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CS2110 Project 4-C Programming Solution

1 Introduction
Hello and welcome to Project 4. You’ll be implementing a student gradebook program in C! There are gradebook.c and gradebook.h files already provided for you, including the function prototypes and basic descriptions. More in-depth descriptions for each function will be provided through this document.
2 What functions can I use?
1. You are allowed to make your own helper functions in the ‘.c’ project files if you so desire.
2. You can use the following library functions in your project: printf, strlen, strcpy, strcmp.
3. Do NOT modify or add your own include statements. Including a new header file is NOT allowed and the autograder will get mad at you. This includes ANY standard library headers not already provided.
3 Gradebook
The goal of this project is to implement a gradebook that is responsible for various operations. The Gradebook will be a struct containing several elements, most notably an array of GradebookEntry. These GradebookEntries will be where the students’ grades are stored. Each entry will hold one student, the grades for that student, and the student’s overall grade (a weighted average).
Note: All of the functions will be modifying a provided global variable struct Gradebook gradebook;
3.1 Overview
3.1.1 Gradebook Layout
Gradebook Entry
Student HW1 HW2 HW3 P1 P2 Student Average
student g rades[] average
Alex 58.7 45.0 32.3 43.3 43.45 44.84
Max 43.02 89.97 99.54 2.62 18.23 60.74
Rishi 90.52 92.0 91.1 99.8 88.4 91.93
more entries would be here...
Size: 3
Course Average: 65.84
HW1 Weight HW2 Weight HW3 Weight P1 Weight P2 Weight
0.25 0.25 0.25 0.125 0.125
HW1 Avg HW2 Avg HW3 Avg P1 Avg P2 Avg
64.08 75.86 74.31 48.57 50.03
assignment averages[]
3.1.2 Provided Structures and Definitions
The following structs and definitions will be important (found in gradebook.h).
#define ERROR -1
#define SUCCESS 0
#define INVALID_GTID -1
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 20
#define MAX_ENTRIES 50
enum Major { CS = 0, CE, EE, IE }; enum Assignment { HW1, HW2, HW3, P1, P2, NUM_ASSIGNMENTS };
struct Student {
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; int gtid; int year; enum Major major;
struct GradebookEntry {
struct Student s; double grades[NUM_ASSIGNMENTS]; double average;
struct Gradebook {
struct GradebookEntry entries[MAX_ENTRIES]; double assignment_averages[NUM_ASSIGNMENTS]; double course_average; double weights[NUM_ASSIGNMENTS]; int size;
3.1.3 Important Notes and Tips
1. ALL of the code that you will write will be in the gradebook.c file. You should use the gradebook.h file as reference for all of the structs and definitions that you will use in the gradebook.c file.
2. It will be helpful to go through and review the purpose of ALL of the functions before starting. Some of the later functions might help implement earlier functions.
3. If your inputs are NULL in any of the functions, return ERROR.
4. For all students within the gradebook, names and GTID’s must be unique. You will be responsible for ensuring that this property is maintained.
3.2 Add Student
int add_student(char *name, int gtid, int year, char *major);
This function will take in several parameters as defined in the function prototype above (and also in the gradebook.h file). The goal of this function is to create a GradebookEntry and populate the Student struct with the parameters defined above. Then add this entry into the end of the gradebook. The other elements in the entry (grades and average) will be set to 0.
The student’s major is given as a char*. You will need to determine which enum value the char* corresponds to. For example, if the char* major equals “CS”, you know that it corresponds to the CS value in the enum. If you receive a char* that does not correspond to one of the enum values, return ERROR.
This function is also responsible for updating the overall course averages (assignment and course averages) as well as incrementing the size (number of gradebook entries) in gradebook.
If the gradebook isn’t able to hold any more students (the gradebook is full) or if there is a duplicate student (duplicate name or gtid), return ERROR. In addition, if the name is invalid (too long), return ERROR. Otherwise, return SUCCESS.
3.2.1 More on Strings
• Strings are essentially a contiguous array of ASCII values. In this case, the first character is stored at the address given by the parameter ‘name’.
• The string continues until the first instance of a null terminator, which has the value of 0. Remember to account for the null terminator when calculating the length of a string.
• Pointers in C can be treated as arrays. In particular, writing ‘string[i]’ will give the i-th character in ‘string’. You can read from that character, as well as assign to it.
name = "Chris"
Stored at address x4000
| ‘C’ | ‘h’ | ‘r’ | ‘i’ | ‘s’ | ‘’ |
| x4000 | x4001 | x4002 | x4003 | x4004 | x4005 |
----------------------------------------------Note: length = 6
3.3 Update Grade
