Starting from:


CS1009-Homework 3 Forecasting Bike Sharing Usage Solved

You are hired by the administrators of the Capital Bikeshare program ( program in Washington D.C., to help them predict the hourly demand for rental bikes and give them suggestions on how to increase their revenue. You will prepare a small report for them.
The hourly demand information would be useful in planning the number of bikes that need to be available in the system on any given hour of the day, and also in monitoring traffic in the city. It costs the program money if bike stations are full and bikes cannot be returned, or empty and there are no bikes available. You will use multiple linear regression and polynomial regression and will explore techniques for subset selection. The goal is to build a regression model that can predict the total number of bike rentals in a given hour of the day, based on attributes about the hour and the day.
An example of a suggestion to increase revenue might be to offer discounts during certain times of the day either during holidays or non-holidays. Your suggestions will depend on your observations of the seasonality of ridership.
The data for this problem were collected from the Capital Bikeshare program over the course of two years (2011 and 2012).
Use only the libraries below:

Data Exploration & Preprocessing, Multiple Linear Regression, Subset Selection
The initial data set is provided in the file data/BSS_hour_raw.csv . You will add some features that will help us with the analysis and then separate it into training and test sets. Each row in this file contains 12 attributes and each entry represents one hour of a 24-hour day with its weather, etc, and the number of rental rides for that day divided in categories according to if they were made by registered or casual riders. Those attributes are the following:
dteday (date in the format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2011-01-01) season (1 = winter, 2 = spring, 3 = summer, 4 = fall) hour (0 for 12 midnight, 1 for 1:00am, 23 for 11:00pm) weekday (0 through 6, with 0 denoting Sunday)
holiday (1 = the day is a holiday, 0 = otherwise) weather
1: Clear, Few clouds, Partly cloudy, Partly cloudy
2: Mist + Cloudy, Mist + Broken clouds, Mist + Few clouds, Mist
3: Light Snow, Light Rain + Thunderstorm
4: Heavy Rain + Thunderstorm + Mist, Snow + Fog temp (temperature in Celsius) atemp (apparent temperature, or relative outdoor temperature, in Celsius) hum (relative humidity) windspeed (wind speed)
casual (number of rides that day made by casual riders, not registered in the system) registered (number of rides that day made by registered riders)
General Hints
Use pandas .describe() to see statistics for the dataset.
When performing manipulations on column data it is useful and often more efficient to write a function and apply this function to the column as a whole without the need for iterating through the elements. A scatterplot matrix or correlation matrix are both good ways to see dependencies between multiple variables.
For Question 2, a very useful pandas method is .groupby(). Make sure you aggregate the rest of the columns in a meaningful way. Print the dataframe to make sure all variables/columns are there!
Question 1: Explore how Bike Ridership varies with Hour of the Day
Learn your Domain and Perform a bit of Feature Engineering
1.1 Load the dataset from the csv file data/BSS_hour_raw.csv into a pandas dataframe that you name bikes_df . Do any of the variables' ranges or averages seem suspect? Do the data types make sense?
1.2 Notice that the variable in column dteday is a pandas object , which is not useful when you want to extract the elements of the date such as the year, month, and day. Convert dteday into a datetime object to prepare it for later analysis.
1.3 Create three new columns in the dataframe:
year with 0 for 2011 and 1 for 2012. month with 1 through 12, with 1 denoting Jan. counts with the total number of bike rentals for that day (this is the response variable for later).
1.4 Use visualization to inspect and comment on how casual rentals and registered rentals vary with the hour .
1.5 Use the variable holiday to show how holidays affect the relationship in question 1.4. What do you observe?
1.6 Use visualization to show how weather affects casual and registered rentals. What do you observe?
1.1 Load the dataset from the csv file ...

dteday season hour holiday weekday workingday weather temp atemp hum win

8810 2012-
01-07 1 22 0 6 0 1 0.44 0.4394 0.38
441 2011-
01-20 1 10 0 4 1 1 0.26 0.2273 0.48
8024 2011-
12-06 4 0 0 2 1 2 0.50 0.4848 0.77
5635 2011-
08-27 3 17 0 6 0 3 0.64 0.5758 0.89
14271 2012-
08-22 3 20 0 3 1 1 0.64 0.6061 0.73

In [4]:

season hour holiday weekday workingday weather

count 17379.000000 17379.000000 17379.000000 17379.000000 17379.000000 17379.000000 17
mean 2.501640 11.546752 0.028770 3.003683 0.682721 1.425283
std 1.106918 6.914405 0.167165 2.005771 0.465431 0.639357
min 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
25% 2.000000 6.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000
50% 3.000000 12.000000 0.000000 3.000000 1.000000 1.000000
75% 3.000000 18.000000 0.000000 5.000000 1.000000 2.000000
max 4.000000 23.000000 1.000000 6.000000 1.000000 4.000000


dteday datetime64[ns] season int64 hour int64 holiday int64 weekday int64 workingday int64 weather int64 temp float64 atemp float64 hum float64 windspeed float64 casual int64 registered int64 dtype: object In [6]:

