations as illustrated in the example:
i. Addition (Example: Input 86,13 Output: 8613) ii. Subtraction (Example: Input 86,13 Output: 6831) iii. Multiplication (Example: Input 86,13 Output: 1386) iv. Division (Example: Input 86,13 Output: 7380[Hint: 1380+6000])
4. To find the greatest among 3 two digit numbers.
5. To enter a three digit number and check if it is palindrome or not.
6. To enter a two digit number and check if it is a prime number or not.
7. To find LCM of 2 two digit numbers.
8. To find factors of a two digit number.
9. To find sum of all natural numbers from 1 to an entered number.
10. Input the sides of a rectangle and find the area and perimeter of it.

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