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CS2050 Homework 6-Sorting Objects Solution

Although the sorting algorithms discussed in class all used collection of numbers, any type of objects can also be sorted. For that to be possible, there should be a way to determine how 2 given objects should be compared. Java has an interface called Comparable that defines the following method: public int compareTo(Object other); compareTo should be overriden by the user-defined class in the following way:
a.compareTo(b) returns < 0 if a < b a.compareto(b) returns 0 if a = b a.compareTo(b) return > 0 if a > b
In this assignment you are asked to override compareTo in InstagramUser. Then adapt quick sort so it would work with an array of objects. Follow the TO-DOs in the given source code and submit InstagramUser class when you are done.

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