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CS1134-   Homework 6 Solved

Question        1:        

Define a          LinkedQueue          class    that     implements    the      Queue  ADT.   


Implementation      Requirement:           All       queue operations      should run      in         𝜃(1)    worstcase.    

Hint:   You     would want   to         use      a          doubly linked list       as        a          data     member.                    




Question        2:        

Many   programming languages       represent       integers          in         a          fixed   number          of         bytes   (a         common         size for       an        integer            is         4          bytes). This,    on        one      hand,   bounds           the      range  of         integers          that     can be        represented   as        an        int     data     (in       4          bytes,  only     232       different         values could   be        represented), but, on        the      other   hand,   it          allows fast      execution       for       basic   arithmetic      expressions    (such   as        +,         -,         * and      /)        typically         done   in         hardware.      


Python and      some   other   programming languages,      do        not      follow that     kind    of         representation           for       integers, and      allows to         represent       arbitrary        large   integers          as        int     variables        (as       a          result  the performance  of         basic   arithmetic      is         slower).         


In         this      question,        we       will      suggest           a          data     structure        for       positive          integer            numbers,        that can      be        arbitrary        large.              

We       will      represent       an        integer            value,  as        a          linked list       of         its        digits.             

For      example,         the      number          375     will      be        represented   by        a          3-length          list,      with    3,         7          and 5         

following        Integer       class:  


class Integer:     def __init__(self, num_str):

        ''' Initializes an Integer object representing          the value given in the string num_str'''

             def __add__(self, other):

        ''' Creates and returns an Integer object that          represent the sum of self and other, also of 

        type Integer'''

         def __repr__(self):

        ''' Creates and returns the string representation

         of self'''


For      example,         after    implementing the      Integer       class,   you      should expect the      following        behavior:       

n1 = Integer('375')

n2 = Integer('4029')

n3 = n1 + n2




Note:   When  adding two     Integer       objects,           implement     the      “Elementary   School”           addition          technique.      DO NOT    convert           the      Integer       objects            to         ints,  add      these   ints   by        using   Python            + operator,     and then    convert           the      result  back    to         an        Integer       object. This     approach        misses the      point   of         this question.       



Extra  Credit:                      

Support          also     the      multiplication            of         two     Integer       objects            (by      implementing the            “Elementary   School”           multiplication            technique):        def __mul__(self, other):

        ''' Creates and returns an Integer object that          represent the multiplication of self and other,            also of type Integer'''





Question        3:        

In         this      question,        we       will      suggest           a          data     structure        for       storing            strings with    a          lot       of repetitions     of         successive      characters.    

We       will      represent       such    strings as        a          linked list,      where each    maximal         sequence        of         the      same character        in         consecutive    positions,       will      be        stored as        a          single  tuple   containing      the      character        and its        count.


For      example,         the      string  “aaaaabbbaaac”         will      be        represented   as        the      following        list:     


Complete        the      definition       of         the      following        CompactString     class:  


class CompactString:

    def __init__(self, orig_str):

        ''' Initializes a CompactString object          representing the string given in orig_str'''

             def __add__(self, other):

        ''' Creates and returns a CompactString object that          represent the concatenation of self and other, 

        also of type CompactString'''

     def __lt__(self, other):

        ''' returns True if”f self is lexicographically         less than other, also of type CompactString'''

         def __le__(self, other):

        ''' returns True if”f self is lexicographically         less than or equal to other, also of type 


             def __gt__(self, other):

        ''' returns True if”f self is lexicographically         greater than other, also of type CompactString'''

     def __ge__(self, other):

        ''' returns True if”f self is lexicographically         greater than or equal to other, also of type 


         def __repr__(self):

        ''' Creates and returns the string representation

        (of type str) of self'''




For      example,         after    implementing the      CompactString     class,   you      should expect the      following        behavior:       

s1 = CompactString('aaaaabbbaaac')

s2 = CompactString('aaaaaaacccaaaa')

s3 = s2 + s1 #in s3’s linked list there will be 6 ’real’ nodes

s1 < s2



Note:   Here    too,      when   adding and      comparing      two     CompactString     objects,           DO       NOT    convert           the CompactString     objects            to         strs,  do        the      operation       on        strs   (by      using   Python            +, <, , <=, = operators),     and      then    convert           the      result  back    to         a          CompactString     object. This     approach        misses the point   of         this      question.       