2011-01-01 00:00:00
2012-01-02 04:08:34.552045568
2012-12-31 00:00:00

season makes sense because its min is 1, its max is 4 and its mean is 2.5, suggesting data is distributed all
seasons equally. The same for hour , weekday and dteday . For holiday , the min is 0 and the max is
1. It's mean is around 0.03, what suggests data is distributed between few holidays and many non-holidays.
The same for workingday and weather . For temp , atemp , hum and windspeed , data seems to be normalized, that is, between 0 and 1. The number of rides ( casual and registered ) also seems reasonable.
All data types make sense. They're all quantitative.

1.2 Notice that the variable in column ....
In [7]:

1.3 Create three new columns ...

dteday season hour holiday weekday workingday weather temp atemp hum win

3675 2011-
06-07 2 1 0 2 1 1 0.62 0.6061 0.69
11327 2012-
04-22 2 4 0 0 0 2 0.44 0.4394 0.77
4734 2011-
07-21 3 4 0 4 1 2 0.72 0.7121 0.84
8181 2011-
12-12 4 13 0 1 1 2 0.30 0.3182 0.52
3758 2011-
06-10 2 12 0 5 1 1 0.84 0.7576 0.44

1.4 Use visualization to inspect and comment on how casual rentals and registered rentals vary with thehour. 

Both registered and casual curves share the same trend: rides begin in the morning, increase until afternoon, decreases at night and almost vanish at dawn. Despite this, registered rides have peaks in the beggining of the morning and at the end of afternoon. One hypothesis for this is because these are commuting time, that is, time of day where people are going to (or coming back from) work or school. Maybe it affects only registered rides because people who use bike to commute in general is registered: it's cheaper to ride bike everyday if you are registered.

1.5 Use the variable holiday to show how holidays affect the relationship in question 1.4. What do youobserve?

Both curves still share the same trends. However, it seems casual rides increase, maybe because recreation during holidays, and the peaks of registered rides decrease, most likely because less people is working during these days. We also see that in both curves there's a peak in max rides (the max number of rides at that hour of day) during the night (around 21:00), which doesn't appear on non-holiday days. It doesn't seem to affect the mean, maybe it's a specific day or set of days.

1.6 Use visualization to show how weather affects casual and registered rentals. What do you observe? 

Let's compare the graphs with the first one (the one with clear sky or with clouds). It seems mist makes casual curve decrease, but it doesn't affect registered curve. Maybe it's because registered rides is most likely associated with people who needs the bike to get to work or home, and casual is most likely to be associated with recreation. Snow, rain and thunderstorm make both curves to decrease. But they still seem to share the same trend and peaks. For the graph 4, we don't have enough data. It's possibly because people don't ride bikes in adverse climate conditions, but we can't discard dataset problems too.

Question 2: Explore Seasonality on Bike Ridership.
Seasonality and weather
Now let's examine the effect of weather and time of the year. For example, you want to see how ridership varies with season of the year.
2.1 Make a new dataframe with the following subset of attributes from the previous dataset and with each entry being ONE day:
dteday , the timestamp for that day (fine to set to noon or any other time) weekday , the day of the week
weather , the most severe weather that day season , the season that day falls in temp , the average temperature atemp , the average atemp that day windspeed , the average windspeed that day hum , the average humidity that day
casual , the total number of rentals by casual users registered , the total number of rentals by registered users counts , the total number of rentals
Name this dataframe bikes_by_day and use it for all of Question 2.
2.2 How does season affect the number of bike rentals for casual riders or registered riders per day? Use the variable season for this question. Comment on your observations.

2.3 What percentage of rentals are made by casual riders or registered riders for each day of the week?
Comment on any patterns you see and give a possible explanation.
2.4 How is the distribution of total number of bike rentals different for sunny days vs cloudy days?
2.5 Visualize how the total number of rides per day varies with the season. Do you see any outliers? (We define an outlier as a value 1.5 times the IQR above the 75th percentile or 1.5 times the IQR below the 25th percentiles. This is the same rule used by pyplot's boxplot function). If you see any outliers, identify those dates and investigate if they are a chance occurence, an error in the data collection, or an important event.
Use .copy() when creating the new dataframe, so you leave the original untouched. We will come back to it later.
Use .groupby() to creat the new dataframe. You will have to make some choice on how to aggregate the variables.
2.1 Make a new dataframe with the following subset ... 

weekday weather season temp atemp windspeed hum casual registere

5 3 1 0.217500 0.220958 0.202750 0.450000 115 304
6 1 1 0.329167 0.325750 0.220775 0.594583 724 140
1 3 3 0.665833 0.616167 0.208954 0.712083 775 356
1 2 3 0.730833 0.684987 0.153617 0.668750 1040 606
6 2 1 0.384167 0.378779 0.251871 0.789167 640 143

2.2 How does season affect the number of bike ...

It seems people dislike riding bikes in the winter, for both casual and registered rides. In both cases, summer appears to have more rides, but it's close to spring and fall.