int update_grade(char *name, enum Assignment assignment_type, double new_grade);
This function will be responsible for updating/adding the specified grade of the student. Given a name, this function will search through the gradebook, and when the student’s name is matched, update the student’s grade (specified by assignment type) with new grade.
If the student is not found, return ERROR. Otherwise, return SUCCESS.
3.4 Add Student with Grades
int add_student_with_grades(char *name, int gtid, int year, char *major, double *grades);
The student’s major is given as a char*. You will need to determine which enum value the char* corresponds to. For example, if the char* major equals “CS”, you know that it corresponds to the CS value in the enum. If you receive a char* that does not correspond to one of the enum values, return ERROR.
Additionally, this function is responsible for updating the overall assignment averages and course average as well as incrementing the size (number of gradebook entries) in gradebook.
Also, as a helpful reminder, the length of double *grades is equal to NUM ASSIGNMENTS.
If the gradebook is full or unable to have their grades set, return ERROR. In addition, if the name is invalid (too long), return ERROR. Otherwise, return SUCCESS.
3.5 Calculate Average
int calculate_average(struct GradebookEntry *entry);
If the average isn’t able to be calculated (ie. pointer is null) return ERROR. Otherwise, return SUCCESS.
3.6 Calculate Course Average
int calculate_course_average();
The course average calculated by averaging the averages of all students and storing in course averages.
This function will also update assignment averages[] with each assignment’s respective average score using the same function.
Essentially, take the average of each column in the gradebook.
If the average isn’t able to be calculated (ie. no students in Gradebook) set all of the averages’ values to 0 and return ERROR. Otherwise, return SUCCESS.
3.7 Search Student
int search_student(char *name);
Given the student’s name, return the index where the student is located at. If their name isn’t found, return ERROR, otherwise return SUCCESS.
3.8 Withdraw Student
int withdraw_student(char *name);
This function is responsible for removing a student from the gradebook. Much like updating the grade, the function will search through the gradebook, searching for the first name (not firstname) that matches. This entry will be deleted from the gradebook, maintaining the current ordering of the gradebook while removing the gap created by the entry.
Additionally, this function is responsible for updating the overall assignment averages and course average as well as decrementing the size (number of gradebook entries) in gradebook.
If the student is not found, return ERROR.
If the gradebook is empty after removing the student, averages should be updated to reflect the now empty state (set values to 0) and SUCCESS should still be returned.
The example below illustrates the idea of how order should be maintained. Its important to note, the elements in each array are purely illustrative. The actual layout in memory is dependent on the data stored in the array (pointer, a struct, etc). In this case, GradebookEntry entries[] is going to hold a GradebookEntry in each index.
gradebook = x4000 toRemove = ‘M’
| ‘A’ | ‘M’ | ‘R’ | ... | END |
| x4000 | x4001 | x4002 | x4003 | x4004 |
| ‘A’ | ... | ‘R’ | ... | END |
| x4000 | x4001 | x4002 | x4003 | x4004 |
| ‘A’ | ‘R’ | ... | ... | END |
| x4000 | x4001 | x4002 | x4003 | x4004 |
3.9 Top 5 GTIDs
int top_five_gtid(int *gtids);
Given an array of integers of size 5, fill in the array with the gtid’s of the top 5 students in the class (based upon average) The array should be filled in descending order by average. Essentially, the gtid of the student with the highest average is the first gtid in the array (index 0), the 5th best student is the last gtid in the array (index 4).
If there aren’t enough entries to fully populate the array, fill in the remaining values with INVALID GTID.
Return SUCCESS if the entries are able to be found and ERROR if the gradebook is empty.
3.10 Sort by Name
int sort_name();
Sort the gradebook by name in alphabetical order (first last) using bubble sort and modify the gradebook to reflect this sorted value.
Return SUCCESS if the gradebook is sorted, and ERROR if the gradebook is empty.
3.11 Sort by Averages
int sort_averages();
Sort the gradebook in descending order by student average score. This sort should be stable (ie. if student A has a 92.2 at index 4 and student B has a 92.2 at index 5, student A should remain ahead of student B regardless of the final position).
Return SUCCESS if the gradebook is sorted, and ERROR is the gradebook is empty.
3.12 Print Gradebook
int print_gradebook();
This function will print the entire gradebook with each value being separated by a comma. It should follow the form below. Notice that there isn’t a space after each comma.
All of the floats that you print must be manually rounded to 2 decimal places.
Example for a gradebook with 2 students:


