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CS1009-Homework 4 Regularization Solved

In this homework, we will focus on regularization and cross validation. We will continue to build regression models for the Capital Bikeshare program in Washington D.C. See homework 3 for more information about the Capital Bikeshare data that we'll be using extensively.
Data Preparation
Question 1
In HW3 Questions 1-3, you preprocessed the data in preparation for your regression analysis. We ask you to repeat those steps (particularly those in Question 3) so that we can compare the analysis models in this HW with those you developed in HW3. In this HW we'll be using models from sklearn exclusively (as opposed to statsmodels)
1.1 [From HW3] Read data/BSS_train.csv and data/BSS_test.csv into dataframes BSS_train and BSS_test , respectively. Remove the dteday column from both train and test dataset. We do not need it, and its format cannot be used for analysis. Also remove the casual and registered columns for both training and test datasets as they make count trivial.
1.2 Since we'll be exploring Regularization and Polynomial Features, it will make sense to standardize our data. Standardize the numerical features. Store the dataframes for the processed training and test predictors into the variables X_train and X_test . Store the appropriately shaped numpy arrays for the corresponding train and test count columns into y_train and y_test .
1.3 Use the LinearRegression library from sklearn to fit a multiple linear regression model to the training set data in X_train . Store the fitted model in the variable BikeOLSModel .
1.4 What are the training and test set 𝑅2 scores? Store the training and test 𝑅2 scores of the
BikeOLSModel in a dictionary BikeOLS_r2scores using the string 'training' and 'test' as keys.
1.5 We're going to use bootstrapped confidence intervals (use 500 bootstrap iterations) to determine which of the estimated coefficients for the BikeOLSModel are statistically significant at a significance level of 5% .
We'll do so by creating 3 different functions:
1. make_bootstrap_sample(dataset_X, dataset_y) returns a bootstrap sample of dataset_X and dataset_y
2. calculate_coefficients(dataset_X, dataset_y, model) returns in the form of a dictionary regression coefficients calculated by your model on dataset_X and dataset_y . The keys for regression coefficients dictionary should be the names of the features. The values should be the coefficient values of that feature calculated on your model. An example would be {'hum': 12.3, 'windspeed': -1.2, 'Sunday': 0.6 ... }
3. get_significant_predictors(regression_coefficients, significance_level) takes as input a list of regression coefficient dictionaries (each one the output of calculate_coefficients and returns a python list of the feature names of the significant predictors e.g. ['Monday', 'hum', 'holiday', ... ]
In the above functions dataset_X should always be a pandas dataframe with your features, dataset_y a numpy column vector with the values of the response variable and collectively they form the dataset upon which the operations take place. model is the sklearn regression model that will be used to generate the regression coefficients. regression_coefficients is a list of dictionaries of numpy arrays with each numpy array containing the regression coefficients (not including the intercept) calculated from one bootstrap sample. significance_level represents the significance level as a floating point number. So a 5% significance level should be represented as 0.05.
Store the feature names as a list of strings in the variable BikeOLS_significant_bootstrap and print them for your answer.
1.1 Read data/BSS_train.csv and data/BSS_test.csv into Pandas DataFrames
In [3]:
BSS_train = pd.read_csv('data/BSS_train.csv', index_col=0)
BSS_train.drop(columns=['dteday', 'casual', 'registered'], inplace=True)
BSS_test = pd.read_csv('data/BSS_test.csv', index_col=0)
BSS_test.drop(columns=['dteday', 'casual', 'registered'], inplace=True)
This is our data:
In [4]:

hour holiday year workingday temp atemp hum windspeed counts spring ... D

8174 6 0 0 1 0.16 0.1818 0.80 0.1045 64 0 ...
10926 10 0 1 1 0.42 0.4242 0.35 0.2836 246 1 ...
12428 1 0 1 1 0.52 0.5000 0.77 0.1642 22 1 ...
3 rows × 32 columns

1.2 Standardizing our data The numerical features are:

Create the standard scaler:
In [6]:
scaler = StandardScaler()[numerical_features])
BSS_train[numerical_features] = scaler.transform(BSS_train[numerical_features]) BSS_train.sample(3) Out[6]:
hour holiday year workingday temp atemp hum windspeed