2.3 What percentage of rentals are made by casual riders or registered riders ...

casual registered weekday

0 0.316469 0.683531
1 0.155397 0.844603
2 0.123304 0.876696
3 0.121170 0.878830
4 0.126619 0.873381
5 0.160393 0.839607
6 0.321996 0.678004

We can see that, in the weekends, casual rides increase their share. Maybe it's because: less people is going to work or school during these days, and registered rides is most likely to be used for commute; people who use bikes for recreation tend to do it in weekends, most likely with casual rides.

2.4 How is the distribution of total number of bike rentals different ...

In general, sunny days has slightly more rides than cloudy days, because of greater median and quantiles.
2.5 Visualize how the total number of rides per day ...

In [18]:
# Outlier in the winter bikes_by_day[(bikes_by_day.counts 7000) & (bikes_by_day.season == 1)] Out[18]:
weekday weather season temp atemp windspeed hum casual registere

6 2 1 0.514167 0.505046 0.110704 0.755833 3155 468


dteday season hour holiday weekday workingday weather temp atemp hum win

10461 2012-
03-17 1 0 0 6 0 2 0.44 0.4394 0.94
10462 2012-
03-17 1 1 0 6 0 2 0.44 0.4394 0.94
10463 2012-
03-17 1 2 0 6 0 2 0.44 0.4394 0.88
10464 2012-
03-17 1 3 0 6 0 2 0.44 0.4394 0.88
10465 2012-
03-17 1 4 0 6 0 2 0.42 0.4242 0.94
10466 2012-
03-17 1 5 0 6 0 2 0.42 0.4242 0.94
10467 2012-
03-17 1 6 0 6 0 2 0.42 0.4242 0.94
10468 2012-
03-17 1 7 0 6 0 2 0.40 0.4091 1.00
10469 2012-
03-17 1 8 0 6 0 2 0.42 0.4242 0.94
10470 2012-
03-17 1 9 0 6 0 2 0.44 0.4394 0.88
10471 2012-
03-17 1 10 0 6 0 2 0.50 0.4848 0.77
10472 2012-
03-17 1 11 0 6 0 2 0.52 0.5000 0.77
10473 2012-
03-17 1 12 0 6 0 1 0.56 0.5303 0.68
10474 2012-
03-17 1 13 0 6 0 1 0.60 0.6061 0.60
10475 2012-
03-17 1 14 0 6 0 1 0.62 0.6212 0.53
10476 2012-
03-17 1 15 0 6 0 1 0.64 0.6212 0.53
10477 2012-
03-17 1 16 0 6 0 1 0.64 0.6212 0.50
10478 2012-
03-17 1 17 0 6 0 1 0.64 0.6212 0.50
10479 2012-
03-17 1 18 0 6 0 1 0.62 0.6212 0.57
10480 2012-
03-17 1 19 0 6 0 1 0.58 0.5455 0.64
10481 2012-
03-17 1 20 0 6 0 1 0.56 0.5303 0.64
10482 2012-
03-17 1 21 0 6 0 1 0.54 0.5152 0.68

dteday season hour holiday weekday workingday weather temp atemp hum win

10483 1 22 0 6 0 1 0.54 0.5152 0.68
10484 1 23 0 6 0 1 0.50 0.4848 0.77

In [20]:
# Outlier in the fall bikes_by_day[(bikes_by_day.counts < 500) & (bikes_by_day.season == 4)] Out[20]:
weekday weather season temp atemp windspeed hum casual registered counts

1 3 4 0.44 0.4394 0.3582 0.88 2 20 22

In [21]:

dteday season hour holiday weekday workingday weather temp atemp hum win

15883 4 0 0 1 1 3 0.44 0.4394 0.88

We see the same distributions of rides than we saw in casual and registered rides before: less rides in the winter, summer with more rides, but spring and fall close to summer.
There're two outliers, as can be seen in the graph. Searching for them, we find:
2012-03-17 had more rides than winter is usual to have. Besides this day being Saturday with good climate conditions for riding, it was St. Patricks Day, with so president Obama going to a bar to celebrate (
2012-10-29 had less rides than usually for a day in the fall. Although it was Monday, it had rides only in the first hour. It's because Washington DC shut down because of hurricane Sandy