Overall Averages:


Note 1: The

shouldn’t print, just represents the newline for this example.
Note 2: There is an empty line above the “Overall Averages:” line.
Return SUCCESS if the gradebook is printed and ERROR if the gradebook is empty.
4 Building & Testing
All of the commands below should be executed in your Docker container terminal, in the same directory as your project files.
4.1 Helpful Info
1. For issues with Docker please refer to the 2110 Docker Guide for C
2. Use Docker’s “Interactive Terminal” Run the following command in your terminal to access Docker’s terminal much easier: ./ on Linux/Mac and ./cs2110docker-c.bat on Windows.
3. From within the “Interactive Terminal” you should notice the “host/” directory when you type ls. Navigate to your Project directory and run the unit tests using the commands mentioned later.
4. To exit Docker’s “Interactive Terminal” simply type: exit.
5. make is a program to help you build your project (in other words, it helps you compile).
4.2 Unit Tests
These are the same tests that will run on Gradescope To run the autograder locally (without GDB):
1. make clean - Clean your working directory
2. make tests - Compile all the required files
3. ./tests - Run the unit tests
4. make - Compile all the required files and Run the unit tests (previous two steps with one command)
Executing ./tests will run all the test cases and print out a percentage, along with details of the failed test cases.
Other available commands (after running make tests):
• To run a specific test case (to avoid all printing output/debug messages for all test cases):
make run-case TEST=testCaseName Example: make run-case TESTS=test_compare
• To run a test case with gdb:
make run-gdb TEST=testCaseName (or no testCase to run all in gdb)
4.3 Write Your Own Tests
In your Project 4 directory there is a file named “main.c”. This file can be used to make your own tests. The main function provided can be executed with the following command.
1. make student
For example, if you want to write a test for your “add student” and “search student” functions, this is an example of how you could write the tests.
int main(void) {
// Add your own test cases here to test your functions :) char *student_name = "John Doe"; int gtid = 903123456; int year = 2025; char *major = "CS";
// Add a new student int add_result = add_student(student_name, gtid, year, major); printf(
"Adding Student - Expected Return Value: %d, Actual Return Value: %d

", SUCCESS, add_result);
// Verify the student was added by searching for them int search_add_result = search_student(student_name); printf("Searching Added Student - Expected: Index >= 0, Actual: %d

", search_add_result);
if (search_add_result == ERROR) {
printf("Student not found after add. Exiting test.

