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CS1301-Lab 6 Rock,Paper and Scissors Solved

In the game Rock, Paper, Scissors, two players each choose either “rock,” “paper,” or “scissors,” and then show their choice to the other player at the same time. Each choice wins against one other choice and loses to one other choice:

●      Rock wins against scissors, but loses against paper.

●      Paper wins against rock, but loses against scissors.

●      Scissors win against paper, but lose against rock.

●      If both players make the same choice, the result is a tie.


In this lab, you will implement a version of Rock, Paper, Scissors where the user plays against the computer. The user puts in their choice as a String (either "rock", "paper", or "scissors" - not case sensitive), and the computer will make its choice at random. The winner should be determined based on the rules above.

The user should be able to play multiple rounds of Rock, Paper, Scissors against the computer. The program should first ask the user how many wins they want to play. Your program should keep track of the score of both the computer and the user. If there is a tie, neither player gets a point. The program should keep running until either the player or the computer wins the number of games they specified at the start. So, for example, if the user inputs 3 when prompted, the game should continue until either the user or the computer wins three rounds (not once three rounds have been played).

After each turn, the program should print who won (either the player or the computer) and the score after that turn. Show the player’s score first (for example, if the computer has won once and the player has not won, show (0-1)).  More examples of this can be seen in the sample runs below.

Start by creating a new class named RockPaperScissors. Download the file from the CSCI 1301 site. It contains the code that generates the computer’s move for you. Once you have downloaded it, move the file into the src folder of your RockPaperScissors           project.            It          should be             located            directly            alongside         your file in the same src folder.

Once you have both files in Eclipse, feel free to explore There’s nothing in the code beyond anything we’ve covered already. Notice the variable,

            static boolean TESTING_MODE = false;

When TESTING_MODE is false, will generate computer moves randomly using Math.random(). However, if you change TESTING_MODE to true, the moves that the computer generates will always come in a fixed order: rock, paper, scissors, rock, paper, scissors, rock, paper, scissors, … and so on. You may find it useful to change  TESTING_MODE to true when you are testing and debugging your program, since the computer’s moves can be predicted.  This will also help our TA’s when they are grading your code.

We will use our own version of when grading your lab, so don’t worry about messing with the functionality of that file (but make sure that all of the code you write stays in Do not rename, as doing so will cause a compilation error when we try to grade your lab.

Once both java files are in the same src folder, you can get the computer move from by using its getMove() method. This method will return a String value which will be either "rock", "paper", or "scissors" (each being all lowercase).  Here is the line of code to get the computer’s move:

            String computerMove = ComputerOpponent.getMove();

On each turn, you should prompt the user for their move and retrieve it via the nextLine() method. The game should be able to recognize “rock”, “paper”, and “scissors” regardless of capitalization. If the user types something else, ask them to try again. Do not update either player’s score if the user did not enter a valid move.

Considerations While Brainstorming
Your program will be doing a lot of the same things over and over again, which means that a loop will be part of your code. Consider the following when brainstorming:

●      How do we keep track of the player’s and computer’s scores?

●      Which tasks belong inside the loop?

○      When you write your code, it may be easier to write the code for one iteration of the loop first, then putting that code inside a loop statement.

●      Which tasks belong outside the loop?

●      Should our call to ComputerOpponent.getMove() be inside or outside the loop? What happens if we don’t put it where it should be (i.e., inside the loop when it should be outside, or outside the loop when it should be inside)?

●      What should the condition for the loop be?

○      In other words, under what circumstances should the loop keep going? ● How do we handle unintended input, like Spock or gun?

○ We can do better than simply ending the game immediately

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