Question        4:        

In         this      question,        we       will      demonstrate  the      difference       between         shallow           and      deep    copy.   For      that, we       will      work   with    nested doubly linked  lists     of         integers.          That    is,        each    element          is         an        integer or        a          DoublyLinkedList,         which  in         turn     can      contain           integers          or        DoublyLinkedLists,       and so        on.      


a. Implement  the      following        function:        

def copy_linked_list(lnk_lst)

The           function          is         given   a          nested doubly linked lists     of         integers          lnk_lst, and           returns           a      shallow          copy   of lnk_lst. That    is,        a          new     linked list       where its        elements        reference        the      same   items   in         lnk_lst.     


For example,         after    implementing copy_linked_list,         you      should expect the      following        behavior:       

lnk_lst1 = DoublyLinkedList()

elem1 = DoublyLinkedList() elem1.add_last(1) elem1.add_last(2) lnk_lst1.add_last(elem1)

elem2 = 3



lnk_lst2 = copy_linked_list(lnk_lst1)


e1 = lnk_lst1.first_node()

e1_1 = = 10


e2 = lnk_lst2.first_node()

e2_1 = print(


b. Now,           implement:   

def deep_copy_linked_list(lnk_lst)

The           function          is         given   a          nested doubly linked lists     of         integers          lnk_lst, and           returns           a      deep   copy   of lnk_lst.            


For example,         after    implementing deep_copy_linked_list,         you      should expect the      following        behavior:       

lnk_lst1 = DoublyLinkedList()

elem1 = DoublyLinkedList()

elem1.add_last(1) elem1.add_last(2) lnk_lst1.add_last(elem1)

elem2 = 3



lnk_lst2 = deep_copy_linked_list(lnk_lst1)


e1 = lnk_lst1.first_node()

e1_1 = = 10


e2 = lnk_lst2.first_node()

e2_1 = print(


Note:   lnk_lst       could   have    multiple        levels of         nesting.          





Question        5:        

In         this      question,        we       will      implement     a          function          that     merges           two     sorted linked lists:               

def merge_linked_lists(srt_lnk_lst1, srt_lnk_lst2)


This     function          is         given   two     doubly linked lists     of         integers          srt_lnk_lst1       and      srt_lnk_lst2.      The elements        in         srt_lnk_lst1       and      srt_lnk_lst2       are      sorted.

That    is,        they    are      ordered          in         the      lists,    in         an        ascending       order. 

When  the      function          is         called, it          will      create and     return            a          new    doubly linked list,      that     contains all        the      elements        that     appear in         the      input   lists     in         a          sorted order. 


For      example:                     if          srt_lnk_lst1=     [1        <--     3          <--     5          <--     6          <--     8],                    and srt_lnk_lst2=[2 <--     3          <--     5          <--     10        <--     15        <--     18],                 calling: merge_linked_lists(srt_lnk_lst1, srt_lnk_lst2),         should create and      return a          doubly linked list       that contains:                   

[1         <--     2          <--     3          <--     3          <--     5          <--     5          <--     6          <--     8          <--     10        <--     15        <-- 18].    



The      merge_linked_lists     function          is         not      recursive,       but      it          defines            and      calls merge_sublists  -           a          nested helper recursive       function.        


Complete        the      implementation         given   below  for       the      merge_linked_lists     function:        


def merge_linked_lists(srt_lnk_lst1, srt_lnk_lst2):     def merge_sublists( ___________________________ ):         ______________________________________________






    return merge_sublists( ______________________________ )  



1.   You need    to         decide on        the      signature        of         merge_sublists. 

2.   merge_sublists          has      to         be        recursive.     

3.   An   efficient          implementation         of         merge_sublists  would allow merge_linked_lists     to         run      in       linear time.   That    is,        if          𝑛&        and      𝑛’         are      the      sizes    of         the      input   lists,    the      runtime       would be        𝜃(𝑛&+𝑛’).       



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