For Part 1 of this project, you will write 2 functions and correct 2 functions that you will use in a short main program to process and analyze the data. You are provided with three text files, as well two Python skeleton files (Project_3.py and Project_3_Main.py). You will submit your functions in Project_3.py and your main program in Project_3_Main.py.
BE AWARE: You are not permitted to use NLTK. We will use NLTK for Project 3 Part 2.
About Twitter data and Tweets
I’m sad you are leaving. I thought you were the wisest, clearest and most honest voice on the Comm…
We will not worry about this for this part of the project.
Setup for Working with Emojis
These instructions are a duplicate of those on the Module 3 main page. If you have already installed emoji, you do not need to do it again. Part of this project entails the characterization of emojis in tweets. In order to do this you will need to install the emoji package. Open a terminal and run this command: pip install emoji Enter Y at any prompts that come up.
Testing your Code
The best way to test your code is NOT to use the large files with many tweets. Make a small text file that you can easily count the number of hashtags, emojis, and mentions in. Use that file for testing. Better....make multiple small files for testing! You have been given one file to use for testing: test_file.txt but please be aware that it does not contain every possible case.
Part 1: Extracting features
All of the code for Part 1 should be submitted in the Project_3.py file. You will fill in your functions under the definition lines.
Task 1: process_text(text, punct = '.,;:"?!.')
process_text takes one required input, a string, text. The function also takes an optional argument punct which is a string of punctuation symbols to remove. This function reformats the text to make it ready for further processing as follows:
• Since we are interested in hashtags and mentions, we will insert a space in front of every #, and in front of every @. This is not as difficult as it sounds, think of it as turning a # into a # with a space in front of it, and the same for @.
• It will also deal with punctuation. Replace dashes (hyphens -) with a space. Delete whatever punctuation is specified by the optional argument punct.
• The function returns a list that is the remaining words from the processed tweet. The function should print nothing.
Here are some examples. This is not actual code, and words like “Input text” should not print when your function runs. These examples show text that is a single tweet, but keep in mind that this function could be used on text of any length, including a whole file of tweets.
Input text: Taco trucks on every corner? Business group wants them at every polling site instead.#politics#tacos
Default value of punct
process_text returns: ['Taco', 'trucks', 'on', 'every', 'corner', 'Business', 'group', 'wants', 'them', 'at', 'every', 'polling', 'site', 'instead', '#politics', '#tacos']
Input text: 'Sen. Sanders proposes one-time tax that would cost Bezos $42.8 billion, Musk $27.5 billion' punct is '.;$'
process_text returns: ['Sen', 'Sanders', 'proposes', 'one', 'time', 'tax', 'that', 'would', 'cost', 'Bezos', '428', 'billion,', 'Musk', '275', 'billion']
Key points:
• The input text is a string. If you are reading in from a file, you are doing it wrong.
• text is a string, but in the course of the function running, it should become a list.
• Notice that we are NOT changing the case of the text. We are considering case differences as unique hashtags and mentions (so @userNAME is different from @username)
• For this project, you are not permitted to use NLTK. We will do that in the next project.
Complete this function using string/list methods and other structures you already know.
• There are different characters for hyphens – sometimes the character used in Windows does not match up with what is in text files. It’s OK as long as your code is correct.
• The #1 question that gets asked with functions like this is: why does my list print every word on a separate line? It’s because you are in Jupyter notebook and didn’t actually use print....just the notebook’s Out function. Put your function call inside print.
Task 2: get_emojis(text)
The function get_emojis takes a single input text which is a string. It returns a list containing any emojis found in text. Here are a few examples.
text is: '@wonderofscience Shoutout to elon musk ' get_emojis returns: [' ']
text is: '#Turtles #Tortoise Rainbow the Therapy Tortoise We took Rainbow the leopard tortoise to visit granny today.
get_emojis returns: [' ', ' ']
A few things to consider:
The code you have been given for get_emojis is incorrect and needs to be debugged. You are not permitted to add lines and must leave the code as list comprehension. The changes are relatively minor. If you are looking up modules and structures we have not learned (lambdas, generators, itertools) to try and use, you are doing it wrong. If you are trying to add a second for loop, you are doing it wrong.