Question 3: Prepare the data for Regression
3.1 Visualize and describe inter-dependencies among the following variables: weekday , season ,
month , weather , temp , atemp , hum , windspeed , casual , registered , counts . Note and comment on any strongly related variables.
3.2 Convert the categorical attributes into multiple binary attributes using one-hot encoding.
3.3 Split the initial bikes_df dataset (with hourly data about rentals) into train and test sets. Do this in a 'stratified' fashion, ensuring that all months are equally represented in each set. Explain your choice for a splitting algorithm. We ask you to create your train and test sets, but for consistency and easy checking we ask that, for the rest of this problem set, you use the train and test set provided in the question below.
3.4 Read data/BSS_train.csv and data/BSS_test.csv into dataframes BSS_train and
BSS_test , respectively. After checking your train and test datasets for accuracy, remove the dteday column from both train and test dataset. We do not need it, and its format cannot be used for analysis. Also, remove any predictors that would make predicting the count trivial.
3.5 Calculate the Pearson correlation coefficients between all the features. Visualize the matrix using a heatmap. Which predictors have a positive correlation with the number of bike rentals? For categorical attributes, you should use each binary predictor resulting from one-hot encoding to compute their correlations.
Identify pairs of predictors with collinearity 0.7.
You may use the np.corrcoef function to compute the correlation matrix for a data set (do not forget to transpose the data matrix). You may use plt.pcolor function to visualize the correlation matrix.
3.1 Visualize and describe inter-dependencies ...
columns = ['weekday', 'season', 'month', 'weather', 'temp', 'atemp', 'hum', 'windsp matrix = bikes_df[columns].to_numpy() correlations = np.corrcoef(matrix.transpose()) corr_df = pd.DataFrame( correlations, columns=columns, index=columns
) x: 'background-color: green' if np.abs(x) 0.6 and n Out[22]:
weekday season month weather temp atemp hum windspe

weekday 1.000000 -0.002335 0.010400 0.003311 -0.001795 -0.008821 -0.037158 0.0115
season -0.002335 1.000000 0.830386 -0.014524 0.312025 0.319380 0.150625 -0.1497
month 0.010400 0.830386 1.000000 0.005400 0.201691 0.208096 0.164411 -0.1353
weather 0.003311 -0.014524 0.005400 1.000000 -0.102640 -0.105563 0.418130 0.0262
temp -0.001795 0.312025 0.201691 -0.102640 1.000000 0.987672 -0.069881 -0.0231
atemp -0.008821 0.319380 0.208096 -0.105563 0.987672 1.000000 -0.051918 -0.0623
hum -0.037158 0.150625 0.164411 0.418130 -0.069881 -0.051918 1.000000 -0.2901
windspeed 0.011502 -0.149773 -0.135386 0.026226 -0.023125 -0.062336 -0.290105 1.0000
casual 0.032721 0.120206 0.068457 -0.152628 0.459616 0.454080 -0.347028 0.0902
registered 0.021578 0.174226 0.122273 -0.120966 0.335361 0.332559 -0.273933 0.0823
counts 0.026900 0.178056 0.120638 -0.142426 0.404772 0.400929 -0.322911 0.0932

There exists strong correlations between month and season (which is obvious), between temp and atemp (which is expected too), between casual and counts (which is obvious too), and between counts and registered .

3.2 Convert the categorical attributes ....

dteday hour holiday workingday temp atemp hum windspeed casual registered

15894 2012-
10-30 23 0 1 0.30 0.3030 0.81 0.1343 3 36
6222 2011-
09-21 20 0 1 0.62 0.5455 0.94 0.0000 11 149
11472 2012-
04-28 5 0 0 0.34 0.3333 0.46 0.1343 2 3
8738 2012-
01-04 22 0 1 0.20 0.2273 0.47 0.0896 4 48
2633 2011-
04-24 15 0 0 0.66 0.6212 0.61 0.2537 167 202
5 rows × 35 columns

3.3 Split the initial bikes_df dataset...

train_test_split is a good function from sklearn to split data into train and test. We want to stratify
the data with the months because we don't want train or test data to have sub or super representation of some month, something that can affect our models.

3.4 Read data/BSS_train.csv and data/BSS_test.csv into ...
In [25]:

Unnamed: dteday hour holiday year workingday temp atemp hum windspeed ..

