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CS252 Project #2 Solution

Assembly Project #2
1 Purpose
In this project, you will be using loops, iterating over arrays of integers and strings. You will be implementing both for() and while() loops.
1.1 Required Filenames to Turn in
Name your assembly language file asm2.s.
1.2 Allowable Instructions
When writing MIPS assembly, the only instructions that you are allowed to use (so far) are:
add, addi, sub, addu, addiu and, andi, or, ori, xor, xori, nor beq, bne, j slt, slti sll, sra, srl lw, lh, lb, sw, sh, sb
la syscall
While MIPS has many other useful instructions (and the assembler recognizes many pseudo-instructions), do not use them! We want you to learn the fundamentals of how assembly language works - you can use fancy tricks after this class is over.
1.3 Standard Wrapper
Your code will need to define a single function, named studentMain(). Use the same Standard Wrapper for this function as you used in Asm 1 (see the project spec there for details).
2 Tasks
Your code (inside the studentMain() function) will read three control variables. These are printInts, printWords, bubbleSort, and each represents one high level operation. Each will be either 1 or 0.
In addition, printInts has a secondary control value; the variable printInts howToFindLen can take three possible values: 0,1,2. These represent three different ways that you might determine the length of the intsArray[]:
0 - length variable. Read the variable intsArray len to find the length.
1 - pointer subtraction. We have another variable, named intsArray END, which is immediately after the last element in the array. Subtract the two pointers (start and end of the array) to figure out the length.
2 - null terminator. It’s very unusual to have a null-terminated array of integers, but it happens occasionally.
2.1 Types of the Variables
The following variables are bytes: printInts, printWords, bubbleSort.
The following variables are halfwords: printInts howToFindLen.
The following variables are words: intsArray len, and all of the elements of the intsArray[] array. The intsArray END label points just past the end of the array; you can treat it like it’s a pointer to int.
(spec continues on the next page)
2.2 Task 1: Print Ints
This task prints out several integers from intsArray[], one on each line. There are 3 different “modes” - which control how much you will print out from the array.
Implement the following C code:
if (printInts != 0)
{ if (printInts_howToFindLen != 2)
{ int count;
if (printInts_howToFindLen == 0) count = intsArray_len;
else count = intsArray_END - intsArray; // remember to divide by 4!
printf("printInts: About to print %d elements. ", count);
for (int i=0; i<count; i++) printf("%d ", intsArray[i];
} else {
/* searches for a null terminator */ int *cur = intsArray; // same as &intsArray[0];
printf("printInts: About to print an unknown number of elements. " "Will stop at a zero element. "); // all one line!
while (*cur != 0)
{ printf("%d ", *cur); cur++;
(spec continues on the next page)
2.3 Task 2: Print Words
This task scans through a string, converts spaces (just spaces, not other whitespace) into null terminators, counting how many times it does this as it goes. When it hits the end of the string, it then moves backwards, and prints out each word; since the spaces have been turned to null terminators, each will be just a simple word, not the whole line. Implement the following C code:
if (printWords != 0)
{ char *start = theString; char *cur = start; int count = 1;
while (*cur != ’’) // null terminator. ASCII value is 0x00
if (*cur == ’ ’)
*cur = ’’; count++;
} cur++;
} printf("printWords: There were %d words. ", count);
while (cur >= start)
{ if (cur == start || cur[-1] == ’’) print("%s ", cur);
(spec continues on the next page)
2.4 Task 3: Bubble Sort
Bubble Sort is notoriously slow, but it’s the easiest sort to implement.
In this code, we’ll use the same intsArray as in the printInts task - but in this case, you don’t need to worry about the various modes. If I ask you to do Bubble Sort, then your Bubble Sort code should always use intsArray len to find the length.
Implement the following C code: Make sure that you actually modify the integers in memory, or this won’t work!
if (bubbleSort != 0)
{ for (int i=0; i<intsArray_len; i++) for (int j=0; j<intsArray_len-1; j++) if (intsArray[j] > intsArray[j+1])
{ print("Swap at: %d ", j);
int tmp = intsArray[j];
intsArray[j] = intsArray[j+1]; intsArray[j+1] = tmp;
2.5 Requirement: Don’t Assume Memory Layout!
To make sure that you don’t make this mistake, we will include testcases that have the variables in many different orders.
3 Running Your Code
You should always run your code using the grading script before you turn it in. However, while you are writing (or debugging) your code, it often handy to run the code yourself.
3.1 Running With Mars (GUI)
java -jar <marsJarFileName>
This will open a GUI, where you can edit and then run your code. Put your code, plus one testcase, in some directory. Open your code in the Mars editor; you can edit it there. When it’s ready to run, assemble it (F3), run it (F5), or step through it one instruction at a time (F7). You can even step backwards in time (F8)!
3.1.1 Running the Mars GUI the First Time
The first time that you run the Mars GUI, you will need to go into the Settings menu, and set two options:
Assemble all files in directory - so your code will find, and link with, the testcase
Initialize Program Counter to ’main’ if defined - so that the program will begin with main() (in the testcase) instead of the first line of code in your file.
3.2 Running Mars at the Command Line
You can also run Mars without a GUI. This will only print out the things that you explicitly print inside your program (and errors, of course). However, it’s an easy way to test simple fixes. (And of course, it’s how the grading script works.) Perhaps the nicest part of it is that (unlike the GUI, as far as I can tell), you can tell Mars exactly what files you want to run - so multiple testcases in the directory is OK.
To run Mars at the command line, type the following command: java -jar <marsJarFileName> sm <testcaseName>.s <yourSolution>.s
4 A Note About Grading
Your code will be tested automatically. Therefore, your code must:
Use exactly the filenames that we specify (remember that names are case sensitive).
Not use any other files (unless allowed by the project spec) - since our grading script won’t know to use them.
Follow the spec precisely (don’t change any names, or edit the files I give you, unless the spec says to do so).
(In projects that require output) match the required output exactly! Any extra spaces, blank lines misspelled words, etc. will cause the testcase to fail.
To make it easy to check, I have provided the grading script. I strongly recommend that you download the grading script and all of the testcases, and use them to test your code from the beginning. You want to detect any problems early on!
4.1 mips
In addition to downloading grade asm2, you should also download mips, and put it in the same directory. The grading script will call the checker script.
4.2 Testcases
You can find a set of testcases for this project in the zipfile that I’ve posted both on D2L, and the class website.
For assembly language programs, the testcases will be named test *.s . For C programs, the testcases will be named test *.c . For Java programs, the testcases will be named Test *.java . (You will only have testcases for the languages that you have to actually write for each project, of course.)
Each testcase has a matching output file, which ends in .out; our grading script needs to have both files available in order to test your code.
4.3 Automatic Testing
We have provided a testing script (in the same directory), named grade asm2, along with a helper script, mips Place both scripts, all of the testcase files (including their .out files), and your program files in the same directory. (I recommend that you do this on Lectura, or a similar department machine. It might also work on your Mac or Linux box, but no promises!)
4.4 Writing Your Own Testcases
The grading script will grade your code based on the testcases it finds in the current directory. Start with the testcases I provide - however, I encourage you to write your own as well. If you write your own, simply name your testcases using the same pattern as mine, and the grading script will pick them up.
5 Turning in Your Solution
You must turn in your code to GradeScope. Turn in only your program; do not turn in any testcases or other files.

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