5508 -0.221095 -0.173658 -1.009177 0.684979 1.054885 1.024016 -0.771916 0.766979
3435 -1.522118 -0.173658 -1.009177 -1.459899 0.432131 0.407540 1.299629 0.032583 918 1.079928 -0.173658 -1.009177 0.684979 -1.851301 -1.795492 -1.807688 -0.700993
3 rows × 32 columns

Apply the same scaler to test dataset:
In [7]:
BSS_test[numerical_features] = scaler.transform(BSS_test[numerical_features]) BSS_test.sample(3) Out[7]:
hour holiday year workingday temp atemp hum windspeed

11840 0.212579 -0.173658 0.990907 -1.459899 0.951093 0.936197 -0.461184 0.521907
12944 0.212579 -0.173658 0.990907 0.684979 1.885224 1.552674 -1.911265 0.277655 5171 -0.365653 -0.173658 -1.009177 0.684979 1.366262 1.288636 -0.409396 1.623501
3 rows × 32 columns

Now we organize the variables:

hour holiday year workingday temp atemp hum windspeed sp

4828 -1.377559 -0.173658 -1.009177 0.684979 1.26247 1.376455 0.833531 -0.823119
1 rows × 31 columns

array([[-0.9543521 ],
[-0.86551602], ...,
1.3 Use the LinearRegression library from sklearn to fit a multiple linear regression.
In [10]:
BikeOLSModel = LinearRegression().fit(X_train, y_train)
1.4 What are the training and test set 𝑅2 scores? Store the 𝑅2 scores of the BikeOLSModel on the training and test sets in a dictionary BikeOLS_r2scores .

{'training': 0.4065387827969087, 'test': 0.40638554757102274}

Training set 𝑅2 score: 0.4065.
Test set 𝑅2 score: 0.4064.

1.5 We're going to use bootstrapped confidence intervals to determine which of the estimatedcoefficients ... 
In [12]:
# dataset_x should be a pandas dataframe
## accepts dataset inputs as numpy arrays def make_bootstrap_sample(dataset_X, dataset_y, size = None): dataset_X = dataset_X.copy() dataset_y = dataset_y.copy()

# by default return a bootstrap sample of the same size as the original dataset if not size: size = len(dataset_X)

# if the X and y datasets aren't the same size, raise an exception if len(dataset_X) != len(dataset_y):
raise Exception("Data size must match between dataset_X and dataset_y")

samples_indices = np.random.randint(0, len(dataset_X), len(dataset_X))

bootstrap_dataset_X = dataset_X.iloc[samples_indices] bootstrap_dataset_y = dataset_y[samples_indices, :]

# return as a tuple your bootstrap samples of dataset_X as a pandas dataframe
# and your bootstrap samples of dataset y as a numpy column vector

return (bootstrap_dataset_X, bootstrap_dataset_y)

def calculate_coefficients(dataset_X, dataset_y, model):

features = list(dataset_X.columns) coef_ = list(model.coef_[0])
coefficients_dictionary = dict(zip(features, coef_))
# return coefficients in the variable coefficients_dictionary as a dictionary
# with the key being the name of the feature as a string
# the value being the value of the coefficients
# do not return the intercept as part of this return coefficients_dictionary
def get_significant_predictors(regression_coefficients, significance_level):
features = list(regression_coefficients[0].keys()) significant_coefficients = [] for feature in features:
values = [coefficients[feature] for coefficients in regression_coefficients if np.quantile(values, significance_level/2) 0:
significant_coefficients.append(feature) else: if np.quantile(values, 1 - significance_level/2) < 0: significant_coefficients.append(feature)

# regression_coefficients is a list of dictionaries
# with the key being the name of the feature as a string
# the value being the value of the coefficients
# each dictionary in the list should be the output of calculate_coefficients
# return the significant coefficients as a list of strings return significant_coefficients
In [13]:
regression_coefficients = [] for i in range(500):
bootstrap_sample = make_bootstrap_sample(X_train, y_train)
model = LinearRegression().fit(bootstrap_sample[0], bootstrap_sample[1]) coefficients = calculate_coefficients(bootstrap_sample[0], bootstrap_sample[1], regression_coefficients.append(coefficients)
BikeOLS_significant_bootstrap = get_significant_predictors(regression_coefficients, In [14]:

