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CS1400-Homework 3 BCD and Floating Point Arithmetic Solved

Binary-Decimal Code Arithmetic
          Add the following decimal numbers in binary-decimal code:

®    983. 267 + 547.352;


2.          Floating Point Arithmetic


2.1.   Represent the following numbers in IEEE single floating-point format:

®      512.125(10) ,

®  - 4A0D.8(16).


2.2.   Add the following decimal numbers in IEEE single floating-point format:

2049.75 + 0.625.


3.       Memory Dump


 The hexadecimal dump from part of a Little-Endian computer’s memory is as follows (3points each)

12B8)  4D69 6474 6572 6D31

12C0)  C684 7A00 80F7 022A

12C8) FFFF 4100 0000 1234

Decode the hexadecimal data, assuming that it is a sequence of:

·        8 ASCI encoded characters – present the text;

·        IEEE Floating point single precision number – present the binary scientific notation of the number;

·        one byte 1’s complement code – present the decimal number;

·        one byte 2’s complement code – present the decimal number;

·        two bytes with an Excess 1023 code  - present the encoded binary number.

·        one 2’s complement 16-bit number - present the decimal number;

·        the rest is a natural BCD number – present the decimal value.


Remark: the decimal numbers are selected to be easy for conversion. Recall the rule:  2x(10 ) = 10…0


                              x “0’s”

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