For Part 2 of this project, you will write 2 functions and a short main program to process and analyze the data. You will also make use of a function that has already been written for you. You are provided with three text files, as well a Python skeleton file (Project_3_Part2.py). Your functions AND your main program (2 data files and a small test file) will go in this file, but they must be placed in specific locations using specific syntax. Read the instructions carefully.
BE AWARE: You must use NLTK where indicated. Solutions that do not use NLTK will not receive credit.
About Twitter data and Tweets
I’m sad you are leaving. I thought you were the wisest, clearest and most honest voice on the Comm…
Setup for Working with NLTK
The instructions to install and set up NLTK are in the Module 3 Main Page. Install and set up NLTK first if you have not already done so.
Keep these instructions open while you are working. As you read through them take notes – write down the steps and the important points. Most questions can be answered and common mistakes avoided by reading through the instructions thoroughly.
Construction of the Project File
All of your code will be submitted in the Project_3_Part2.py file ABOVE the line that says if __name__ == '__main__':. You will fill in your functions under the definition lines.
This shows you what a complete file looks like. Filled in code for Part 1 is shown in bold, and filled in code for Part 2 is shown in italics. Your actual code should not be in bold or italics. Your file should look something like this when you submit it. The print lines included are for demonstration purposes ONLY. They are there because we cannot fill in the actual code for you. DO NOT PUT THESE PRINT LINES OR THE FAKE FUNCTION CALL IN YOUR CODE.
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords from nltk.tokenize import TweetTokenizer
def make_tokens(text): #do not change
tt = TweetTokenizer(preserve_case=False) #do not change tokens = tt.tokenize(text) #do not change return tokens #do not change
def prune_tweet_tokens(tokens, stops = []): #do not change print('This is where your code for this function goes.')
def analyze(filename, analysis = 'frequency', stops = [], number = 10, word = ''):
print('This is where your code for this function goes.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('This is where you paste in your main program. An example function call:') fake_call_result = make_tokens('fake_file.txt')
Be sure to ask if you do not understand. An incorrectly constructed file will mean that your code will cannot be tested.
Task 1: Functions
Function already written for you
Functions for you to write
Task 1: prune_tweet_tokens(tokens, stops = [])
prune_tweet_tokens takes one required argument, tokens, which is a list of strings. We will assume that the strings in tokens are the output from using a TweetTokenizer – that is, the input to this function will always be something in the same format as what TweetTokenizer (and the make_tokens function) produces. Keep that in mind. Your function should do the following:
• Remove emojis
• Remove hashtags
• Remove mentions
• Remove punctuation, i.e. any of !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~ to start with
• Remove stopwords provided in the optional argument stops, which can be a list or set
Notice that the default value of stops is an empty list, which means by default no stopwords are removed. When you write your main program (see below) you will need to create a set of stopwords using the NLTK english stopwords as a starting point.
Here are some examples of how prune_tweet_tokens works. This is not actual code, and words like “Input tokens” should not print when your function runs.
Input tokens: ['#turtles', '#tortoise', 'rainbow', ' ', 'the', 'therapy', 'tortoise',
' ', 'we', 'took', 'rainbow', 'the', 'leopard', 'tortoise', 'to', 'visit', 'granny',
'today', '.']
stops is {'the', 'we', 'to'}
prune_tweet_tokens returns: ['rainbow', 'therapy', 'tortoise', 'took', 'rainbow',
'leopard', 'tortoise', 'visit', 'granny', 'today']
Input tokens: ['sen', '.', 'sanders', 'proposes', 'one-time', 'tax', 'that', 'would',
'cost', 'bezos', '$', '42.8', 'billion', ',', 'musk', '$', '27.5', 'billion'] Default value of stops
prune_tweet_tokens returns: ['sen', 'sanders', 'proposes', 'one-time', 'tax', 'that',
'would', 'cost', 'bezos', '42.8', 'billion', 'musk', '27.5', 'billion']
are we editing a list?
Write the whole thing in one line with list comprehension for extra credit!
Task 2: analyze(filename, analysis = 'frequency', stops = [], number = 10, word = '')
The function analyze will explore the characteristics of our text. The user can choose to get word frequency information, word context, or collocations (words that appear together).
analyze takes one required input, filename, which is a string that represents the name of a file. The optional argument analysis is a string that determines what analysis the function will perform and what it either returns or prints. The argument analysis will always be either 'frequency' , 'concordance', or 'collocations' - let’s look at the possible cases:
Case 1: analysis is 'frequency'
The function will perform a word frequency analysis. The text stored in the file represented by filename will be processed into tokens, and then stopwords, punctuation, mentions, hashtags and emojis should be removed. The stopwords to remove are indicated by the optional argument stops. The function will then compute the number most common words, and return a list of tuples containing these words and their frequencies. The optional argument number determines how many words to return. Here are two examples:
• stops are the NLTK English stopwords, number is 5, filename is 'test_file.txt' (test file provided with this project – you should open it and look at it to better understand what this function does); analyze returns:
[('tortoise', 5), ('via', 2), ('r', 2), ('rainbow', 2), ('today', 2)]
(The r is coming from a reddit mention)
• stops is the function default value (empty list), number is 10, filename is 'test_file.txt' (test file provided with this project); analyze returns:
[('tortoise', 5), ('the', 3), ('via', 2), ('r', 2), ('rainbow', 2), ('today', 2),
('must', 2), ('tootles', 1), ('otis', 1), ('and', 1)]
Don’t get hung up on the list of tuples. Review NLTK. This should be automatic if you are using the correct objects/functions from NLTK.