['hour', 'holiday', 'year', 'workingday', 'temp', 'hum', 'windspeed', 'spring', 'summer', 'fall', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug',
'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec', 'Sat', 'Cloudy', 'Snow']
Penalization Methods
In HW 3 Question 5 we explored using subset selection to find a significant subset of features. We then fit a regression model just on that subset of features instead of on the full dataset (including all features). As an alternative to selecting a subset of predictors and fitting a regression model on the subset, one can fit a linear regression model on all predictors, but shrink or regularize the coefficient estimates to make sure that the model does not "overfit" the training set. Question 2
We're going to use Ridge and Lasso regression regularization techniques to fit linear models to the training set. We'll use cross-validation and shrinkage parameters 𝜆 from the set {.001, .005, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000} to pick the best model for each regularization technique.
2.1 Use 5-fold cross-validation to pick the best shrinkage parameter from the set
{.001, .005, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000} for your Ridge Regression model on the training data. Fit a Ridge
Regression model on the training set with the selected shrinkage parameter and store your fitted model in the variable BikeRRModel . Store the selected shrinkage parameter in the variable BikeRR_shrinkage_parameter .
2.2 Use 5-fold cross-validation to pick the best shrinkage parameter from the set
{.001, .005, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000} for your Lasso Regression model on the training data. Fit a Lasso
Regression model on the training set with the selected shrinkage parameter and store your fitted model in the variable BikeLRModel . Store the selected shrinkage parameter in the variable BikeLR_shrinkage_parameter .
2.3 Create three dictionaries BikeOLSparams , BikeLRparams , and BikeRRparams . Store in each the corresponding regression coefficients for each of the regression models indexed by the string feature name.
2.4 For the Lasso and Ridge Regression models list the features that are assigned a coefficient value close to 0 (i.e. the absolute value of the coefficient is less than 0.1). How closely do they match the redundant predictors found (if any) in HW 3, Question 5?
2.5 To get a visual sense of how the features different regression models (Multiple Linear Regression, Ridge Regression, Lasso Regression) estimate coefficients, order the features by magnitude of the estimated coefficients in the Multiple Linear Regression Model (no shrinkage). Plot a bar graph of the magnitude (absolute value) of the estimated coefficients from Multiple Linear Regression in order from greatest to least. Using a different color (and alpha values) overlay bar graphs of the magnitude of the estimated coefficients (in the same order as the Multiple Linear Regression coefficients) from Ridge and Lasso Regression.
2.6 Let's examine a pair of features we believe to be related. Is there a difference in the way Ridge and Lasso regression assign coefficients to the predictors temp and atemp ? If so, explain the reason for the difference.
2.7 Discuss the Results:
1. How do the estimated coefficients compare to or differ from the coefficients estimated by a plain linear regression (without shrinkage penalty) in Question 1?
2. Is there a difference between coefficients estimated by the two shrinkage methods? If so, give an explantion for the difference.
3. Is the significance related to the shrinkage in some way?
Hint: You may use sklearn 's RidgeCV and LassoCV classes to implement Ridge and Lasso regression.
These classes automatically perform cross-validation to tune the parameter 𝜆 from a given range of values.
In [15]:

