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CS2092D Assignment – 2 Solution

1. Write a program to read two integers and find the GCD of the two integers (the largest integer that divides each of the integers) using recursion.
Input format:
 Input contains two integers separated by a single space.
Output format:
 The output is the integer which is the GCD of two integers.
 As GCD(0,0) is undefined, at most one of the input integers can be zero. If both integers are 0, print -1.
Sample Input1: 366 60
Sample Output 1: 6
Sample Input 2: -10 15
Sample Output 2: 5
Sample Input 3: 0 15
Sample Output 3: 15
Sample Input 4: 0 0
Sample Output 4: -1
2. Write a program to print the factorial of a given integer n, using recursion.
Input format: Input contains an integer n ∈ [0, 20] for which the factorial is to be found.
Output format: The output is the factorial of the given number n.
Sample Input: 5
Sample Output: 120

3. Write a program that reads an array A of n integers in the ascending order and check whether a given integer x is present in the array using recursive binary search. Assume that the array index starts from 0. If the element x is present in the array, print the position of the element in the array. If the element x presents more than once in the array then print the first occurrence of the element in the array. Otherwise, print -1.
Input format:
 The first line of the input contains an integer n ∈ [0, 109], the size of an array A.
 The second line contains n, space-separated integers in the range [−1000, 1000]. These elements form the array A.
 The third line contains an integer x ∈ [−1000, 1000] to be searched in the array.
Output format:
 If x is present in A, print the index of x in A.
 If x is not present in A, print −1.
Sample Input 1:
12 35 50 59 60 73 90
Sample Output 1:
Sample Input 2:
12 35 50 59 60 73 90
Sample Output 2:
4. An array is bitonic if it consists of an increasing sequence of integers followed immediately by a decreasing sequence of integers. Given a bitonic array A of n distinct integers, write a program to check whether the given integer x is in the array (by modifying the binary search). Assume that the array index starts from 0 and the array contains distinct elements. If x is present in A, print the index of x in A. Otherwise print 1.
Input format:
 The first line of the input contains an integer n ∈ [0, 10000], the size of an array A.
 The second line contains n, space-separated integers in the range [−1000, 1000]. These elements form the array A.
 The third line contains an integer x ∈ [−1000, 1000] to be searched in the array.
Output format:
 If x is present in A, print the index of x in A.
 If x is not present in A, print −1.
Sample Input 1:
12 35 59 90 73 60 50
Sample Output 1:
Sample Input 2:
12 35 59 90 73 60 50
Sample Output 2:
5. Write a program that contains a main() function and a recursive function reverse(). The reverse() function should take as input a positive integer in the range [0, 1000000] and return an integer obtained by reversing the input integer. The main() function should read the input and print the output obtained from the reverse() function.
Input format: Input is an integer n ∈ [0, 100000] for which the reversed number is to be found.
Output format: The output is the reversed number.
Sample Input : 98765
Sample Output: 56789
6. Write a program to print first n Fibonacci numbers using Recursion.
Input format: Input is an integer n ∈ [0, 20].
Output format: The output is a series of numbers separated by single space.
Sample Input 1:
Sample Output 1:
0 1
Sample Input 2 : 10
Sample Output 2:
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34

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