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CS107-Assignment 16 Assembly Solved

This lab is designed to give you a chance to:

1. study the relationship between C source and its assembly translation

2. use objdump and gdb to disassemble and trace assembly code

3. write a little assembly of your own

When doing code study on assembly language, we recommend you use the nifty GCC Explorer

online interactive compiler. Use this link

( we have pre-con gured for myth's version of GCC and compiler ags from the CS107 make les. (To manually con gure GCC Explorer: compiler is x86-64 gcc

4.8.5 , ags are -Og -std=gnu99 -xc ).

In GCC Explorer, you can type in a C function, see its generated assembly, then tweak the C source and observe how those changes are re ected in the assembly instructions. You could instead make these same observations on myth using gcc and gdb, but GCC Explorer makes it easier to do those tasks in a convenient environment for exploration. Try it out!

A note on register use: Lecture has not yet reached the assembly for function calls and how registers are used for passing values in and out of functions, so here is a quick preview. The rst three arguments are passed in %rdi , %rsi , and %rdx respectively and the return value is written to %rax . In the body of the function, these registers (and a few others) are used to hold intermediate results. A reference to the e -named register accesses the lower 32-bit subregister,

e.g. %edi is the subregister of %rdi . Operations on pointers and longs (64-bit types) will use the full r- named registers, and operations on ints will use the e -named subregisters.

1) Assembly code study
Addressing modes
Review the two deref functions below.


Open GCC Explorer ( and copy and paste the above functions into the left pane and examine the generated assembly shown in the right pane.

1. There is one di erence between the assembly instruction sequences for the two functions as shown above. What is the di erence? Why it is di erent?

2. Edit the rst function to add the typecast *(float *)ptr to the assignment statement and the two assembly sequences become the same. But the C source for the two functions exhibit clearly di erent intentions! How is possible that both can generate the same assembly instructions?

3. Edit both functions to instead assign ptr[7] (no typecasts) to zero. How does this change the addressing mode using for the destination operand of the mov instruction? Do both

deref functions change in the same way?

4. Edit both functions to now assign ptr[index] to zero. How does this change the addressing mode using for the destination operand of the mov instruction? Do both deref functions change in the same way?

5. Change the assignment statement to *ptr = *(ptr + 1) . For both functions, the assembly sequence is one instruction longer. Previously, only one mov instruction was su cient to implement the assignment statement. This assignment statement requires two instructions. Why?

Signed/unsigned arithmetic
The following two functions perform the same arithmetic operation on their arguments, but those arguments di er in type (signedness).


Copy and paste the following code into GCC Explorer.

1. Observe that both functions use the same assembly instructions for the arithmetic. The choice of two's complement representation allows the exact same add/sub/imul instruction to work for both unsigned and signed types. Neat!

2. Edit both functions to perform a right shift on one of its arguments. When doing a rightshift, does gcc emit an arithmetic ( sar ) or logical ( shr ) shift?

Lea, multiplication by a constant
The lea instruction packs a lot of computation in one instruction: two adds and a multiply by constant 1, 2, 4 or 8. It was designed for address arithmetic, but the math is compatible with regular integer operations and it is often used by compiler to do an e                 cient add/multiply combo.


Copy and paste the above functions into GCC Explorer.

1. Look at the generated assembly for combine and you'll see a lea instead of the expected add . Interesting! lea can be used for add , but what else can it do?

2. Edit the combine function to return x + 2*y or return x + 8*y -17 and observe how a single lea instruction can also compute these more complex expressions.

3. Edit to return x + 23*y and the result will no longer t the pattern for an lea . What sequence of assembly instructions is generated instead?

4. Multiply is one of the more expensive instructions and the compiler prefers cheaper alternatives where possible. The scale function multiplies its argument by 4. Look at its generated assembly-- what instruction does the compiler use? Edit the scale function to multiply by 16. What assembly instruction is used now?

5. It is perhaps unsurprising that the compiler treats multiplication by powers of 2 as a special case given the underlying binary representation, but it's got a few more tricks up its sleeve than just that! Edit the scale function to instead multiply its argument by a small constant that is not a power of 2. Try 3, then 17, and then 25. For each, look at the

assembly and see what instructions are used. Gcc sure goes out of its way to avoid multiply!

6. Experiment to nd a small integer constant C such that return C*x is expressed as a true imul instruction.

Constant folding
Below are some functions that we examined earlier in the quarter. Each has a complex expression that involve only constants. The abs_val function could have right-shifted x by a hard-coded 31 or has_zero_byte might have assigned highs to a hard-coded

0x8080808080808080 ), but instead the functions build up these values. I nd this approach pleasing as it documents the construction of these values as opposed to dropping in some magic number. An objection might be that repeatedly calculating the value incurs a performance penalty, but no need to worry! An expression that involves only constants can be evaluated at compile-time and have its result substituted into the generated assembly. This compiler feature is called constant folding.


