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CS1632-Assignment 3 Solved

For this assignment, you will write systems-level, automated
black-box tests for a web app using the Selenium IDE. 

## Task 1: Write test cases

Write a test case for each requirement listed in
[](  Name each test case same as the
requirement name.  Again, this is important for the purposes of GradeScope
autograding.  Specifically, write the following test scenarios:

FUN-WELCOME - Test that the homepage displays the quote "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.", and below it the author "- Brian W. Kernighan".

FUN-LINKS - Test that the first link "CS1632 D3 Home" is linked to "/".

FUN-FACT - Test that the factorial page ("/fact") displays the string "Factorial of 5 is 120!" upon pressing submit with the value "5".

FUN-FIB - Test that the Fibonacci page ("/fib") displays the string "Fibonacci of 5 is 5!" upon pressing submit with the value "5".

FUN-INVALID-VALUE - Test that the Fibonacci page ("/fib") displays the string "Fibonacci of -100 is 1!" upon pressing submit with the value "-100".

FUN-HELLO - Test that accessing the hello page ("/hello") with no trailing values in the URL displays the message "Hello CS1632, from Dr. Ahn!".

FUN-HELLO-TRAILING - Test that accessing "/hello/Jazzy" displays the message "Hello CS1632, from Jazzy!".

FUN-CATHY - Test that the Cathedral page ("/cathy") displays exactly three images in a numbered list.

## Task 2: Find three defects and write test cases for them

This is another buggy product.  You should find at least three defects and
report them using the standard defect template (just like in the first
deliverable).  You may want to do some exploratory testing first to see what
kind of issues are found before writing automated tests for them.  Think of
equivalence classes, edge cases and corner cases as we learned so far.

Next, write three additional test cases that fail and uncover those three
defects.  Name these test cases in this format: DEFECT[N]-[Requirement Name],
where N is 1, 2, or 3.  For example,  if you found 2 defects related to the
FUN-WELCOME requirement and 1 defect related to the FUN-CATHY requirement, you
will name them:


Again, normally you wouldn't name them this way since there is no separate
category of tests that are meant to detect defects.  All tests are meant to
detect defects!  But this is only for ease of grading on GradeScope.

## Task 3: Add test cases to test suite and save project

1. Choose "Test Suites" from the left panel drop down menu.

1. There will already be a "Default Suite" there with possibly one or more tests.

1. Right click on "Default Suite", or click on the vertical-3-dot context menu button, and select "Rename" and rename to "D3".

1. Right click on "D3", or click on the vertical-3-dot context menu button, and
   select "Add tests".  Make sure all tests are checked.  Press the "Select"

1. Click on the "Save project" button on the top right corner that looks like a
   floppy disk.  Save to file name "D3.side" in the deliverable root folder.

## Task 4: Export test suite to JUnit class

Once you are done writing your Selenium test suite, let's try exporting the test
suite in Selenium IDE to a Java JUnit test class.  

Follow these instructions:

1. Right click on "D3", or click on the vertical-3-dot context menu
   button, and select "Export".

1. Select "Java JUnit" in the list of language options and optionally check
   "Include step descriptions as a separate comment" to generate more detailed
comments.  Leave other boxes unchecked.

1. Save the resulting file into "".

You can now run the D3Test JUnit class using the provided
[]( using one of the following scripts:

* If you are running Windows:
   cd Windows
* If you are running Mac:
   cd Mac
* If you are running Linux:
   cd Linux

Make sure all tests pass by looking at the TestRunner result.  If there are any
failures, slightly touch up the Selenium tests to make them pass.
Although Selenium IDE usually does a good job in the translation

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