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CS2050 Homework 3-ArrayList Solution

Using the ArrayList implementation discussed in class, finish the 3 TO-DOs.
Method contains should return true if the given value is in the array list (false otherwise). Since the elements of the array are object, make sure that you compare them using the equals method (don't use the equality operator). Referece variables should be compared by structure using equals.
Method reverse should do what its name suggests: reverse the order of the elements in the array list. For example, if the array list contains "1 4 10 5 8" then after a call to reverse the array should have the same elements but in the order "8 5 10 4 1". You solution should NOT create a new static array (instead it should swap elements from outside to inside). For example: 1<->8 and 4<->5.
Method clear should recreate the array list (with its initial capacity), essentially wiping out all of its elements.
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