1. Copy and paste the above functions into GCC Explorer and look at the generated assembly instructions. Can you see where constant folding was applied? If you hover over the large decimal constants in the assembly for has_zero_byte , GCC Explorer will show the hex equivalent, which will make the constants less inscrutable.

2) Tools
Deadlisting with objdump
As part of the compilation process, the assembler takes in assembly instructions and encodes them into binary machine form. Disassembly is the reverse process that converts binary-encoded instructions back into human-readable assembly text. objdump is a tool that operates on object les (i.e. les containing machine instructions in binary). It can dig out all sorts of information from the object le, but one of the more common uses is as a disassembler. Let's try it out!

1. Invoking objdump -d extracts the instructions from an object le and outputs the sequence of binary-encoded machine instructions alongside the assembly equivalent. This dump is called a deadlist ("dead" to distinguish from the study of "live" assembly as it executes). Use make to build the lab programs and then objdump -d code to get a sample deadlist.

2. The python script reports the most heavily used assembly instructions in a given object le. Try out code for an example. The script uses objdump to disassemble the le, tallies instructions by opcode, and reports the top 10 most frequent. Use which to get the path to a system executable (e.g. which vim or emacs or gcc) and then use on that path. Try this for a few executables. Does the mix of assembly instructions seem to vary much by program?

GDB commands for live assembly debugging
Below we introduce a few of the gdb commands that allow you to work with code at the assembly level.

The gdb command disassemble with no argument will print the disassembled instructions for the currently executing function. You can also give an optional argument of what to disassemble, a function name or code address.


The hex number in the leftmost column is the address in memory for that instruction and in angle brackets is the o set of that instruction relative to the start of the function.

You can set a breakpoint at a speci c assembly instruction by specifying its address b *address or an o set within a function b * myfn+8 . Note that the latter is not 8 instructions into main, but 8 bytes worth of instructions into main. Given the variable-length encoding of instructions, 7 bytes can correspond to one or several instructions.

(gdb) b *0x400609      break at specified address 

 (gdb) b *myfn+8       break at instruction 8 bytes into myfn() 

The gdb commands stepi and nexti allow you to single-step through assembly instructions. These are the assembly-level equivalents of the source-level step and next commands. They can be abbreviated si and ni .

(gdb) stepi            executes next single instruction 

 (gdb) nexti            executes next instruction (step over fn calls) 

The gdb command info reg will print all integer registers. You can print or set a register's value by name. Within gdb, a register name is pre xed with $ instead of the usual % .


The tui (text user interface) we showed in lecture splits your session into panes for simultaneously viewing the C source, assembly translation, and/or current register state. The gdb command layout <argument starts tui mode. The argument speci es which pane you want ( src , asm , regs , split or next ).


Tui mode is great for tracing execution and observing what is happening with code/registers as you stepi . Occasionally, tui trips itself and garbles the display. The gdb command refresh sometimes works to clean it up. If things get really out of hand, ctrl-x a will exit tui mode and return you to ordinary non-graphical gdb.

Reading and tracing assembly in GDB
Let's try out all these new gdb commands! Read over the program code.c . Compile the program and load into gdb.

1. Compile the program and load into gdb. Disassemble myfn .

2. Use the disassembly to gure out where arr is being stored. How are the values in arr initialized? What happened to the strlen call on the string constant to init the last array element?

3. What instructions were emitted to compute the value assigned to count ? What does this tell you about the sizeof operator?

4. Set a breakpoint at myfn and run the program. Use the gdb command info locals to show the local variables. Compare this list to the declarations in the C source. You'll see some variables are shown with values ("live"), some are <optimized out , but others don't show up at all. Look at the disassembly to gure out what happened to these entirely missing variables. Step through the function repeating the info locals command to observe which variables are live at each step. Examine the disassembly to explain why there is no step at which both total and squared are live.

3) Writing assembly
The program code in the lab repo is written in a mix of C and assembly code. The le code.c has C source, the le asm.s has assembly instructions, and those two les are compiled/assembled and then linked together in one executable. There is no C source for the asm side, so the only means to understand what that code accomplishes is to read the assembly itself.

1. The program code calls the function sample on its command-line arguments and prints the result. The sample function was written in assembly, not compiled from C. Open the

asm.s le to see its de nition. Run in gdb and stepi through the execution of a call to sample and observe its operation. Once you understand what it's doing, jot down an

equivalent C version of the sample function.

2. And lastly, try out hand-generating a little assembly by editing the asm.s le to implement your own version of the mine function to return the absolute value of the di erence between its two arguments. Compile and test with sanitycheck to verify that your assembly code is correct.

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