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CS2211a Assignment 3 Solution

Assignment 3

Late Policy: This assignment will pro-rated deducted based on number of days late. after Oct 20 at 11:55 PM but before Oct 21 at 11:55 PM - 5 points (5%) after Oct 21 at 11:55 PM but before Oct 22 at 11:55 PM - 15 points (15%) after Oct 22 at 11:55 PM but before Oct 23 at 11:55 PM - 30 points (30%) after Oct 23 at 11:55 PM but before Oct 24 at 11:55 PM - 60 points (60%) after Oct 24 at 11:55 PM - 100 points (100%) (note: all times are based on Eastern Daylight Time (London, Ontario Canada time) )

SSH into GAUL (for example: start a ‘compute’ session using ssh or PuTTY, etc.).
Change to your Assignment directory.
Create a subdirectory called asn3 (all in lowercase) and change to that new directory.

Using vi, create a file named asn3a.c

NOTE: All the code for Project 1 will be contained within a single asn3a.c program.

This code will consist of seven (7) parts dealing with a single array.

The array MUST be initialized with the exact following values in the exact following order:

int array[] = { 12,63,44,89,3,55,73,27,37,18 };

To initialize the assignment, compute the number of elements in the array and print out the size. Your output should look like:

Part 1: Print out the array
Simply print the array out exactly as it is stored.

Your output should look like (five spaces between values):

Part 2: Print the array in reverse order
Print the array out as it is stored, but in reverse order (last element printed first, second last, next, etc.
note: Do NOT change the actual array, just print it out in reverse.

Your output should look like:

Part 3: Find the smallest value currently stored in the array
Traverse the entire array and find the lowest of all the values in the array. Print out the value and the actual position in the array the value was found note: NOT the index of the value, but where it is in the array. (i.e. 63 is in the 2nd position).

Your output should look like:

Part 4: Add all the value in the array to compute the total (sum) of all the values Print the equation and the result all on one line (including the addition symbol).
note: remember the last value does NOT have a ‘plus’ (+) sign after.

Your output should look like:

Part 5: Copy the original array into a new array, but in reverse order Declare (but do not initially define) a new array.
Write code that will copy the values from the original array into the new array, BUT in reverse order.
So, the last element of the original array is the first element of the new array. They second last element of the original array is now the second element of the new array, etc.

Your output should look like:

Part 6: Switch just the First and the Last elements of the array
Switch the value from the first position on the array with the value in the last position. The rest of the array remains unchanged.

Your output should look like:

Part 7: Sort the array into ascending (lowest to highest) order
Using the concepts from the previous parts above, change the original array so the elements are now in ascending order.

Your output should look like:

note: try to write this code without looking up the solution on the inter-webs.

These seven (7) parts are again to be completed in a single asn3a.c and will execute one after the other.

Compile the asn3a.c program into an executable named asn3a

The output from executing this single main program will look like:

You must write this single program so that it is generic enough where the user can simply add more values to the array definition and it will still run without any other change (zero (0) – NO other change) to the code.

Part 8: Add five new, random values to the array definition
The only line of code to be changed in our program is the array declaration/definition line:

int array[] = {12,63,44,89,3,55,73,27,37,18, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?};

Replace each question mark above (?) with any unique (not already in the array) value of your choosing. (i.e. pick any five values to complete the array definition – NOT the ones shown here).

Your output should now look like:

note: You can NOT use the new five numbers shown above. They must be new numbers you come up. But, make sure none of the values repeat. Each number MUST be different values.
Increase the array by adding the five numbers and then compile the program.

Using vi, create a new file and name it asn3b.c
Type in the following code:

#include <stdio.h>
int main() { int a,b,c,d; while(1) { a=0; printf("Input? "); scanf("%d",&c); if (c==0) break; for (int e=1;e<=c;e++){ d = 0;
for (b=2; b <= e; b++) if (e%b==0) d++; if (d==1) a=a+e;
printf("The final total is: %d ",a);
return 0;
a.) Add comments to the beginning of this code that describes what this program does.
b.) Amend the code so that now, knowing what it does:
- indent the code correctly so it is easier to read.
- rename all the variables into something more meaningful to the context of what the code does.
- add comments throughout the program to explain what is happening at each part.
c.) compile the code into an executable named: asn3b

1. Type the following to begin recording your session in a file called Asn3part3.script preceded by your UWO User Name:

script YourUserName_Asn3part3.script
- (using your actual user name).

