Project Goals
The goals of this project are to:
1. Get students familiar with the usage of 1D arrays
2. Get students familiar with the usage of 2D arrays
Important Notes:
1. Formatting: Make sure that you follow the precise recommendations for the output content and formatting: for example do not change the text in the first problem from “Enter the size of the array: ” to “Enter array size: ”. Your assignment will auto-graded and any changes in formatting will result in a loss in the grade.
2. Comments: Header comments are required on all files and recommended for the rest of the program. Points will be deducted if no header comments are included.
3. Restriction: The use of goto statements anywhere within this program is prohibited. Points will be deducted if goto is used.
Problem 1
Write a program that asks the user to enter an NxM dimensional array containing single digit values (only the digits between 0 and 9) and counts the number of times each one of the 10 digits appears in the array. This program should:
● Prompt the user to enter the sizes (number of rows and number of columns) of the array, and read in the dimensions given by the user
● Prompt the user to enter the array row-by-row and read in each value (separated by spaces)
● Display the total number of times each digit appears in the array
● Display the 1D array containing the counts of each digit in one line
● Display the 2D array that the user entered
The program should function as follows (items underlined are to be entered by the user):
This program counts occurrences of digits 0 through 9 in an NxM array.
Enter the size of the array (Row Column): 2 6
Enter row 0: 0 1 2 3 4 5
Enter row 1: 0 1 6 7 8 9 Total counts for each digit:
Digit 0 occurs 2 times
Digit 1 occurs 2 times
Digit 2 occurs 1 times
Digit 3 occurs 1 times
Digit 4 occurs 1 times
Digit 5 occurs 1 times
Digit 6 occurs 1 times
Digit 7 occurs 1 times
Digit 8 occurs 1 times
Digit 9 occurs 1 times
The digit counts directly from the 1D array:
2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
The original 2D array entered by the user:
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 6 7 8 9
● The counts for each digit must be stored in a single 1D array and cannot be stored in 10 different separate variables.
Save your program as arrays.c