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CS204-Homework 9 GUI Application Solved

In this homework you’re expected to develop a graphical user interface (GUI) based application in C++ using Qt Framework and QtCreator IDE. You are expected to develop a simple Book Store application where one can search for a book, see its writer, publisher, stock values. The application’s windows should be similar to the images below. 


You are given a txt file named `booklist.txt` which you will be using as an input file. When you run the program, you will read the file and fill the table in the main window. With the radio buttons at the top left, you will be able to filter the books by their types.  


You will also have 4 Labels 3 LineEdits and a PushButon. Once the Search button is clicked, you will also filter the books in the table according to search criteria.  

You will also have a second tab named ‘About’ which is given in the image below. Change the name and email with yours.









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