Task 1.0 Preparation of setting up lab environment
Suggestions for Task 1:
1. Review and exercise the the following labs: Open vSwitch and Basic Setup (CS-NET-00006), Mininet (CS-NET-00007), POX (CS-NET-00008), andcontainernet (CS-NET-00009). These labs help you understand SDN and exercise basic setup of an SDN environment.
2. Review and exercise the lab CS-CNS-00101 (SDN firewall). This lab will provide you basic knowledge foundation to run this lab on how to set up flow filtering rules. Note that the services (Mininet, OVS and POX) may have already been setup on your server. You need to verify if these servers are setup properly to conduct your required tasks.
Before starting the lab, you need to check several software components and see if they have been set up properly. They are:
• Check if python is installed
python --version
• Check if python3.x is installed
python3 --version
• Check if mininet is installed (or check CS-NET-00007 for mininet installation and setup)
mn --version
sudo mn --test pingall
This will create a temporary hosts and switch and pings to all hosts that it created. Ifmininet is installed properly, it will execute and clean all the created hosts later and exit successfully.
• Check installation of pox. Go to directory where POX is installed, e.g. a common source code of POX is installed in directory /home/ubuntu/pox. Here, we use $POX DIR represents the POX director in your system.
cd $POX\_DIR % depends on where the pox folder is created.
./pox.py -verbose forwarding.hub
• Check OVS installation
It should display OVS version and details when it was installed, something like below:
ovs-vsctl (Open vSwitch) 2.9.5 DB Schema 7.15.1
• Check if wget is installed.
wget --version
If It is not installed, install it using following command.
• Check if hping3 is installed.
hping3 --version
If It is not installed, install it using following command.
$ sudo apt-get install hping3
Task 2.0 Simulate DOS attack on SDN
In a Software Defined Networking (SDN) environment, hosts are connected to a controller via switches, in which the data flow is numbered in the Figure CS-CNS-00103.2 to show how its initial flow packets are processed. A new flow will be firstly intercepted by the controller, and then the controller will apply appropriate flow rules to enable the data flow from the source (e.g., host A) to the destination (e.g., host B).
Now, let’s assume the attacker, i.e., host A, will try to send multiple spoofed packets to victim hosts, e.g., host B, sharing same switch so that it will block the switch and the controller by overloading the controller with multiple spoofed packets to prevent the controllers implement flow rules on SDN switches. This will potentially breaks down whole network.
Task 2.1 Getting source code
After you have verified that POX and mininet are installed, Open POX controller in one terminal window and run the controller forwarding application in that window.
1. Download CS-CNS-00103 source code for stateless firewall, if have not done before. (Pre-requisite: Check
Figure CS-CNS-00103.2
SDN traffic flows.
if wget is installed using command wget –version. If wget is not installed, install it using ’sudo apt install wget’)
wget https://gitlab.thothlab.org/thoth-group/ThoThLabResource/raw/master/ lab-cs-cns-00103.zip
unzip lab-cs-cns-00103.zip
Source code files are located in the folder ‘lab-cs-cns-00103’.
2. We need to use this firewall application with POX controller. To do so, copy L3Firewall.py file into the pox folder such as ./pox/pox/forwarding. Here we assume POX DIR is directory where POX source code is present, e.g., If you have installed POX in /home/ubuntu/, then your $POX DIR is /home/ubuntu/pox.
sudo cp lab-cs-cns-00103/l2firewall.config $POX_DIR/. % copy the layer 2
config file.
sudo cp lab-cs-cns-00103/l3firewall.config $POX_DIR/. % copy the layer 3
config file.
sudo cp lab-cs-cns-00103/L3Firewall.py $POX_DIR/pox/forwarding/. % copy the
firewall application file.
3. Run mininet using containernet. You need to start mininet configuration with 9 containernet hosts, one remote controller which will be connected to POX controller and one ovs switch. Now, you can open a new terminal window, run the following command:
$ sudo mn --topo=single,9 --controller=remote,port=6655 --switch=ovsk --mac
It will create a mininet environment in containernet with 9 containernet hosts, one OVS switch and one remote controller. Option –mac will assign small, unique and fixed set of mac address based on host id. It will remain constant after every run. The topology should look like topology is shown in Figure CSCNS-00103.3. In this setup, it open the controller at port 6655. Note that the default POX controller port number is 6633, and you can open multiple ports with multiple controllers (how to do it?).
The output will be something like the below:
root@ubuntu:˜# sudo mn --topo=single,9 --controller=remote,port=6655 --switch=ovsk --mac *** Creating network *** Adding hosts:
h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 h8 h9
*** Adding switches:
*** Adding links:
(h1, s1) (h2, s1) (h3, s1) (h4, s1) (h5, s1) (h6, s1) (h7, s1) (h8, s1) (h9, s1)
*** Configuring hosts
h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 h8 h9
*** Starting controller c0 c1
*** Starting 1 switches s1 ...
*** Starting CLI:
Figure CS-CNS-00103.3
Network topology for mininet-based SDN environment.
