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CS 7638 -Artificial Intelligence for Robotics - Drone Control - PID - Project- Solved

A PID controller is a component of a feedback control system. The system (usually called “plant”) is supposed to be maintained at a target “steady” state. For example, a car that needs to stay in the middle of a lane, or a thermostat that needs to maintain a particular temperature, etc. In this project you will be implementing a PID controller to guide a drone to a target elevation and horizontal position and keep it hovering at the target position for a specified time. The Drone starts on the ground with its rotors off. For simplicity we only consider a two dimensional world, and a dual rotor drone. We also don’t consider any ground effects ( while simulating the drone.

Consider the simple case first, where the Drone only has to lift off vertically and achieve a target elevation and hover there.


We have to induce a certain rpm (rotations per minute) equally in both the rotors. As the rpm of its rotors increase, they push the air down and this exerts a net upward force (thrust) on the Drone.


When this force equals the weight of the Drone, it starts to hover. Increasing the rpm beyond this point will lift the Drone up. To reach a certain elevation within some limited time, the thrust has to be sufficiently high. But as the drone nears the target, we have to start reducing the thrust until it is back equal to its weight ideally right at the target elevation. There, we have to maintain this thrust in order for it to hover for the desired period.

Now let’s consider the situation where we also want to move the drone horizontally, besides vertically.


For this we need to tilt the drone sideways, which is called Roll (measured in angle). This is done by varying the thrust (or rpm) between the rotors of the Drone. In a Dual Rotor Drone, if thrust on the right side is higher, the Drone will roll left. If thrust on the left side is higher, then the Drone will roll right.


When the drone is at rest, it has a roll angle of zero. A positive roll angle corresponds to a leftward tilt, and a negative roll angle corresponds to a rightward tilt.

Once the drone rolls in the appropriate direction, the horizontal component of thrust moves the drone in the horizontal direction. The Drone needs to have enough roll to reach the target x1 location in a specific timeframe (specified by the test case). Note that the vertical component of thrust in each rotor keeps the drone levitating. Combined, they should equal or exceed the weight of the drone to keep it hovering, or lift it up to the desired height.

As it reaches close to the target x1, we need to reduce the roll until it reaches 0 degree, ideally exactly at the target. Then it has to hover there for a specified time. Note that in order to roll and move side-ways, the Drone needs to be at some elevation, so roll is applied along with some thrust.

We only need to return a single thrust and roll angle from the PID controller (actually, a change in thrust and roll angle), and the simulator will take care of inducing the appropriate rpms in the rotors. If the roll angle is zero, the thrust is going to be equally distributed. Otherwise, it will be distributed according to the roll angle.

You will implement the PID controllers for thrust and roll in the file You will be provided a target elevation for the PID Thrust controller, and a target horizontal position for the PID Roll controller. You will also implement the function “find_parameters” to find and tune the gain values for your controllers. Here you can implement the twiddle algorithm (or any other method if you like). The find_parameters method will be passed a “run_callback” function, which you will call

passing in your PID gain parameters to simulate the drone. The run_callback function is the run() function in DroneSimulator. It will take in your PID parameters and invoke your PID control functions to move the drone.

As a reminder, the PID control value (alpha) is calculated by the following formula:

alpha = tau_p * error + tau_i * error_integral + tau_d * error_derivative


These are some key files of the project that you would need to know about:

a.          This file contains the test cases, and is your starting point to runthe      simulation. You can change various parameters in the file (e.g. VISUALIZE, DEBUG, TWIDDLE). For example, you can turn off TWIDDLE to run a test with manually supplied PID gain values to test your code. The test cases in this file do the following logical sequence of work:

1.    Initialize DroneSimulator

2.    Call find_parameters() in (this will be your implementation of twiddle)

3.    Call, with the PID values found from the step above.

4.    Calculate your score.

b.         This file contains the code to run the simulation of the Drone. Theinitialize() method is called by the test suite. The run() method executes the following high-level logic:

1.    Do the following in a loop for the specified timesteps:

i. Call your pid_thrust() and pid_roll() implementations in file, passing in the target coordinates and the Drone’s current coordinates. ii. Call DualRotor.move(), passing in the thrust and roll values retrieved from the above step.

2.    Calculate error values used by DualRotor_TestSuite to calculate a score.

Each iteration of the loop represents one timestep and is assumed to be 1/10th of a second (the actual frequency of a real hardware-in-a-loop system could vary depending on the actuators involved).The run() method will also be passed to your implementation of twiddle in find_parameters_XXX() function of Your twiddle code will call this run() method to simulate the drone flight and tune the PID gain values.

c.          This is the only file that you need to put your code in. The descriptions ofthe functions you need to implement are given below:

1.    pid_thrust - In this function, you have to implement the code for a PID controller for Thrust. It is important to note that what you return from this function is the change in thrust, not a target thrust.

The function is called from in a loop. At every step, there is a max change in rpm that can be applied by the Drone. This can be a positive or negative change. If the value returned by your implementation is going to cause the rpm to change outside of the max possible change in rpm per timestep, it is clipped at the max (or min if negative).

2.    pid_roll - In this function, you have to implement the code for a PID controller for Roll. The return value is the change in roll angle. The function is called in a loop from The change in roll at each step is also constrained by the max and min change in rpm at each rotor. For the purpose of this assignment, there is a max roll angle that the Drone can’t go beyond, and any change beyond this value will be ignored. As roll can’t be applied without some elevation, this function is always called along with the pid_thrust function by the simulator.

3.    find_parameters_XXX - In this function, you will implement the twiddle algorithm to find gain values for your controllers. You will be passed a reference to the method, which you will call with the thrust and roll PID gain values that you want to test from your twiddle algorithm. For simplicity, this assignment provides 3 find_parameter() functions, one only for thrust, another one for thrust and roll, and a third one for Integral gain (with thrust).

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