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CS110 Lab Solution 1: File Systems and System Solution

The first two problems are problem set-like questions that could easily appear on a midterm or final exam. In fact, all of the questions asked under Problem 4 were on previous midterms and finals. The middle two problems are experiments that'll require you fire up your laptop and run some programs and development tools.
I've created a specific channel for lab1 discussion (obliquely named #lab1), and all students are encouraged to share their ideas there. SCPD students are welcome to reach out to me directly if they have questions that can't be properly addressed without being physically present for a discussion section.
Solution 1: Direct, Singly Indirect, and Doubly Indirect Block Numbers
Assume blocks are 512 bytes in size, block numbers are four-byte ints, and that inodes include space for 6 block numbers. The first three contain direct block numbers, the next two contain singly indirect block numbers, and the final one contains a doubly indirect block number.
● What's the maximum file size?
○ Maximum file size is 3 * 512 + 2 * 128 * 512 + 128 * 128 * 512, or 8,521,216 bytes.
● How large does a file need to be before the relevant inode requires the first singly indirect block number be used?
○ 3 * 512 + 1, or 1,537 bytes.
● How large does a file need to be before the relevant inode requires the first doubly indirect block number be used?
○ 3 * 512 + 2 * 128 * 512 + 1, or 132,609 bytes.
● Draw as detailed an inode as you can if it's to represent a regular file that's 2049 bytes in size.
○ Can't easily inline a drawing using Quip, but it's easily described.
■ The first three block numbers would identify three, saturated payload blocks, and those three payload blocks would store the first 1,536 bytes.
■ The fourth block number—a singly, indirect one—would lead to a block of 512 bytes, although only the first eight bytes for be used. The first four bytes would identify the fourth payload block—itself saturated—to store 512 bytes of payload. The next four bytes would identify a fifth payload block where only the first byte is used.
Solution 2: Experimenting with the stat utility
This problem is more about exploration and experimentation, and not so much about generating a correct answer. The file system reachable from each myth machine consists of the local file system (restated, it's mounted on the physical machine) and networked drives that are grafted onto the fringe of the local file system so that all of AFS—which consists of many, many independent file systems from around the globe—all contribute to one virtual file system reachable from your local / directory.
Log into myth13 and use the stat command line utility (which is a user program that makes calls to the stat system call as part of its execution) and prints out oodles of information about a file. Type in the following commands and analyze the output:
● stat/
● stat/tmp
● stat/usr
● stat/usr/bin
● stat/usr/bin/g++
● stat/usr/bin/g++-5
The output for each of the five commands above all produce the same device ID but different inode numbers. Read through this to gain insight on what the Device values are.
● Output for stat / includes a size of 4096, a block count of 8, and I/O block size of 4096, an inode number of 2, and a nlinks value of 26. It's also clear it's a directory.
poohbear@myth13:/usr/class/cs110$ stat /
File: ‘/’
Size: 4096 Blocks: 8 IO Block: 4096 directory
Device: 805h/2053d Inode: 2 Links: 26
Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 0/ root)
Birth: -
○ Directory sizes are always exposed as multiples of the true block size, which is 4096.
○ The sector size is 512, and stat states that it uses 8 sectors to store all of its directory entries. (I have no idea why stat uses blocks here instead of sectors; I just know it does).
○ The I/O block size just happens to be the same as the actual block size, but it's listed separately, because it could have been different. It's the optimal byte transfer size supported by the file system hardware.