921 1176 19 1 0 0 0.24 0.2121 0.87 0.3582 ..
797 1020 5 0 0 1 0.22 0.1818 0.32 0.4627 ..
12961 16225 19 0 1 1 0.32 0.2879 0.49 0.3582 ..
13888 17359 4 0 1 1 0.14 0.1667 0.69 0.1045 ..
9510 11915 16 0 1 1 0.72 0.6515 0.45 0.1045 ..
5 rows × 36 columns

In [27]:

Index(['Unnamed: 0', 'dteday', 'hour', 'holiday', 'year', 'workingda y', 'temp',
'atemp', 'hum', 'windspeed', 'casual', 'registered', 'counts', 'spring',
'summer', 'fall', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Au g',
'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat',
'Cloudy', 'Snow', 'Storm'], dtype='object')

In [29]:

Unnamed: dteday hour holiday year workingday temp atemp hum windspeed ...

1449 7164 2011-
10-31 3 0 0 1 0.24 0.2576 0.87 0.1045 ...
3372 16883 201212-11 6 0 1 1 0.34 0.3030 0.71 0.2985 ...
2483 12349 2012-
06-03 18 0 1 0 0.70 0.6364 0.34 0.2537 ...
130 610 2011-
01-28 16 0 0 1 0.22 0.2727 0.80 0.0000 ...
627 3019 2011-
05-10 17 0 0 1 0.64 0.6212 0.33 0.0000 ...
5 rows × 36 columns

In [30]:

Index(['Unnamed: 0', 'dteday', 'hour', 'holiday', 'year', 'workingda y', 'temp',
'atemp', 'hum', 'windspeed', 'casual', 'registered', 'counts', 'spring',
'summer', 'fall', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Au g',
'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat',
'Cloudy', 'Snow', 'Storm'], dtype='object')

count mean std min 25% 50% 75%

Unnamed: 0 3476.0 8615.672612 5036.486147 6.0000 4270.5000 8562.5000 12957.2500 17376
hour 3476.0 11.615938 6.901033 0.0000 6.0000 12.0000 17.0000 23
holiday 3476.0 0.026755 0.161389 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1
year 3476.0 0.494534 0.500042 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1
workingday 3476.0 0.691024 0.462138 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1
temp 3476.0 0.498009 0.192006 0.0200 0.3400 0.5000 0.6600 0
atemp 3476.0 0.477173 0.171464 0.0303 0.3333 0.4848 0.6212 0
hum 3476.0 0.619940 0.192104 0.0000 0.4700 0.6200 0.7800 1
windspeed 3476.0 0.190389 0.123672 0.0000 0.1045 0.1940 0.2537 0
casual 3476.0 36.722957 51.122565 0.0000 4.0000 17.0000 48.2500 354
registered 3476.0 159.050058 155.418060 0.0000 37.0000 119.0000 227.2500 876
counts 3476.0 195.773015 186.289553 1.0000 44.0000 147.5000 285.2500 970
spring 3476.0 0.255754 0.436347 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1
summer 3476.0 0.258055 0.437627 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1
fall 3476.0 0.239068 0.426576 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1
Feb 3476.0 0.077100 0.266789 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1
Mar 3476.0 0.084868 0.278725 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1
Apr 3476.0 0.082566 0.275265 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1
May 3476.0 0.085731 0.280006 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1
Jun 3476.0 0.082854 0.275701 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1
Jul 3476.0 0.085731 0.280006 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1
Aug 3476.0 0.084868 0.278725 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1
Sept 3476.0 0.082566 0.275265 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1
Oct 3476.0 0.083429 0.276570 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1
Nov 3476.0 0.082566 0.275265 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1
Dec 3476.0 0.085443 0.279580 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1
Mon 3476.0 0.149310 0.356445 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1
Tue 3476.0 0.141254 0.348334 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1
Wed 3476.0 0.132624 0.339216 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1
Thu 3476.0 0.147583 0.354738 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1
Fri 3476.0 0.147008 0.354165 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1
Sat 3476.0 0.140679 0.347740 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1
Cloudy 3476.0 0.265823 0.441834 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1
Snow 3476.0 0.076812 0.266332 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1
count mean std min 25% 50% 75%

Storm 3476.0 0.000288 0.016961 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1

In [32]:
# Drop some columns
BSS_train.drop(columns=['Unnamed: 0', 'dteday', 'casual', 'registered'], inplace=Tr
BSS_test.drop(columns=['Unnamed: 0', 'dteday', 'casual', 'registered'], inplace=Tru In [33]:

Out[33]: 0.20001150814201046
In [34]:
# Percentage of February months in test data (very close to test_size)
(BSS_test.Feb == 1).sum()/((BSS_test.Feb == 1).sum() + (BSS_train.Feb == 1).sum())

Train and test data seem to be accurated, because a sample, the column names and the describe of the
DataFrame seem to be reasonable. Besides that, data seems to be stratified too (look at the sanity check with
February month). The columns Unnamed: 0 , dteday were removed, as well as the columns casual and registered , because they would make the prediction of counts trivial.

