CS102- Algorithms and Programming II
Lab 01
Lab Objectives: Arrays
● For all labs in CS 102, your solutions must conform to these CS101/102 styl e guidelines.
● Create a Java Project named Lab01. Put all of your classes in this project.
● Remember to include javadoc comments for each class and method.
● Upload your solution as a single .zip file to the Lab01 assignment for your section by the end of your section’s lab session on the week of February 8. You must use the following naming convention: Lab01_Surname_FirstName.zip where Surname is your family name and FirstName is your first name. You may upload multiple times; the last upload will be considered.
Question In this lab, you are going to implement2 an Polynomial class that represents polynomials of the form P(x) = c0 + c1x + c2x + ... + cnx
The class should do the following:
1. Polynomial class should contain its coefficients in an array. Use double type for coefficients.
2. Include a constructor that takes an integer, d , and a double, c , to construct polynomials of the form P(x) = cx d.
Include a default constructor that takes no argument and constructs a zero polynomial (P(x) = 0 ).
3. Include another constructor that takes an array of coefficients and produces a polynomial with these coefficients.
4. Add a getter method for a coefficient which takes degree and returns the coefficient of the term with that degree.
5. Include getDegree() method that returns the degree of the polynomial. Degree of a polynomial is the degree of highest non-zero term in a polynomial. For example, the degree of polynomial P(x) = 4 - 5x 2 + 12x3 is 3. You can assume that the degree of zero polynomial is 0.
6. Add toString() method that returns String representation of the polynomial. Zero terms in the polynomial should not be included in the string.
For instance, for the polynomial P(x) = 4 – 5x2 + 2x3, toString() method should return “4.0 - 5.0x^2 + 2.0x^3” .
7. Add eval( double x ) method that evaluates the polynomial at x and returns the result.
1. Use Math.pow( double a, double b ) method to evaluate each term individually and the polynomial as a sum of the terms.
2. Implement another method, eval2( double x ) that evaluates the polynomial using Horner’s method. Horner’s method is an efficient way of evaluating polynomials at a given point. A polynomial P(x) = c 0 + c 1x + c2x 2 + ... + cnx n can be evaluated at x 0 by rearranging computation as
P(x0) = (( ... ( (cn) x0 + c n-1) x0 ... + c 4 ) x 0 + c 3) x0 + c 1) x0 + c 0 and computing the result from the innermost parentheses to outwards.
8. Implement a class called PolynomialTester to test your Polynomial class.