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CS111 - TwoLargest - java - Solved

Write your code in the file, your file has to have this exact name with T and L capitalized. 
You must use the IO module to read inputs and output your answers. When prompting the user, use System.out.print() or System.out.println().

Write a program that takes a set of numbers and determines which are the two largest numbers.

Ask the user for the following information, in this order:

A terminating value (real number). The user will enter this value again later, to indicate that he or she is finished providing input.
A sequence of real numbers. Keep asking for numbers until the terminating value is entered again.Make sure the user inputs at least two numbers before 
reentering the terminating value. Compute and output the largest and second-largest real number, in that order. It is possible for the largest and 
second-largest numbers to be the same (if the sequence contains duplicate numbers).


java TwoLargest
123.3 [this is the terminating value, not part of the set of numbers]
 123.3 [this is the terminating value again, indicating that the user is done]
 RESULTS TO OUTPUT (in this order): 

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