3.5 Calculate the Pearson correlation ....

In [36]:
# The positive correlations with count df2 = df.iloc[df.counts.argsort()].iloc[::-1] df2[df2.counts 0][['counts']] Out[36]:

counts 1.000000
temp 0.406155
atemp 0.401119
hour 0.394167
year 0.243886
summer 0.159319
Jun 0.094448
windspeed 0.093981
Aug 0.085847
Sept 0.080225
Jul 0.073333
spring 0.058418
May 0.050471
Oct 0.046657
workingday 0.029534
fall 0.022531
Thu 0.018731
Fri 0.015080
Wed 0.006535
Sat 0.000878
In [37]:
# Pairs of predictors with abs(correlation) 0.7 np.where((np.abs(df.to_numpy()) 0.7) & (np.round(df.to_numpy(), 6) != 1))
(array([4, 5]), array([5, 4]))

0.987407710819568 temp atemp

temp , atemp , hour and year are the variables with the strongest positive correlations with counts .
The only pair of variables with correlation 0.7 (in absolute value) is temp and atemp .

Question 4: Multiple Linear Regression
4.1 Use statsmodels to fit a multiple linear regression model to the training set using all the predictors (no interactions or polynomial terms), and report its 𝑅2 score on the train and test sets.
4.2 Find out which of estimated coefficients are statistically significant at a significance level of 5% (p-value <
0.05). Comment on the results.
4.3 Make a plot of residuals of the fitted model 𝑒 = 𝑦 − 𝑦 as a function of the predicted value ̂ 𝑦. Note that thiŝ is slightly different from the residual plot for simple linear regression. Draw a horizontal line denoting the zero residual value on the Y-axis. Does the plot reveal a non-linear relationship between the predictors and response? What does the plot convey about the variance of the error terms?
4.1 Use statsmodels to fit a ...
In [39]:
# your code here
X_train = sm.add_constant(BSS_train.drop(columns='counts').to_numpy()) X_test = sm.add_constant(BSS_test.drop(columns='counts').to_numpy()) y_train = BSS_train.counts.to_numpy() y_test = BSS_test.counts.to_numpy()
model = sm.OLS(y_train, X_train).fit()
print('Train data R² score: {:.4f}\nTest data R² score: {:.4f}'.format( r2_score(y_train, model.predict()), r2_score(y_test, model.predict(X_test))
Train data R² score: 0.4065
Test data R² score: 0.4064
4.2 Find out which of estimated coefficients ...

OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: y R-squared: 0.407
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.405
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 316.8
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2020 Prob (F-statistic): 0.00
Time: 23:10:04 Log-Likelihood: -88306.
No. Observations: 13903 AIC: 1.767e+05
Df Residuals: 13872 BIC: 1.769e+05
Df Model: 30
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P|t| [0.025 0.975]
const -21.0830 8.641 -2.440 0.015 -38.020 -4.146
x1 7.2214 0.184 39.144 0.000 6.860 7.583
x2 -18.0958 6.597 -2.743 0.006 -31.027 -5.165
x3 76.3519 2.380 32.084 0.000 71.687 81.017
x4 11.3178 2.751 4.114 0.000 5.926 16.710
x5 333.2482 44.162 7.546 0.000 246.684 419.812
x6 74.6312 46.207 1.615 0.106 -15.940 165.202
x7 -205.4959 7.801 -26.343 0.000 -220.786 -190.205
x8 22.5168 10.753 2.094 0.036 1.439 43.595
x9 43.1541 7.417 5.818 0.000 28.615 57.693
x10 29.5426 8.773 3.367 0.001 12.346 46.739
x11 68.5953 7.492 9.156 0.000 53.911 83.280
x12 -7.6430 5.966 -1.281 0.200 -19.336 4.050
x13 -11.6737 6.665 -1.752 0.080 -24.737 1.390
x14 -41.5244 9.878 -4.204 0.000 -60.886 -22.163
x15 -33.2927 10.543 -3.158 0.002 -53.958 -12.628
x16 -65.8039 10.716 -6.141 0.000 -86.809 -44.799
x17 -93.4805 12.086 -7.734 0.000 -117.171 -69.789
x18 -59.2081 11.832 -5.004 0.000 -82.401 -36.015
x19 -16.0517 10.575 -1.518 0.129 -36.780 4.676
x20 -16.1602 9.865 -1.638 0.101 -35.497 3.177
x21 -25.8732 9.527 -2.716 0.007 -44.547 -7.199
x22 -10.2043 7.614 -1.340 0.180 -25.128 4.719
x23 -2.6601 2.978 -0.893 0.372 -8.498 3.177
x24 -6.1425 3.208 -1.915 0.056 -12.430 0.145
x25 2.2964 3.183 0.721 0.471 -3.943 8.536
x26 -3.1611 3.185 -0.993 0.321 -9.404 3.082
x27 2.8892 3.186 0.907 0.364 -3.355 9.133
x28 14.9459 4.382 3.411 0.001 6.357 23.535
x29 6.7868 2.900 2.341 0.019 1.103 12.470
x30 -28.2859 4.819 -5.870 0.000 -37.731 -18.841
x31 42.3569 98.377 0.431 0.667 -150.475 235.189
Omnibus: 2831.359 Durbin-Watson: 0.755
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 5657.789
Skew: 1.224 Prob(JB): 0.00
Kurtosis: 4.943 Cond. No. 1.17e+16
[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The smallest eigenvalue is 1.87e-26. This might indicate that there arestrong multicollinearity problems or that the design matrix is singular.
In [41]:
# The statistically significant (with level of 5%) estimated coefficients list(np.array(['intercept']+list(BSS_train.drop(columns='counts').columns))[model.p
[42]: # The statistically insignificant (with level of 5%) estimated coefficients list(np.array(['intercept']+list(BSS_train.drop(columns='counts').columns))[model.p Out[42]:
We see that not all features have coefficients statistically significant (with level of 5%), but the majority of them have. atemp has statistically insignificant coefficient (maybe because there's already temp ?), many months and Storm (maybe because of few data?).
4.3 Make a plot of residuals of the fitted ...