Case 2: analysis is 'concordance'
This function finds context (the text surrounding a word) for a word input in the optional argument word. The number of concordances (contexts) to find and print is determined by the optional argument number. In this case the function prints the concordances but returns nothing. There should not be a line that starts with return in this part of the function. Here is an example:
• word is 'tortoise' , number is 5, filename is 'test_file.txt' (test file provided with this project); analyze returns None, analyze prints:
Displaying 5 of 5 matches:
ay everyone make it a fiesta via r tortoise rainbow the therapy tortoise we to via r tortoise rainbow the therapy tortoise we took rainbow the leopard tortoi rtoise we took rainbow the leopard tortoise to visit granny today how do you f granny today how do you feel today tortoise or hare mark must must be the tort oise or hare mark must must be the tortoise of readers
Note that you should NOT have a line of code that says return None anywhere in this function, this project, or anything you do for this class. Remember also that when we analyze context we don’t remove stopwords. We will remove punctuation, emojis, mentions and hashtags. (HINT:
this is so that you can use one of your other functions for processing.)
Case 3: analysis is 'collocations'
This function finds the collocations, aka bigrams, i.e. word pairs that occur together in the text. The number of collocations to print is determined by the argument number. Here is an example:
Newer NLTK:
[('acquisition', 'corp'), ('tortoise', 'shell'), ('looks', 'like'), ('body', 'reusable'), ('reusable', 'wipes')]
Older NLTK:
['acquisition corp', 'tortoise shell', 'looks like', 'body reusable', 'reusable wipes']
These should print as strings in a list. Why? Because that’s easier for you – if you are using NLTK correctly, it will print just like this with no extra effort. If you are writing code to try to turn things into a list, something has gone wrong.
Note that you should NOT have a line of code that says return None anywhere in this function, this project, or anything you do for this class. Remember also that when we analyze collocations we don’t remove stopwords. We will remove punctuation, emojis, mentions and hashtags. (HINT: this is so that you can use one of your other functions for processing.)
Key points:
• You MUST use NLTK for the analysis. This will help you....creating a list of tuples sounds really difficult, but NLTK does that automatically. There is a function called concordance and one called collocation_list that you should use. Refer back to the readings.
• You MUST use your other functions, make_tokens and prune_tweet_tokens, to complete this function. You should not repeat code from these functions here.
• For all cases, remove punctuation, emojis, hashtags and mentions. The frequency case is the ONLY case for which you should remove stopwords.
• Notice that in the frequency case, the word argument is not used at all. In the concordance case, the stops argument should not be used at all. In the collocations case, stops and word should not be used at all.
• The only case that returns something is the frequency case. The other two cases print – they should print the output, but not print the word None.
• Make your code efficient. See what you can combine from the various cases instead of repeating the same code. Don’t include optional arguments if you are using the default values.
• The function only returns something for the frequency case. The other two cases just print something. If the word “None” prints in the concordance and collocations cases, something is wrong.
Taks Two: Main Program
For this part of the assignment you will use your functions to analyze the data in the tortoise_tweets.txt and umbrella_tweets.txt files. You will be graded on style. This means not using default arguments when possible (i.e. not specifying them in your code if you are using the default value), minimizing extraneous variables, and not having the word None print out.
• Create a list or set that contains all of the English stopwords from NLTK. This should be done using NLTK OR if you are unable to use NLTK stopwords, by reading in from the text file stopwords.txt. Use these stopwords below as needed.
• Generate and print a list of tuples containing the top 15 most frequently used words and the number of times they occur, excluding stopwords and any type of punctuation, from the umbrella_tweets.txt file. You will need to refine your stopwords or your definition of punctuation to make this happen. Part of the requirements for this part of the assignment involve this refinement so you should include the code you used to do this.
• Generate and print a list of tuples containing the top 5 most frequently used words and the number of times they occur, excluding stopwords and any type of punctuation, from the tortoise_tweets.txt file. You will need to refine your stopwords or your definition of punctuation to make this happen. Part of the requirements for this part of the assignment involve this refinement so you should include the code you used to do this.
• Generate and print 5 collocations for tortoise_tweets.txt
• Generate and print 4 concordances (words in context) for the word watch in umbrella_tweets.txt
Project_3_Part_2.pdf A PDF document containing your reflections on the project including any extra credit opportunities you chose to pursue. Also, explain the choices you made in the main program to refine your frequency distribution. You must also cite any sources you use.
This part of the project is worth 10 points.
Part 1:
- prune_tokens (3.25 pts)
- analysis (4.75 pts)
Part 2: Main Program (1.75 pts)
Writeup – 0.25 pts