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CS201-Homework 1 Solved

Description: In this assignment you will write a C++ program that finds the kth largest number among a set of N numbers. It will implement the solution using two different algorithms and measure the time elapsed during the execution of these algorithms. The design of the program will follow the Strategy Pattern [1] to be able to switch algorithms at runtime. As input, the program will take the type of algorithm to be applied (1 or 2), k (a number less than or equal to N). Then it will take N followed by a list of N numbers. All these input values will be obtained from an input file. As output, it will print out the kth largest number and the total elapsed time for the completion of the algorithm. The details are provided in the following sections.


1)  The Design

The program will be composed of four classes and a main function as depicted below:


The main function will create an object of type TestBed and it will first consume two inputs (i.e., via the cin command as explained later in Section 5) to obtain; i) the type of the algorithm (can be either 1 or 2), and ii) k. It will set up the test bed accordingly, using the setAlgorithm method. At the end of the main function, the TestBed object should be deleted.


TestBed class has a member pointer variable, *algorithm of type SelectionAlgorithm. The setAlgorithm method is supposed to initialize this pointer by creating an object of the class AlgorithmSortAll or AlgorithmSortK depending on the chosen algorithm type (1 or 2, respectively). The execute() method calls the select() method (i.e., the call is made as “algorithm->select()”, while the actual method being called depends on the active object instance). This method also measures the time elapsed during the execution of the select() method and prints the result. The destructor of this class should free the resources by deleting the object pointed by *algorithm.


SelectionAlgorithm is an abstract class that is not directly used. It has a protected member variable k, which is initialized by the constructor. The select() method is actually implemented by the subclasses of the SelectionAlgorithm class (i.e., it should be declared as virtual). The method takes N, and then a total of N numbers via the cin command (these values are not provided as arguments) and prints out the kth largest element. The constructors of the subclasses of the SelectionAlgorithm class directly call the constructor of their superclass.


You can make minor modifications to these design guidelines if you like, e.g., having additional methods, member variables, arguments, etc. However, the overall design should conform to the provided guidelines.


2)  The Algorithms

The program will implement the following two algorithms in the corresponding subclasses of the SelectionAlgorithm class:


Algorithm 1 (AlgorithmSortAll): 

Store all the numbers in an array;
Sort the array in decreasing order, e.g., using insertion sort; ◼ return the number at index k-1 in the array.

Algorithm 2 (AlgorithmSortK): 

Store only the first k numbers in an array;
Sort the array in decreasing order, e.g., using insertion sort;
Read the rest of the numbers one by one;
Ignore if it is smaller than the number at kth position in the array
Otherwise; insert it in its correct position in the array and shift the remaining numbers (the number at the kth position will be thrown out of the array)
Return the number at index k-1 in the array.
3)  Input

The program basically takes N +3 numbers as input; first, the algorithm type, second, k, third, N, and then a total of N numbers. The program will consume all the inputs from a text file, which contains all the parameters and numbers, each separated by a new line. For example, the contents of the data.txt file could be like the following:











For this example input file, the algorithm type will be 1 (AlgorithmSortAll). The program should find the 3rd largest element among a list of 5 numbers. These numbers are 234, 321, 324, 23, and 43. See Section 5 for detailed instructions regarding how to read such input numbers from a file.



4)  Expected output

The program should print out the kth largest number and the total elapsed time as in the following:



Result: 234

Duration(sec): 2



5)  Testing your program

You have to read the test inputs from a file. The content of the file should conform to the rules described in Section 3. This file should be located in the same folder as the executable program and the name of the file should be provided by executing the program on the console/terminal with the following format:


main.exe data.txt


In this example, the name of the executable program is main.exe and all the test inputs as listed in Section 3 are included in a text file named data.txt, which is located in the same folder as main.exe.


Your main function should be implemented as in the following to be able to parse the file and obtain its contents via the cin command.


#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <fstream>  ...

using namespace std;


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {


string testfile;


if (argc < 2) {        cout << "Enter a test file name:" << endl;

cin >> testfile;


else {

testfile = argv[1];



ifstream file(testfile.c_str());    if (file.is_open()) {



else {

cout << "Error: cannot read the test file!" << endl;

return -1;



int algorithmType = 0;

int k = 0;


// Numbers are obtained from the file line by line with cin cin >> algorithmType;

cin >> k;


// Create a TestBed object, initialize and execute the algorithm ...


return 0;



To test your program, you will be provided 5 test cases in the form of text files. Listed below are the name of the text files and the corresponding results expected.


Test input file name 
Expected result 

You will also be provided a program that automatically generates test input for your program. The source code of this program (testInputGenerator.cpp) will be available so that you can compile it for different platforms, e.g., Windows, Mac-OS, Linux, etc. and obtain an executable program (i.e., testInputGenerator.exe). You can run this program on the console/terminal with the following format:


testInputGenerator.exe algorithm_type k N number_range > data.txt


Hereby, you need to provide concrete values for the command parameters as highlighted with bold fonts. For instance, if you run the program as follows, then you will find the data.txt file in the same directory, which includes 1, 3, 5, in the first three lines, followed by 5 numbers that are randomly selected between 0 and 400.


testInputGenerator.exe 1 3 5 400 > data.txt

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