4. Run POX controller, where here we assume $POX DIR is the POX directory where pox source codes present:
cd $POX_DIR % It is where your pox file is located, a common location is at
sudo ./pox.py openflow.of_01 --port=6655 pox.forwarding.l3_learning
Here POX controller is invoked by ./pox.py command and we run l3 learning.py application and L3Firewall.py file from POX controller. POX uses the convention to run applications such as “pox.subdirectory.filename”, and the applications given by this way has to run using ./pox.py with pox.subdirectory.filename as an argument. Running the pox command allow POX listen to the localhost for switch request, where 6633 is the default port for POX. Running on a different port, you can use option such as –port=6655 as an example. The output of this command is shown as follows:
POX 0.5.0 (eel) / Copyright 2011-2014 James McCauley, et al.
INFO:core:POX 0.5.0 (eel) is up.
INFO:openflow.of_01:[00-00-00-00-00-01 1] connected
Using POX, all the forwarding applications has to be stored in /pox/pox/forwarding directory. To give relative path from directory where POX binary is present, we follow convention pox.forwarding.L3Firewall Following table CS-CNS-00103.2 depicts the mapping between MAC addresses and respective IP addresses in specified mininet topology. Since we have enabled –mac option in mininet topology, MAC address fill be fixed for each containernet host in every run.
Container Host
Layer 2 Address
(MAC address)
Layer 3 Address
(IP address)
Container host h1
Container host h2
Container host h3
Container host h4
Container host h5
Container host h6
Container host h7
Container host h8
Container host h9
Table CS-CNS-00103.2
Mapping of MAC addresses with IP addresses in respective containernet hosts
Note that in the following subsections, you can use two ways to test your virtual networks from the command-line of a host:
(a) You can specify from which host to initiate a command. For example:
containernet> h1 ping h3 % ping from h1 to h3
containernet> h1 hping3 -c 5 h2 -V --tcp-timestamp % use hping3 to sent tcp packets to h2
(b) you can start a host terminal and use network configuration to perform the test. For example, the following command is to start an x-terminal of host h1:
Once the x-terminal is started you can run the above commands just like in a real host commandline, such as:
ping % ping from h1 to h3 (
hping3 -c 5 -V --tcp-timestamp % use hping3 to sent tcp
packets to h2 (
Task 2.2 Simulate DDoS attack
Using the mininet topology created in above steps, now simulate a DoS attack in SDN controller.
1. From containernet environment, Open host h1 console. This will open xterm window for host h1 from the mininet environment.
2. Check initial Openvswitch flow entries. In this lab, Open vSwitch is used. The new rules added based on the match and controller signals, can be viewed from OVS switches. To do so, you have to dump flow entries at OVS switches and use OpenvSwitch commands to verify and check the rules getting added in the Switches.
When you run l3 learning application from POX and create a mininet environment, an SDN is formed with mininet containers as hosts, OVS as a data plane switch to handle switching functionalities and POX to handle control plane functionality.
Open another terminal to run OVS commands that will verify the functionality of POX.
At this moment, since the network has just started, there are no flows and packet stats available in the ovs-switch S1.
Now, open another terminal window and run the following command:
3. Start flooding from host h1 to h2.
From the x-terminal window, send spoofed tcp syn-flood packets from h1 to h2 with random source IP to the h2 node:
$ hping3 -c 10000 -S --flood --rand-source -V
4. In a separate terminal, check openvswitch flow entries
ovs-ofctl dump-flows s1
Verify if we have successfully attempted DOS attack on SDN controller. The output may be something like the follow, in which it shows four continuously captured packets:
cookie=0x0, duration=0.066s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=10,priority=65535,tcp,in_port="s1-eth1",vlan_tci=0x0000,
cookie=0x0, duration=0.066s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=10,priority=65535,tcp,in_port="s1-eth1",vlan_tci=0x0000,
cookie=0x0, duration=0.066s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=10,priority=65535,tcp,in_port="s1-eth1",vlan_tci=0x0000,
dl_dst=00:00:00:00:00:02,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0, p_src=59449,tp_dst=0 actions=mod_dl_dst:00:00:00:00:00:02,output:"s1-eth2"
cookie=0x0, duration=0.066s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=10,priority=65535,tcp,in_port="s1-eth1",vlan_tci=0x0000,
In this example, you can observe that there are four different source IP addresses (nw src):,,, and transmitted from the same MAC address “dl src=00:00:00:00:00:01”. It is a strong indication that h1 is spoofing other nodes to generate excessive amount of network traffic.
Now ping from host h4 to host h9 from same containernet environment.
We should be able to see ICMP ”destination Host Unreachable” response for some time. This demonstrates that the SDN controller was flooded and cannot respond for any new incoming new flows.
Now, you can stop the flooding by killing the hping3 using Ctrl+C in h1’s x-terminal. After waiting for few more seconds, the service will resume and we could see valid ping responses from h9 back to h4. This shows, the controller is resumed back to work normally.
Task 2.3 Mitigate DoS Attack by implementing port security Now, you can apply SDN switch rules to mitigate DoS Attacks.
