Create the following programs in separate files. Make sure to comment both files, using
multiline comments to document the file and single line comments to document the various
“sections” of code within the file. The multiline comments should include your name, email
address, assignment info, such as Lab 1a, and a brief description of the program. You should
have single line comments identifying the start of each “major” part, such as the house, door,
roof, tree, and such in part 2. Blank lines between the set of commands for each major part can
make it easier to read your code. I’ve demonstrated comments and blank line between parts in
the example posted to Bb. And remember, too many comments are as bad (and sometimes
worse) than no comments as all.
Part 1:
Use SimpleGraphics to write a program to draw a simple face. Choose whatever colors and sizes
you wish, but it should include at least two eyes, one nose and a mouth.
Hints: Sometimes a graphics library does not have the exact shape that you will need. Using a
combinations of shapes that overlap will get you the effect you need. There are also additional
graphics commands available other than those mentioned in class, such as blob, that might be
Name this file Lab1aABC.py, where ABC are your initials. My file would be called Lab1aTLS.py.
Part 2
Use SimpleGraphics to draw a house. Draw a simple house with a door, a window or two, and a
tree. Set the background color and add the “ground.” And put a sun in one corner, we’ll revisit
that later.
You won’t be graded on artistic content, but try. Don’t be afraid to use colors, it’s expected
that you will use a variety of colors in both parts of the lab.
Name this file Lab1bABC.py, where ABC are your initials. My file would be called Lab1bTLS.py.
Upload your files into Blackboard. You do not need to upload SimpleGraphics.
Ask, sooner rather than later.