If counts variable were a linear function of the other variables, the residuals shoud have the same variance. That is, the residuals should have the same distribution, independently of the predicted value. It's not what we see above, because variance is changing. It reveals a non-linear relationship.
Question 5: Subset Selection
5.1 Implement forward step-wise selection to select a minimal subset of predictors that are related to the response variable:
We require that you implement the method from scratch. You may use the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) to choose the subset size in each method.
5.2 Do these methods eliminate one or more of the colinear predictors (if any) identified in Question 3.5? If so, which ones. Briefly explain (3 or fewer sentences) why you think this may be the case.
5.3 Fit the linear regression model using the identified subset of predictors to the training set. How do the test 𝑅2 scores for the fitted models compare with the model fitted in Question 4 using all predictors?
5.1 Implement forward step-wise .... 
[44]: # your code here
def forward_selection(df_train, target): models = []
variables = list(df_train.drop(columns=target).columns) J = len(variables)
y_train = df_train[target].to_numpy() n = len(y_train)

X_train = np.ones((n, 1))
model_0 = sm.OLS(y_train, X_train).fit() mse = np.mean((y_train - model_0.predict())**2)
models.append({'model': model_0, 'variables': [], 'bic': model_0.bic})
for k in range(1, J+1): model_candidates = [] for variable in variables:
predictors = models[-1]['variables'].copy() predictors.append(variable)
X_train = df_train[predictors].to_numpy()
X_train = sm.add_constant(X_train) model = sm.OLS(y_train, X_train).fit() mse = np.mean((y_train - model.predict())**2)
model_candidates.append({'model': model, 'variables': predictors, 'bic' model = min(model_candidates, key=lambda x: x['bic']) models.append(model)

return min(models, key=lambda x: x['bic'])
my_model = forward_selection(BSS_train, 'counts') my_model Out[44]:
{'model': <statsmodels.regression.linear_model.RegressionResultsWrappe r at 0x7fde9bf69730,
'variables': ['temp',
'year', 'hum',
'fall', 'Jul',
'bic': 176790.38694346516}

The selected subset is: temp , hour , year , hum , fall , Jul , Snow , Aug , Jun , holiday , spring .

5.2 Do these methods eliminate ...

The coefficients positive related to counts that were eliminated are: atemp , summer , windspeed , Sept , May , Oct , workingday , Thu , Fri , Wed , Sat .
Maybe it happened because some of them has, despite of positive correlation, week correlation, and there are negative correlated coefficients that are stronger. Maybe they're already represented by another feature.

5.3 In each case, fit linear regression ...


The test 𝑅2 score with all predictors was 0.4064. So the new 𝑅2 score is less than that one.
It's kind of expected. The 𝑅2 score for train data with all predictors was 0.4065, very close to the test one. The 𝑅2 for train data with all predictors is an upperbound for 𝑅2 in train data (imagine linear regression with less predictors as putting the eliminated coefficients as zero), and it's expected to see 𝑅2 on test data less than on train data. So it's reasonable to see this new 𝑅2 on test data less than the old one.