3. Display your username using the appropriate command

4. Display the contents of the current working directory

5. Compile all two programs again

6. Run both programs

7. Rename the file asn3a.c to YourUserName_asn3a.c (using your actual user name).

8. Rename the file asn3b.c to YourUserName_asn3b.c (using your actual user name).

9. Type exit to stop your screen capture session.

Submission Instructions:
Required Coding Standards
All code is to be indented correctly.
Comments at the very beginning (top – first lines) of each of the .c files must be:

/* Assignment 03 */
/* your name */
/* your student number */
/* your UWO User Name */

Projects 1 and 2 are to be submitted as C code files.
Project 3 will be a script file created in UNIX
Submit via the CS2211 OWL Web Site the following four (4) files along with any other files (i.e.
executables etc.) in OWL captured inside your tar file:
CS2211a Assignment Submission Form (see below on how to submit this form)
(yourUserName - example: assume my UWO email is
i.e. if my email is – then my user name will be – kdoit373 So, my UWO User Name is: kdoit373 and this assignment is asn3 therefore, one of the file names that is to be used for submission is:

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure the work was submitted and posted in OWL. OWL replies with a summation verification email (every time).

Any assignment not submitted correctly will not be graded.

PS: remember: do your own work – you will need to know all this for the exam to pass !!!!

Reminder how to submit assignments:

• In your Gaul account, go to directory ∼/courses/cs2211a/Asn/asn3
• From your home computer, access course website and download “CS2211a Assignment submission form” from the Course Resources section of OWL.
Submit the CS2211a Assignment Submission Form
• To accomplish the submission of the CS2211a Assignment Submission Form:
• - First go to the <Course Resource> section.
• - Look for the link titled "CS2211a Assignment Submission Form"
• - Make a copy of that form so you can edit (change) the contents of the form.
• - Fill in the information on that form by replacing the prompts with your actual data
(i.e. for Student Last Name - please enter your last name, etc.)
• Include the text regarding the declarations (found under the paragraph: By submitting this form, I declare that: )
• If you have submitted a self-reported absence academic consideration for this assignment, you must include the required information. (contact us if you are unsure what information is required).
• - Save a copy of that form.
• Name (or rename) that form to Asn_SubmissionForm.txt
• Use sftp (or any file transfer service like FileZilla or WINSCP) to upload the completed version of the “CS2211a assignment submission form” that you entitled Asn_SubmissionForm.txt from your home computer to the directory ∼/courses/cs2211a/Asn/asn3 in you Gaul account.
• In your Gaul account, go to directory ∼/courses/cs2211a/Asn/asn3
• Use tar -czvf tar file name dir name to create a compressed tar file containing all the files and directories under ∼/courses/cs2211a/Asn/asn3
(note: the instruction: tar -czvf tar file name dir name is a generic instruction, see the next for the actual naming convention for this assignment.
– In your Gaul account, go to directory ∼/courses/cs2211a/Asn
– Use tar -czvf YourUserName_asn3.tar.gz asn3 to create a compressed tar file YourUserName_asn3.tar.gz containing all files and directories under
∼/courses/cs2211a/Asn/asn3. YourUserName should be your UWO email user name or your Gaul account user name.
• Go to ∼/tmp directory and open and restore the tar file with tar -xvf tar file name. The purpose of this step is to make sure that you did not make mistake in the previous step in creating the tar file.
– Copy YourUserName asn3.tar.gz to ∼/tmp.
– Go to directory ∼/tmp.
– Use tar -xvf YourUserName asn3.tar.gz to restore asn3 under ∼/tmp
– Check if you now have two identical directories ∼/courses/cs2211a/Asn/asn3 and
In each directory, you should have all the files you are submit
• Use sftp (or any file transfer service like FileZilla or WINSCP) to download tar file YourUserName_asn3.tar.gz from your Gaul account to your home computer. Remember to substitute YourUserName with your actual UWO User Name.
• From your home computer, you are now ready to submit this file, YourUserName_asn3.tar.gz, for Assignment 3 through OWL.
• NOTE: It is your responsibility to check and then re-check that all the files are in the compressed tar file you submit to OWL.

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