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CS160- Assignment 1 Solved


TA Questions

1.     What made you go into Computer Science?

2.     Are you a part of any technical CS clubs?

3.     If so do you believe it’s helped you become a better computer scientist?  In what way?

4.     What’s your best advice for working in a team in CS?

5.     Have you been on an internship?

6.      If so what’d you learn from the experience?

7.     What has your overall experience been like with professors in CS? (Generally good, generally bad?)

8.     What strategies have you used to stay on top of your schoolwork?

9.     What do you think is the best part of the CS department at Oregon State?

10.   Have you been a part of any research opportunities in CS at Oregon State?



How do you define computer science?

Computer science is the field of study that investigates concepts of computers. In both hardware and the software side of computers. I came to this definition by looking at TechTerms and they defined it as “Computer science is the study of computers and computing concepts. It includes both hardware and software, as well as networking and the Internet [1].” I also came to this definition by looking at techopedia. They defined computer science as “…the study of both computer hardware and software design. It encompasses both the study of theoretical algorithms and the practical problems involved in implementing them through computer hardware and software [2].” To really make sure my definition was similar to others I check one more source which was the department of computer science at the University of Maryland. They defined computer science as “Computer Science is the study of computers and computational systems. Unlike electrical and computer engineers, computer scientists deal mostly with software and software systems; this includes their theory, design, development, and application [3].”

What is computational thinking?

Computational thinking is the thought process in which one solves problems for computer applications. I came to this definition by looking at googles course on computational thinking. They stated “Computational Thinking (CT) is a problem solving process that includes a number of characteristics and dispositions. CT is essential to the development of computer applications … [4].” I also looked at technical report by Jeannette M Wing. In it she states “Computational Thinking is the thought processes involved in formulating problems and their solutions so that the solutions are represented in a form that can be effectively carried out by an information-processing agent [5].” I also looked at a YouTube video defining computational thinking. They defined it as “The thought processes involved in formulating a problem and expressing solutions in such a way that a computer can effectively carry out [6].”



Works Cited Page

[1] TechTerms. August 22, 2014. Computer Science. Retrieved September 26 2019 from

[2] techopedia. Computer Science. Retrieved September 26 2019 from

[3] University of Maryland. What is Computer Science? Retrieved September 26 2019 from

[4] Google. What is computational thinking? Retrieved September 26 2019 from

[5] Jeannette M Wing. November 17 2010. Computational Thinking: What and Why? Retrieved September 26 2019 from

[6] The AudioPedia. 2017.  What is COMPUTATIONAL THINKING? What does COMPUTATIONAL THINKING mean? (November 5 2017). Retrieved September 27, 2019 from



Why are you studying computer science?

I’m studying computer science because it’s given me a desire to learn more about the field in a way I’ve never felt in other subjects. I wish I knew about computer science earlier in my life. In hindsight I probably should’ve known that I wanted to go into computer science. I enjoy math in the aspect that I love solving problems especially when you get the eureka moment when you finally understand how to solve a problem. Computer Science opens door to many different fields and I believe it’ll give me the ability to change the world for the better.


Do you know how to convert back and forth between binary, decimal, octal, and hexadecimal?

When I took APCS last year in High School the online course covered binary and octal and hexadecimal in a brief and quick unit and back then I was confused so now being months later I don’t believe I can. Then with decimal I’m not sure exactly what you mean so I’m going to say no I do not.





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