"); return ERROR;
} return SUCCESS;
Then execute make student inside Docker. Then, assuming your function is correct, you should receive an output similar to this:
Adding Student - Expected Return Value: 0, Actual Return Value: 0
Searching Added Student - Expected: Index >= 0, Actual: Index_Value
Where Index Value is the index the student is located at (should be 0). Keep in mind, in this code SUCCESS is defined as 0 and ERROR is defined as -1.
5 Deliverables
Please do not wait until the last minute to run/test your project, history has proved that last minute turn-ins will result in long queue times for grading on Gradescope. You have been warned!!!
6 Rules and Regulations
6.1 General Rules
2. Please read the assignment in its entirety before asking questions.
4. If you find any problems with the assignment, it would be greatly appreciated if you reported them to the author (which can be found at the top of the assignment). Announcements will be posted if the assignment changes.
6.2 Submission Conventions
1. In order to submit your assignment, submit the files individually to the Gradescope assignment.
2. Do not submit links to files. The autograder does not understand it, and we will not manually grade assignments submitted this way as it is easy to change the files after the submission period ends.
6.3 Submission Guidelines
2. You are also responsible for ensuring that what you turned in is what you meant to turn in. After submitting you should be sure to download your submission into a brand new folder and test if it works. No excuses if you submit the wrong files, what you turn in is what we grade. In addition, your assignment must be turned in via Gradescope. Under no circumstances whatsoever we will accept any email submission of an assignment. Note: if you were granted an extension you will still turn in the assignment over Gradescope.
3. Projects turned in late receive partial credit within the first 48 hours, as defined in the syllabus. Between 0 and 24 hours late, you can receive a maximum score of 70%. Between 24 and 48 hours late, you can receive a maximum score of 50%. We will not accept projects turned in over 48 hours late.
6.4 Is collaboration allowed?
From the syllabus:
• Publishing your assignments on public repositories, github, etc, that is accessible to other students is unauthorized collaboration and thus Academic Misconduct.
6.5 Coding Guidelines C/C++ code
1. You must turn in ALL files specified in the “Deliverables” section of the assignment instructions. We reserve the right to impose a penalty on submissions that do not follow the given submission directions.
2. You must provide a Makefile that compiles and links your code by default. If you are given a Makefile with the project, we expect your code to compile with make. (don’t worry, we’ll explain what all this means later)
3. Your code must compile with gcc on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. If your code does not compile, you will receive a 0 for the assignment.
4. You will be penalized if your code produces warnings when compiled with the given Makefile, or the following flags if no Makefile is provided: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Wstrict-prototypes -pedantic -O2
5. Code should be well commented and use a clean, consistent (readable) style (i.e., proper indenting, etc.). We reserve the right to impose style requirements, and deduct for non-conforming solutions. This is not the obfuscated C code competition!
6.6 Syllabus Excerpt on Academic Misconduct
The goal of all assignments in CS 2110 is for you to learn. Learning requires thought and hard work. Copying answers thus prevents learning. More importantly, it gives an unfair advantage over students who do the work and follow the rules.
4. Publishing your assignments on public repositories, github, etc, that is accessible to other students is unauthorized collaboration and thus Academic Misconduct.
5. Suspected Academic Misconduct will be reported to the Division of Student Life Office of Student Integrity. It will be prosecuted to the full extent of Institute policies.
6. Students suspected of Academic Misconduct are informed at the end of the semester. Suspects receive an Incomplete final grade until the issue is resolved.
7. We use accepted forensic techniques to determine whether there is copying of a coding assignment.
8. Submitting an assignment with code or text from an AI assistant (e.g., ChatGPT) is academic misconduct.
Anything you did not write in your assignment will be treated as an academic misconduct case. If you are unsure where the line is between collaborating with AI and copying AI, we recommend the following heuristics:
Heuristic 1: Never hit “Copy” within your conversation with an AI assistant. You can copy your own work into your own conversation, but do not copy anything from the conversation back into your assignment. Instead, use your interaction with the AI assistant as a learning experience, then let your assignment reflect your improved understanding.
Heuristic 2: Do not have your assignment and the AI agent open at the same time. Similar to the above, use your conversation with the AI as a learning experience, then close the interaction down, open your assignment, and let your assignment reflect your revised knowledge. This heuristic includes avoiding using AI directly integrated into your composition environment: just as you should not let a classmate write content or code directly into your submission, so also you should avoid using tools that directly add content to your submission.
Deviating from these heuristics does not automatically qualify as academic misconduct; however, following these heuristics essentially guarantees your collaboration will not cross the line into misconduct.

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