Write a function called treeTop that prints the top of a tree. It should take no parameters and return void. Write a second function called treeTrunk that prints the trunk of a tree. It should take one integer as a parameter for height (how many lines tall the trunk is), and also have a return type of void. Finally, create a function called drawTrees that takes two integer parameters, one for height and one for the number of trees to draw. drawTrees should use treeTop and treeTrunk. Have the user enter the height of the trees (same for all) and number of trees to draw. Note: The backslash symbol is used for certain special characters in strings in C++, such as
(new line) and (tab), as such, to actually draw a single backslash you need two consecutive backslashes \ in your string. Test cases: Test case 1: Enter tree height: <2> Enter number of trees: <3> ^ / / /____ | | | | ^ / / /____ | | | | ^ / / /____ | | | | Test case 2: Enter tree height: <5> Enter number of trees: <1> ^ / / /____ | | | | | | | | | |