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CS2124 Project 2-Using Queues to manage the lines for a vaccine Solution

Programming Project 2 – Using Queues to manage the lines for a vaccine.
So to summarize the parameters:
• 5 check in tables, each can handle only 1 patient at a time.
o 4 time units to check in if they did electronic sign in.
o 10 time units to check in if they did not electronic sign in.
• 10 vaccination tables, each can handle only 1 patient at a time. o Every patient takes 10 units of time to complete.
• After the shot, every patient waits 30 time units to be observed.
Files provided in the project:

1) Queue.h. This file does not need to be changed, but you should understand its contents. This file contains structure definitions and the prototypes for the following stack functions:
a. Queue newQueue(). Malloc a new QueueImp, set the head and foot pointers to NULL, and return its address.
b. void freeQueue(Queue q). Free each node that remains in the Queue and then free q itself.
c. NodeLL *allocateNode(Element value). Allocate a new NodeLL and store "value" as the Element in the node. Return the address of the node.
d. void enqueue(Queue q, Element value). The queue insert function. Given a queue q, insert a new node at the “foot end” of the queue that contains the parameter “value”.
e. int dequeue(Queue q, Element *e). The queue delete function. Remove the node at the "head" end of the queue, and return the value of the element stored in this node through an element e that is passed by reference. Functionally return TRUE (1) if the dequeue was successful and return FALSE (0) if it was not successful (i.e., the queue was empty). Remember to consider any "edge cases" (e.g., when the queue becomes empty after this dequeue).
f. int isEmpty(Queue q). Given a queue, return true (1) if it is empty and return false (0) otherwise.
g. int frontElement(Queue q, Element *e). Return the value of the element stored in the first node of the queue without removing the node itself (similar to topElement() for Stacks). Return the value through e that is passed by reference, and return TRUE (1) if the call was successful and return FALSE (0) if it was not successful (i.e., the queue was empty).
2) Queue.c. In this file, you should provide the function definitions for each of the queue functions listed above.

3) p2Input.txt This file contains the input data. Each line contains information about customer, and is in the following format: “Time ShopperID ElectronicCheckIn”. For example, the line “6 929703 no” means that at time 6, patient 929703 showed up for the first line and had not completed the electronic check in. When we grade your programs, we will use different data (same format). Feel free to modify this file to test your program.

3) abc123p2.c You should rename this file to use your own abc123 prior to submitting on Blackboard. This file contains the main function that is otherwise blank (leaving you flexibility for how to implement the ideas; I will offer suggestions in class). The main idea is this:
1. Create 2 queues, one for the check-in tables and the other for the vaccines.
2. Use a loop to process each unit of time until every patient has completed their observation period. So one interation of the loop will advance that status of each of the five “phases” of the processes by one time unit as so:
a. If we have not yet reached the end of the file, read in one line from the input file that corresponds to the patient who is arriving at this time unit. Create a Patient variable (using the Patient struct from the Queue.h file) and store their information into this variable. Then add this patient to the back of the checkin table queue.
b. See if any patients at the check-in tables have completed their check in. If so add them to the back of the vaccine queue. If more than one patient completes check in at this time, the order of the inserts into the vaccine line should be determined by who showed up at the beginning first.
c. Compute how many open check-in tables there are, and remove that many people (if they exist) from the checkin table line and start their check in clock.
d. See if any patients are finished at their vaccine table. If so, you can compute the time that they will be done by adding 30 time units to the current time and then print out the following: “Patient patientID arrived at time arrivalTime and completed observation at time completionTime.”
e. Compute how many open vaccine tables there are, and remove that many people (if they exist) from the vaccine queue and start their vaccine clock. For Extra Credit: Generalize the problem to handle more check-in tables and vaccine tables. I recommend producing a separate .c file named abc123p2ExtraCredit.c for this so that if you start this process and run into a problem that you still have the original project to fall back on.

5) Makefile. Update the makefile to reflect your abc123. You can implement your code however you like, however before submitting ensure your project compiles on the fox servers using this makefile. If it does not compile using the makefile then you will get 0 points! You can compile using the command make and you can execute your program using ./project2.


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