2.1 Use 5-fold cross-validation to pick the best shrinkage parameter from the set {.001, .005, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000} for your Ridge Regression model.
In [16]:
BikeRRModel = RidgeCV(alphas=lambdas, cv=5).fit(X_train, y_train) BikeRR_shrinkage_parameter = BikeRRModel.alpha_
2.2 Use 5-fold cross-validation to pick the best shrinkage parameter from the set {.001, .005, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000} for your Lasso Regression model.
In [17]:
BikeLRModel = LassoCV(alphas=lambdas, cv=5).fit(X_train, y_train)
BikeLR_shrinkage_parameter = BikeLRModel.alpha_
2.3 Create three dictionaries BikeOLSparams , BikeLRparams , and BikeRRparams . Store in each the corresponding regression coefficients.
In [18]:
BikeOLSparams = dict(zip(X_train.columns, BikeOLSModel.coef_[0]))
BikeLRparams = dict(zip(X_train.columns, BikeLRModel.coef_))
BikeRRparams = dict(zip(X_train.columns, BikeRRModel.coef_[0]))
2.4 For the Lasso and Ridge Regression models list the features that are assigned a coefficient value close to 0 ...
We calculate the features with little coefficients:
In [19]:
lasso_0 = [key for key, values in BikeLRparams.items() if np.abs(values) < 0.1] ridge_0 = [key for key, values in BikeRRparams.items() if np.abs(values) < 0.1] In [20]:

['holiday', 'workingday', 'atemp', 'windspeed', 'summer', 'Feb', 'Ma r', 'Apr', 'May', 'Aug', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'W ed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Cloudy', 'Storm'] In [21]:

['holiday', 'workingday', 'windspeed', 'spring', 'summer', 'Feb', 'Ma r', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Aug', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec', 'Mon', 'T ue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Cloudy', 'Snow', 'Storm']
We verify the features removed in Homework 3, question 5:

['workingday', 'atemp', 'windspeed', 'summer', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'M ay', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri',
'Sat', 'Cloudy', 'Storm']

The lists are almost the same. It means that the features with little coefficients calculated with Lasso and Ridge are almost the same that those removed in Question 5 from Homework 3.

2.5 To get a visual sense of how the features different regression models (Multiple Linear Regression, Ridge Regression, Lasso Regression) estimate coefficients, order the features by magnitude of the estimated coefficients in the Multiple Linear Regression Model (no shrinkage).
In [23]:

In [24]:
sorted_features = sorted(features, key=lambda x: np.abs(BikeOLSparams[x]), reverse= In [25]:

2.6 Let's examine a pair of features we believe to be related. Is there a difference in the way Ridge and Lasso regression assign coefficients ...v

Although Lasso performs the same as Multiple Linear Regression for the features temp and atemp , Ridge decreases temp 's coefficient and increases atemp 's. In fact, for the Ridge, they are very close to each other. Well, this difference between Lasso and Ridge is because Lasso tends to produce sparse solutions, that is, tends to produce zero estimates, differently from Ridge. Lasso coefficients are nullified fast, when lambda increases.

2.7.1 How do the estimated coefficients compare to or differ from ...

The estimated coefficients for Lasso and Ridge do not follow the same order of magnitude of plain linear regression. Also, many of them are zero, when dealing with Lasso. In general, these coefficients are smaller than plain linear regression's.

2.7.2 Is there a difference between coefficients estimated by the two shrinkage methods ...
They are very different too: not same order of magnitude, many of Lasso coefficients are zero, in general Lasso coefficients are greater.
The reason for this is because they have different loss functions. Lasso tend to produce zero estimates, sparse solutions.

2.7.3 Is the significance related to the shrinkage in some way?

It appears not to have relation between significance (original bar height) and shrinkage. That is, the proportion of increase/decrease of the coefficient magnitude appears not to be related to its original magnitude.