○ The device information is expressed as a hexadecimal (805h) and a decimal equivalent (2053d). The 805 states that the major device number is 8, and then the minor device number (or partition) within that major device is 5. If you do an ls -lt /dev/ sda*, you get a listing within the pseudo-file system like that below, where /dev/sda5 is special file representing the device driver that interfaces with the file system holding the root directory. (Special files like this are set up so that software can programmatically interact with device drivers).
poohbear@myth13:/usr/class/cs110$ ls -lt /dev/sda* brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 6 Apr 14 23:21 /dev/sda6 brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 1 Apr 14 23:21 /dev/sda1 brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 7 Apr 14 23:21 /dev/sda7 brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 2 Apr 14 23:21 /dev/sda2 brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 5 Apr 14 23:21 /dev/sda5 brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 Apr 14 23:21 /dev/sda poohbear@myth13:/usr/class/cs110$
○ The inode number is 2, which shouldn't be too surprising. (I'm not sure what inode numbers 0 and 1 store, though—I'll update the handout if I find out).
○ The number of links is 26, which means that there are 26 different names leading to the root directory's payload: / is one, /. is another, and believe it or not, /.. is a third, since .. is the same as . for the root directory. If you ls -lt /, you see that there are 23 subdirectories, each of which has a .. directory entry. That's the source of the 26.
○ You can do similar listing for the other files as you get the same type of information.
For each of the above commands, replace stat with stat-f to get information about the file system on which the file resides (block size, inode table size, number of free blocks, number of free inodes, etc).
● Output for stat -f / looks like this:
poohbear@myth13:/usr/class/cs110$ stat -f /
File: "/"
ID: b396fb71aeaf0e56 Namelen: 255 Type: ext2/ext3
Block size: 4096 Fundamental block size: 4096
Blocks: Total: 17594732 Free: 10947057 Available: 10051621 Inodes: Total: 4481024 Free: 3598432 poohbear@myth13:/usr/class/cs110$
○ ext2 and ext3 are types of file systems, and the file systems on the myths are evidently a hybrid of the two.
○ namelen is the maximum length of a filename component supported by the filesystem
Now log into myth32 and run the same commands. Why are the outputs of stat and stat-f the same in some cases and different in others?
● Each of myth13 and myth32 have independent file systems and might be populated slightly differently. However, the g++ and g++-5 executable images, while independent copies of the same file, are exactly that—independent copies of the same file, so all of g++'s and g++-5's file properties will be the same.
Now analyze the output of the stat utility when levied against AFS mounts where the master copies of all /usr/class and /usr/class/cs110 files reside. Do this from both myth13 and myth32.
● stat/usr/class
● stat-f/usr/class
● stat/afs/
● stat -f /afs/
● stat/usr/class/cs110
● stat /afs/
● stat-f/usr/class/cs110
Why are most of the outputs the same for myth13 compared to myth32? Which ones are symbolic links? Why are the device numbers for remotely hosted file systems so small?
● All but one of the outputs is the same, because they all refer to the same files on remote file system that's been grafted in to contribute to the overall virtual file system that is AFS (or Andrew File System). (The output for stat /usr/class is slightly different, because that symbolic link resides on the myth13 filesystem).
● This is what I get when I stat /usr/class from myth13:
poohbear@myth13:/usr/class/cs110$ stat /usr/class
File: ‘/usr/class’ -> ‘/afs/’
Size: 26 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 4096 symbolic link
Device: 805h/2053d Inode: 1949697 Links: 1
Access: (0777/lrwxrwxrwx) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 0/ root)
Modify: 2014-09-17 21:24:19.388082666 -0700 Change: 2014-09-17 21:24:19.388082666 -0700
Birth: -
○ This is a symbolic link stored on myth13's resident file system (note the 805h again). It's clearly identified as a symbolic link (represented via inode with inumber 1949697). Its payload size is 26, which is the length of the /afs/ class the link expands to. The surprising part is that the payload requires 0 blocks! But that's because symbolic link payloads are stored not in external blocks, but in the the space set aside for the inode's block numbers array. Sneaky!
● Interestingly, the output of stat/usr/class/ (note that extra slash at the end) is different, because that extra slash dereferences the symbolic link! (CS110 CA Michael Painter noticed this and shared with me and the other CAs.)
poohbear@myth13:/usr/class/cs110$ stat /usr/class/
File: ‘/usr/class/’
Size: 309248 Blocks: 604 IO Block: 4096 directory
Device: 1ah/26d Inode: 262274 Links: 5
Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 0/ root)
Birth: -
● Why are the major device numbers so small here? AFS uses major number 0, hence the smaller device number. AFS doesn't expose much about how remotely managed files are stored, which is why they went with a 0.
