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CS1301 Homework 10 - Object Oriented Programming Solution

How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
CS 1301 YouTube Channel
Comment out or delete all function calls. Only import statements, global variables, and comments are okay to be outside of your functions.
Read the entire document before starting this assignment.
Python is one of many coding languages which uses object oriented programming (OOP). In OOP, classes can be created which contain certain attributes and methods which are shared by all objects of that class. This helps you create concise code which you can re-use. The goal of this homework is to understand OOP and its real world applications.
Hidden Test Cases: In an effort to encourage debugging and writing robust code, we will be including hidden test cases on Gradescope for some functions. You will not be able to see the input or output to these cases. Below is an example output from a failed hidden test case:

Written by Caitlin Yang ( & Damian Henry (

For this assignment, you will be building the Among Us game. there will be five classes working together: a Crewmate class, an Impostor class, a Task Class, a Room class, and an AmongUs class. Each of these classes will have attributes and methods, as described below. You have been provided with a file that has the beginning of these classes. You are responsible for filling in the rest, and the methods you need will be clearly listed out in the grading rubric.
Note: The given has __repr__ methods, as well as some other useful methods that we have already defined for you. Do not delete or change these, as these are needed for testing.
Among Us

Among Us is a game where there are two types of players: a crewmate and an impostor. Crewmates and impostors look the exact same, so crewmates cannot distinguish who is an impostor. During the game, the crewmates must travel through a map to different rooms to complete tasks. However, the impostors are able to eliminate the crewmates as they go about the map.
If a crewmate stumbles upon an eliminated crewmate's body, they can call a meeting. At this meeting, all the players vote on the player that they think is an impostor. The player that has the most votes gets removed from the game, and it is revealed whether that player is a crewmate or an impostor.
For the purposes of this assignment, the game ends when all of the crewmates have been eliminiated or when all of the impostors have been eliminated.
Please read through the entire assignment before writing your code in order to understand how the different classes interact with each other!
Room (provided)
Attributes: name (str): the name of the room
initializes the following attributes name (str)

name ( str ): the name of the task isCompleted ( bool ): the status of whether the task has been completed (e.g. True if it is completed)

name ( str ): the name of the crewmate color ( str ): the color of the crewmate accessories ( tup ): the accessories a crewmate has on isAlive ( bool ): the status of whether a crewmate is alive or not tasksDone ( int ): the number of tasks a crewmate has done
initializes the following attributes name ( str ) color ( str )
accessories ( tup ) - if a crewmate does not have accessories, this attribute should be an empty tuple by default isAlive ( bool ) - every crewmate starts off alive tasksDone ( int ) - every crewmate starts off having done 0 tasks
This method should take in a Task object.
If the task is not completed, the Crewmate should complete the task (look at the Task class to see what this means), and the Crewmate 's tasksDone should be incremented by 1.
Otherwise, return "Nothing to do here." vote
This method should take in an AmongUs object.
You must iterate over all crewmates and impostors. Return the first player whose name shares the first letter with the voting crewmate's name. All player names will have at least one character.
However, the names cannot be equal and the player must be alive.
You can assume there will always be a valid player to vote out. You should check the crewmates first to see if there is a player to vote for, and if there isn't, you should check the impostors.
This method should take in an AmongUs object.
All of the crewmates and impostors in the game must vote a player out. The method should count how many votes a player recieves.
Then, the method should find the player that has received the most votes and set their isAlive attribute to False.

If the type of the player was an impostor, return "{player name} was An Impostor." . Otherwise, return "{player name} was not An Impostor." . __eq__ (provided)

name ( str ): the name of the impostor color ( str ): the color of the impostor accessories ( tup ): the accessories a impostor has on isAlive ( bool ): the status of whether a impostor is alive or not
eliminateCount ( int ): the number of crewmates an impostor has eliminated
initializes the following attributes name ( str ) color ( str )
accessories ( tup ) - if a impostor does not have accessories, this attribute should be an empty tuple by default isAlive ( bool ) - every impostor starts off alive eliminateCount ( int ) - every impostor starts off having eliminated 0 crewmates
This method should take in a player, being a Crewmate object or an Impostor object.
If the player is of Impostor type, return "They're on your team -_-"
If the player is of Crewmate type, eliminate the crewmate by changing their isAlive status, and then, increase the impostor's eliminate count by 1.
This method should take in an AmongUs object.
You must iterate over all crewmates and then all impostors. Return the first player whose name shares the first letter with the voting crewmate's name. All player names will have at least one character.
However, the names cannot be equal and the player must be alive.
You can assume there will always be a valid player to vote out.
Hint: Same implementation as in the Crewmate class
This method should create a string representation of the Impostor object in the format of: "My name is {impostor name} and I'm an impostor." __eq__ (provided)

maxPlayers ( int ): the max number of players in the game
rooms ( dict ): the key is the name of a room and the value is a list of Task objects that are in that room crewmates ( list ): a list of the crewmates in the game impostors ( list ): a list of the impostors in the game
initializes the following attributes maxPlayers ( int ) - The max number of players allowed in the game rooms ( dict ) - A dictionary in which the keys are the names of the rooms, and the value is a list of Task objects that are in that room. The rooms dict should be empty upon initialization crewmates ( list ) - A list containing all Crewmate objects in the game. This should be an empty list upon initialization impostors ( list ) - A list containing all Impostor objects in the game. This should be an empty list upon initalization
This method should take in either a Crewmate object or an Impostor object. This means only one "player" will be added at a time.
This method should first check to see if the number of crewmates and the number of impostors in the game is equal to the number of players allowed. If it is, the method should return "Lobby is full."
Next, the method should first check if there exists a crewmate with the same name as the player. If so, then return "Player with name: {player name} exists." Then, the method should check if there exists an Impostor with the same name as the player. If so, then return "Player with name: {player name} exists." If not, check the type of the player passed in. If the type of the player is a Crewmate, add the player to the crewmates list. If the type of the player is an Impostor, add the player to the impostors list.
This method should take in a Task object and a Room object.
It should add the task to the list associated with the room object in the rooms attribute.
However, you must first check that an equivalent Task object does not exist in any of the other lists. If this task exists in another list, return "This task has already been registered."
Note: the keys of the rooms attribute are the names of the Room objects, not the objects themselves.
This method takes in no arguments.
The method checks how many crewmates are alive and how many impostors are alive.
If no crewmates are alive, return "Defeat! All crewmates have been eliminated." Else, if no impostors are alive, return "Victory! All impostors have been eliminated."
Otherwise, return "Game is not over yet!"

Grading Rubric

Function Points Function Points
Task: __init__ 5 Impostor: eliminate 5
Task: __eq__ 5 Impostor: vote 5
Crewmate: __init__ 5 Impostor: __str__ 5
Crewmate: doTask 5 AmongUs: __init__ 5
Crewmate: vote 10 AmongUs: registerPlayer 10
Crewmate: callMeeting 20 AmongUs: registerTask 10
Impostor: __init__ 5 AmongUs: gameOver 5
Total: 100
The skeleton file has been provided to you. This is the file you will edit and implement. All instructions for what the functions should do are in this skeleton and this document.
Submission Process

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