Question 3: Polynomial Features, Interaction Terms, and Cross Validation
We would like to fit a model to include all main effects and polynomial terms for numerical predictors up to the 4𝑡ℎ order. More precisely use the following terms:
predictors in X_train and X_test
𝑋𝑗1, 𝑋𝑗2, 𝑋𝑗3, and 𝑋𝑗4 for each numerical predictor 𝑋𝑗
3.1 Create an expanded training set including all the desired terms mentioned above. Store that training set (as a pandas dataframe) in the variable X_train_poly . Create the corresponding test set and store it as a pandas dataframe in X_test_poly .
3.2 Discuss the following:
1. What are the dimensions of this 'design matrix' of all the predictor variables in 3.1?
2. What issues may we run into attempting to fit a regression model using all of these predictors?
3.3 Let's try fitting a regression model on all the predictors anyway. Use the LinearRegression library from sklearn to fit a multiple linear regression model to the training set data in X_train_poly . Store the fitted
model in the variable BikeOLSPolyModel .
3.4 Discuss the following:
1. What are the training and test 𝑅2 scores?
2. How does the model performance compare with the OLS model on the original set of features in Question 1?
3.5 The training set 𝑅2 score we generated for our model with polynomial and interaction terms doesn't have any error bars. Let's use cross-validation to generate sample sets of 𝑅2 for our model. Use 5-fold crossvalidation to generate 𝑅2 scores for the multiple linear regression model with polynomial terms. What are the mean and standard deviation of the 𝑅2 scores for your model?
3.6 Visualize the 𝑅2 scores generated from the 5-fold cross validation as a box and whisker plot.
3.7 We've used cross-validation to generate error bars around our 𝑅2 scores, but another use of crossvalidation is as a way of model selection. Let's construct the following model alternatives:
1. Multiple linear regression model generated based upon the feature set in Question 1 (let's call these the base features).
2. base features plus polynomial features to order 2
3. base features plus polynomial features to order 4
Use 5-fold cross validation on the training set to select the best model. Make sure to evaluate all the models as much as possible on the same folds. For each model generate a mean and standard deviation for the 𝑅2 score.
3.8 Visualize the 𝑅2 scores generated for each model from 5-fold cross validation in box and whiskers plots.
Do the box and whisker plots influence your view of which model was best?
3.9 Evaluate each of the model alternatives on the test set. How do the results compare with the results from cross-validation?
3.1 Create an expanded training set including all the desired terms mentioned above. Store that training set (as a numpy array) in the variable X_train_poly ....

3.2.1 What are the dimensions of this 'design matrix'...**
In [28]:
print('The dimensions of X_train_poly is {}.'.format(X_train_poly.shape))
The dimensions of X_train_poly is (13903, 55).
3.2.2 What issues may we run into attempting to fit a regression model using all of these predictors?

We may overfit the training dataset, because of the high order.

3.3 Let's try fitting a regression model on all the predictors anyway. Use the LinearRegression library from sklearn to fit a multiple linear regression model ....
In [29]:
BikeOLSPolyModel = LinearRegression().fit(X_train_poly, y_train)
3.4.1 What are the training and test 𝑅2 scores?
In [30]:
print(r2_score(y_train, BikeOLSPolyModel.predict(X_train_poly)), r2_score(y_test, BikeOLSPolyModel.predict(X_test_poly)))
0.5553131294038416 0.5518725502376847

The training 𝑅2 score is 0.5553, and the test is 0.5519.

3.4.2 How does the model performance compare with the OLS model on the original set of features in Question 1?

The training performance of this new model is obviously better. But we see that the test performance is better too. So we conclude it performs better than the OLS model with original set of features in Question 1.

3.5 The training set 𝑅2 score we generated for our model with polynomial and interaction terms doesn't have any error bars. Let's use cross-validation to generate sample...

0.5523235805837091 0.005348270790672392

The mean of 𝑅2 score is 0.5523, and the standard deviation is 0.0053.

3.6 Visualize the 𝑅2 scores generated from the 5-fold cross validation as a box and whisker plot.

3.7 We've used cross-validation to generate error bars around our 𝑅2 scores, but another use of crossvalidation is as a way of model selection. Let's construct the following model alternatives ...

Model 1: mean = 0.4041, std = 0.0125
Model 2: mean = 0.4996, std = 0.0065
Model 3: mean = 0.5502, std = 0.0064

3.8 Visualize the 𝑅2 scores generated for each model from 5-fold cross validation in box and whiskers plots. Do the box and whisker plots influence your view of which model was best? ...

We see that the best models were those with polynomial features, specially the one with 4th order polynomial features.

3.9 Evaluate each of the model alternatives on the test set. How do the results compare with the results from cross-validation?
In [38]:
model_1 = LinearRegression().fit(X_train[BikeOLS_significant_bootstrap], y_train) r2_score(y_test, model_1.predict(X_test[BikeOLS_significant_bootstrap]))



The results are very close to the medians of the results from cross-validation.

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