Question 6: Polynomial Regression
We will now try to improve the performance of the regression model by including higher-order polynomial terms.
6.1 For each continuous predictor 𝑋𝑗, include additional polynomial terms 𝑋𝑗2, 𝑋𝑗3, and 𝑋𝑗4, and fit a polynomial regression model to the expanded training set. How does the 𝑅2 of this model on the test set compare with that of the linear model fitted in the previous question? Using a 𝑡-tests, find out which of the estimated coefficients for the polynomial terms are statistically significant at a significance level of 5%. [46]: # your code here
features = list(BSS_train.drop(columns='counts').columns) continuous = [False]*len(features) continuous[4:8] = [True]*4 transform = PolynomialFeatures(4, include_bias=False)
X_train_transformed = np.ones((X_train.shape[0], 1)) for idx, feature in enumerate(features):
if continuous[idx]:
transformed = transform.fit_transform(BSS_train[feature].to_numpy()[..., np X_train_transformed = np.concatenate((X_train_transformed, transformed), ax else:
not_transformed = BSS_train[feature].to_numpy()[..., np.newaxis]
X_train_transformed = np.concatenate((X_train_transformed, not_transformed)
X_test_transformed = np.ones((X_test.shape[0], 1)) for idx, feature in enumerate(features):
if continuous[idx]:
transformed = transform.fit_transform(BSS_test[feature].to_numpy()[..., np. X_test_transformed = np.concatenate((X_test_transformed, transformed), axis else:
not_transformed = BSS_test[feature].to_numpy()[..., np.newaxis]
X_test_transformed = np.concatenate((X_test_transformed, not_transformed),

model = sm.OLS(y_train, X_train_transformed).fit() print('Test data R² score: {:.4f}'.format(r2_score(y_test, model.predict(X_test_tra Test data R² score: 0.4203
In [47]:
# Statistically significant (level of 5%) coefficients
polynomial_features = ['intercept'] for idx, feature in enumerate(features): if continuous[idx]:
for i in range(1, 5):
polynomial_features.append('{}^{}'.format(feature, i)) else: polynomial_features.append('{}'.format(feature)) print(list(np.array(polynomial_features)[model.pvalues < 0.05]))
['intercept', 'hour', 'holiday', 'year', 'workingday', 'temp^2', 'temp ^3', 'temp^4', 'hum^1', 'hum^2', 'hum^3', 'hum^4', 'windspeed^2', 'win dspeed^3', 'windspeed^4', 'spring', 'summer', 'fall', 'May', 'Jun', 'J ul', 'Aug', 'Tue', 'Sat', 'Cloudy', 'Snow']

We achieved the best test 𝑅2 score: 0.4203. The list of statistically significant coefficients are list above. Almost all features selected in the previous ( temp , hour , year , hum , fall , Jul , Snow , Aug , Jun , holiday , spring ) question have a term (or a polynomial term) with statistically significance (level of 5%) above.
Written Report to the Administrators
Question 7
Write a short summary report, intended for the administrators of the company, to address two major points (can be written as two large paragraphs):
1. How to predict ridership well (which variables are important, when is ridership highest/lowest, etc.).
2. Suggestions on how to increase the system revenue (what additional services to provide, when to give discounts, etc.).
Include your report below. The report should not be longer than 300 words and should include a maximum of 3 figures.

Prediction of number of rides is a very important task when dealing with bike sharing services. We found some interesting insights in our analysis.
The most part or the rides is done by registered clientes in commute time, that is, people is using for going to work or school.

In general, the trend is: rides begin with the morning, end with the night and vanish at dawn, with peaks of use in commute times. On holidays, we also see that, but these peaks are shorter and casual rides are greater. We also see that weather doesn't affect as much as we could think: people still ride bikes in snow and thunderstorm days, although the number is less. People ride bikes less in winter, and in the other seasons the numbers are very close.

During weekdays, approx. 15% of the rides are casual rides, against 35% in weekends.
When dealing with linear regression models, a good subset of features is temp , hour , year , hum , fall , Jul , Snow , Aug , Jun , holiday , spring . But we have to say that we observed non-linear relationships with data, so maybe it's better to use polynomial regressions, which we observe to perform better.
Our tips are based in three aspects:
Raise rides when there're few of them. In the winter, people use less the bikes, so it's a good ideia to offer discounts during this season.
Take advantage of loyalty. We saw people use your service a lot for commute, that is, people use it everyday. Offer discounts and advantages for these users is a good idea, in order to attract more people and to loyalty them.
Offer more bikes when it's being heavy used. It happens during commute time and in seasons like the summer, and it’s good to make sure there’s no shortage of bicycles

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