What about these commands?
● stat /afs/
● stat -f /afs/
● stat /afs/
● stat-f /afs/
What files can you see within the and mounts?
● My most interesting finding with stat and stat -f on those two remote directories is that the fundamental block sizes are 1024 instead of 2048. And I was able to see 20 directory entries within /afs/ and 67 directory entries within /afs/
Solution 3: valgrind and orphaned file descriptors
Here's a very short exercise to enhance your understanding of valgrind and what it can do for you. To get started, type the following in to create a local copy of the repository you'll play with for this problem:
poohbear@myth32:~$ hg clone /usr/class/cs110/repos/lab1/shared lab1 poohbear@myth32:~$ cd lab1 poohbear@myth32:~$ make
Now open the file and trace through the code to keep tabs on what file descriptors are created, properly closed, and orphaned. Then run valgrind ./nonsense to confirm that there aren't any memory leaks or errors (how could there be?), but then run valgrind --track-fds=yes ./nonsense to get information about the file descriptors that were (intentionally, I'll argue) left open. Without changing the logic of the program, insert as many close statements as necessary so that all file descriptors (including 0, 1, and 2) are properly donated back. (In practice, you do not have to close file descriptors 0, 1, and 2.)
● This should be pretty self-explanatory, so I won't include anything here beyond a remark that you need a close statement for every open descriptor identified by valgrind, and you should be careful to never close a previously closed descriptor.
Solution 4: Short Answer Questions
Provide clear answers and/or illustrations for each of the short answer questions below. Each of these questions is either drawn from old exams or based on old exam questions. Questions like this will certainly appear on your own midterm.
1. The dup system call accepts a valid file descriptor, claims a new, previously unused file descriptor, configures that new descriptor to alias the same file session as the incoming one, and then returns it. Briefly outline what happens to the relevant file entry table and vnode table entries as a result of dup being called. (Read mandup if you'd like, though don't worry about error scenarios).
a. The vnode table entry is left alone, but a new file descriptor is claimed and set to address the same entry in the file entry table session as the incoming one, and the reference count within that session entry would be incremented by one.
a. Resolve oldpath to its inode number, append new directory entry to sequence of existing directory entries where newpath resides. Fill in entry with last component of newpath, and fill in inumber with the inumber of old path. Finally, increment the reference count within the inode itself to be clear the file has one more name.
3. Explain what happens when you type cd.././../. at the shell prompt. Frame your explanation in terms of the file system described in Section 2.5 of the secondary textbook, and the fact that the inode number of the current working directory is the only relevant global variable maintained by your shell.
a. Search cwd’s payload for .., set inumber of cwd to inumber associated with ..; repeat three more times for ., then .., and then . :)
a. The absolute pathname resolution process (implemented as pathname_lookup in assign2) should piecemeal tokenize pathnames as usual. When component (e.g. tests.txt)is identified as symlink, prepend expansion to unprocessed set of tokens, continue for relative paths from inumber of symlink parent, restart from inode 1 for absolute paths.
5. Recall that the stack frames for system calls are laid out in a different segment of memory than the stack frames for user functions. How are the parameters passed to the system calls received when invoked from user functions? And how is the process informed that all system call values have been placed and that it’s time to execute?
a. system call opcode and all parameters are passed through registers (%rax for the opcode, others for the 0 to 6 parameters)
b. system call is invoked by issuing a software interrupt aka trap (via an assembly code instruction int0x80). The 0x80 identifies which internal OS routine should handle the trap, and that handler builds a stack frame in the kernel stack using the value passed through registers, executes the system call, places a return value in %rax, and then returns from the handler to the instruction after the user's int0x80.

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