Task 3: get_features(text_list, feature)
The function get_features takes two required inputs: text_list is a list and feature is a string consisting of a single character. feature will always be either '#' or '@' - you can assume that the user will never input anything besides one of those two characters. get_features returns a list containing all of the hashtags in text_list when feature is '#'; it returns a list containing all of the user mentions in text_list when feature is '@'. Here are a few examples:
text_list is: ['@wonderofscience', 'Shoutout', 'to', 'elon', 'musk', ' '] feature is '@' get_features returns: ['@wonderofscience']
text_list is: '['#Turtles', '#Tortoise', 'Rainbow', ' ', 'the', 'Therapy', 'Tortoise ', 'We', 'took',
'Rainbow', 'the', 'leopard', 'tortoise', 'to', 'visit', 'granny', 'today.'] feature is '#' get_features returns: ['#Turtles', '#Tortoise']
A few things to consider:
• The input is a list not a string
• This function only processes mentions or hashtags, it is not finding both at the same time. So the list returned has only hashtags or only mentions – this is determined by the argument feature as shown above
• Notice that get_features is not responsible for changing the case of items or processing punctuation. Your function should not do any of those things.
The code you have been given for get_features is incorrect and needs to be debugged. You are not permitted to add lines and must leave the code as list comprehension. The changes are relatively minor. If you are looking up modules and structures we have not learned (lambdas, generators, itertools) to try and use, you are doing it wrong. If you are trying to add a second for loop, you are doing it wrong.
Task 4: feature_extract(filename, feature = '#')
Write a function called feature_extract which returns a dictionary.
The required argument filename is a string that corresponds to the name of a file containing tweets. The required argument feature will always be one of these three strings: '#' , '@', or 'emoji' – you can assume that the user always inputs one of these three.
The dictionary returned by feature_extract will contain strings as keys and integer counts as values. The keys will be hashtags (see explanation on page 1) if feature is '#', user mentions (see explanation on page 1) if feature is '@' or emojis if feature is 'emoji'. The values will be the number of occurrences of each individual hashtag, mention, or emoji.
Within this function, you must make use of your three other functions (process_text, get_features, get_emojis) to receive full credit. Why? Using your other functions will make this easier for you.
Input file contains:
#Turtles #Tortoise Tootles, Otis and Clover via /r/turtles By:OwOviaa - https://t.co/hWYuFmMfeO
#Turtles #Tortoise Rainbow the Therapy Tortoise We took Rainbow the leopard tortoise to visit granny today.
How do you feel today, tortoise or hare? #newtron#retrofit#newtrontechnology #fullelectric #electricvehicle
@gtconway3d Mark must must be the tortoise of readers
feature is '#'
feature_extract returns: {'#Turtles': 3, '#Tortoise': 3, '#newtron': 1,
'#retrofit': 1, '#newtrontechnology': 1, '#fullelectric': 1,
'#electricvehicle': 1}
feature is '@'
feature_extract returns: {'@gtconway3d': 1}
feature is 'emoji' feature_extract returns: {' ': 1, ' ': 1, ' ': 4, ' ': 1, ' ': 1}
Things to consider:
• This function returns a dictionary. Make sure you are returning a dictionary, not a list.
• Think about how to optimize your code. It sounds like there are 3 cases here.....but could you write this function using only 2 cases? You can expect to be evaluated on the efficiency of your code.
• Remember, you MUST use your other functions in this function for full credit.
• Create the dictionary using dictionary comprehension and earn some extra credit!
Part Two: Main Program
For this part of the assignment you will use your functions to process two Twitter data sets, stored in two separate files. These are the Tortoise data set (tortoise_tweets.txt) or the Umbrella data set (umbrella_tweets.txt).
• Create a dictionary containing all of the emojis from the Tortoise data set. Be sure to assign a variable name to this dictionary.
• Create a dictionary containing all of the emojis from the Umbrella data set. Be sure to assign a variable name to the dictionary.
• Find all of the emojis that are shared by the two data sets (i.e. the emojis that can be found in both) and store them in an object – print out the object you’ve stored in them so we can see them. There are many ways to do this, but think simple. (Hint: what data structure did we learn about, but haven’t actually used in this project yet?)
• Find all of the emojis that are in the Tortoise data set but not the Umbrella data set and store them in an object – print out the object you’ve stored in them so we can see them.. There are many ways to do this, but think simple. (Hint: what data structure did we learn about, but haven’t actually used in this project yet?)
• Create a dictionary containing all of the hashtags from the Umbrella data set. Print this dictionary out. What is the most common hashtag? (You don’t have to write code to find it, just look at the data, and comment on it in your write-up.)
Project_3.py Your implementations/correction of the functions in Part 1.
Project_3_Main.py Your main program for Part 3. The first line in this file should be:
from Project_3 import *
This part of the project is worth 17.5 points and Part 2 of the project is worth 7.5 points.
Part 1:
- process_text (3 pts)
- get_emojis correction (2.5 pts)
- get_features correction (2.5 pts)
- feature_extract (6 pts)
Part 2: Main Program (3.25 pts)
Writeup – 0.25 pts