I attended the career fair and the first thing I noticed was that I was very underdressed. I understood it’s a formal event, but I was still a little surprised. As I went in, I talked with NAVSEA Warfare Centers. They help with the cyber defense of naval ships along with many other things. I also met with RIGHT SYSTEMS INC they are in the IT world. They help companies implement the IT infrastructure they want.
• Understanding the problem
• Program Design
I will handle bad input whenever there is user input.
Also I forgot to add this into the flowchart but after I ask the user to choose integration I ask for the user to input the values for a,b,n. And when I call the integration function it’ll bring those values as well. Then after the user chooses summation, I ask the user to input the values for a and b and when the summation function is called I bring the values of a and b.