1. How to setup SDN-based firewall is described in lab CS-CNS-00101. In Task 2.2, we can use the following command to show multiple flows originated from source mac address 00:00:00:00:00:01 having different source IP addresses that target at h2 ( Thus, a straightforward firewall rule can be setup is to block the sender host h1 which is attacking the system with DoS attacks.
To block a host matching source MAC as 00:00:00:00:00:01, we can add a firewall rule in l2firewall.config file.
The input configuration file l2firewall.config for firewall application contains following rule fields for each line in the configuration file:
priority, source MAC, destination MAC
Please make sure that l2firewall.config file should contain following rule:
id,mac_0,mac_1 1,00:00:00:00:00:01,00:00:00:00:00:02
Note that POX takes the default IP ranges from “10” network if no specified IP address is given for each host, in which it assigns to h1 ... to h9. This firewall configuration file consists of firewall rules for BLOCKING traffic. In l2firewall.config file, the first rule BLOCKS packets from source MAC address 00:00:00:00:00:01 to destination MAC address 00:00:00:00:00:02. Stop any other POX instance by pressing Ctrl + c in POX window.
Run POX controller with firewall application this time, where we assume $POX DIR is the POX directory where pox source codes present:
cd $POX_DIR % It is where your pox file is located, a common location is at
sudo ./pox.py openflow.of_01 --port=6655 pox.forwarding.l3_learning pox.forwarding.L3Firewall
Here POX controller is invoked by ./pox.py command and we run l3 learning.py application and L3Firewall.py file from POX controller. All the forwarding applications has to be stored in /pox/pox/forwarding directory. To give relative path from directory where POX binary is present, we follow convention pox.forwarding.L3Firewall. The L3Firewall.py will invoke l2firewall.config and l3firewall.config to add blocking rules at layer 2 and layer 3, respectively. Please refer to lab CS-CNS-00101 for more details on how to setup a firewall blacklist rule sets at layer 2 and layer 3.
2. Now, you can verify if the flooding attack to DNS controller will work or not by starting flooding again from host h1 to h2.
From the x-terminal window, send spoofed tcp syn-flood packets from h1 to h2 with random source IP to the h2 node
$ hping3 -c 10000 -S --flood --rand-source -V
3. In a different command-line terminal, check openvswitch flow entries.
4. You can verify if the switch has successfully blocked DOS attack targeting at the POX controller. You can check if you can ping from any hosts except h1:
containernet> h4 ping h9
You should be able to see normal ICMP response.
You can also see corresponding OpenFlow entries in the ovs stats. To check this, run following command in another terminal:
Task 3 Requirements for performing DoS attack and Blocking DoS attack
In this lab, please perform DoS attack in SDN environment using POX SDN controller and mininet emulated environment. Understand what DoS attack is and try to attack any host h1- h4. Later on, you have to stop the DoS attack by applying port security on the SDN network based on setting up new flow rules to block the DoS attack source. The basic approach is called Port Security.
Port security is a layer two traffic control feature originally implemented on Cisco Catalyst switches. It enables an administrator configure individual switch ports to allow only a specified number of source MAC addresses ingressing the port. Its primary use is to deter the addition by users of “dumb” switches to illegally extend the reach of the network (e.g., so that two or three users can share a single access port). In this lab, we meant port security is to limit a MAC address to be assigned only to one IP address. The pseudo code of the to-be implemented port security is presented as follows:
Initiate a port table (PT);
For any newly received flow F originated from the source MAC address F.SrcMAC; if F.SrcIP is new; update PT with the mapping F.SrcMAC <--> F.SrcIP;
else block F.SrcMAC % Block an MAC address that had spoofed multiple IP addresses
Before implementing the described port security, you need to fulfill the following requirements.
1. Create a mininet topology with following components:
• containernet host h1
• containernet host h2
• containernet host h3
• containernet host h4
• OVS switch s1
• remote controller c1.
Set the following links:
• container host h1 to switch s1
• container host h2 to switch s1
• container host h3 to switch s1
• container host h4 to switch s1
• controller c1 to switch s1
It should be single topology with above specification.
2. Set IP addresses of containernet hosts with following specifications.
• Set IP address to container host #1 interface h1-eth0
• Set IP address to container host #2 interface h2-eth0
• Set IP address to container host #3 interface h3-eth0
• Set IP address to container host #4 interface h4-eth0
3. Assume the attacker generates DoS attack packets from h1, and it can choose any targeting host to deploy the DoS attack as described in Task 2.
4. Implement the port security described in the above pseudo code. The requirements is given as follow:
• You can use any program languages that you are familiar with to automate the DoS detection and flow rule setup. Since the POX controller is implemented in Python, thus Python would be the best option for you to implement the desired pseudo codes.
• There are basically two approaches to implement the pseudo codes: (a) write a program to monitor the out put of “ovs-ofctl dump-flows s1”, which is presented in task 2.2. Identify if you have seen multiple IP address generated from the same MAC address and update the new l2firewall.config, and reapply the new flow rules. (b) write the port security function in your L3Firewall.py directly