In this homework, you are asked to implement a simple program using inheritance and polymorphism as described in the lectures. In this homework, you will be writing a base class called Human which is inherited by two classes: Muggle, Wizardkind. And Wizardkind class is also inherited by two other classes called: Student, GrownUp. The derived classes inherit the functions of their bases classes and also add new member variables and functions. The functions and variables the classes have is illustrated in the following diagram.
Class Definitions
1- Human
a. Has two member variables: name and age.
b. Has a function named: printInfo, which prints the name, age information of a human.
2- Muggle
a. Has a member variable: job.
b. Has printInfo function implemented to print job alongside name and age.
3- Wizardkind
a. Has a member variable: wand.
b. Has printInfo function implemented to print wand alongside name and age.
c. Has another function, called doSpell which takes a string parameter which is the spell to cast.
4- Student
a. Has two more member variables: pet, houseName.
b. Has printInfo function implemented to print pet and houseName alongside name, age and wand.
c. Has another function called feedPet, which prints a corresponding message.
i. Examle: “Harry Potter fed Hedwig.”
5- GrownUp
a. Has one additional member variable: job.
b. Has printInfo function implemented to print job alongside name, age and wand.
Sample Main
You can use the main function provided below to test your program and compare the output of yours’ with the given output.
int main(){
Muggle vernon("Vernon Dursley", 50, "Director at Grunnings"); vernon.printInfo();
cout << endl;
Student Harry("Harry Potter", 16, "Phoenix Feather", "Hedwig", "Gryffindor"); Harry.printInfo();
cout << endl;
GrownUp Dumbledore("Albus Dumbledore", 110, "Elder Wand", "Headmaster");
cout << endl;
Dumbledore.doSpell("Expecto Patronum");
cout << endl;
cout << endl; Harry.feedPet();
cout << endl;
Student Ginny("Ginny Weasley", 15, "Yew wood", "Arnold", "Gryffindor");
GrownUp Snape("Severus Snape", 35, "Dragon Heartstring", "Potion Master");
Student Hermione("Hermione Granger", 16, "Vine", "Crookshanks", "Gryffindor");
Human hArray[6];
hArray[0] = vernon; hArray[1] = Harry; hArray[2] = Dumbledore; hArray[3] = Ginny; hArray[4] = Snape;
hArray[5] = Hermione;
Human * hPtr; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
cout << endl; hPtr = &hArray[i]; hPtr-printInfo();
cout << endl;
return 0;
Muggle Informations
Name: Vernon Dursley
Age: 50
Job: Director at Grunnings
Student Wizardkind Informations
Name: Harry Potter
Age: 16
House: Gryffindor
Wand: Phoenix Feather
Pet: Hedwig
Grownup Wizardkind Informations
Name: Albus Dumbledore
Age: 110
Wand: Elder Wand
Job: Headmaster
Albus Dumbledore used spell: Expecto Patronum
Harry Potter used spell: Expelliarmus
Harry Potter fed Hedwig
Human informations
Name: Vernon Dursley
Age: 50
Human informations
Name: Harry Potter
Age: 16
Human informations
Name: Albus Dumbledore
Age: 110
Human informations
Name: Ginny Weasley
Age: 15
Human informations
Name: Severus Snape
Age: 35
Human informations
Name: Hermione Granger
Age: 16
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