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CS 201 Data Structures 2 Homework 0 -Solved

The express purpose of this homework is to get you ready for your forthcoming assignments. 
It covers 
❼ OOP in python 
❼ Allowing native python functionality for your class 
1. Introduction 
You already know about OOP in C++. This homework will get you used to the corresponding 
syntax in python. Below is an example class in python. 
1 class Car ( object ): 

num_wheels = 4 

def __init__ ( self , color ): 

self . wheels = Car . num_wheels 

self . color = color 

def drive ( self ): 

if self . wheels <= Car . num_wheels : 
return self . color + 
✬ car cannot drive !✬ 
return self . color + 
✬ car goes vroom !✬ 
def pop_tire ( self ): 
if self . wheels > 0: 
self . wheels -= 1 
Line 1 is a class declaration. By convention, all python classes that do not derive from any 
other class, must derive from the object class. Leaving out this inheritance does not make 
much difference. All subsequent lines that are indented become part of the definition of this 
Line 2 declares a class variable. That is, every object of this class has access to the same, 
single instance of this variable. This variable belongs to the class and not to any instance. 
Line 9 illustrates the corresponding syntax to access this variable. You may include class 
variables in your classes if needed. 
Line 4 declares the constructor. The double underscores or dunder s in the function name 
are required. The constructor takes a mandatory parameter, self, which is a reserved word 
in python and automatically refers to the object that is calling this method. This is similar 
to this in C++. Just that this is passed implicitly in C++ whereas self must be the first 
parameter in the header of a method. Note that self does not have to be passed when the 
method is called. The constructor can take any number of additional parameters. In this 
case, it takes 1, color. 
1Lines 5 and 6 are the body of the constructor. You can put any desired logic here. Usually, 
the constructor initializes member variables, which is also the case here. Member variables 
need to be referred to using the self parameter and the dot syntax. 
Lines 8 to 15 define other methods. Note the mandatory first parameter of self in each 
header, and how member variables are accessed. Line 9 additionally illustrates accessing a 
class variable. The methods here do not have any parameters other than self. This is a 
coincidence and not a requirement. That is, methods may have any number of parameters, 
just like regular functions. Just that the first parameter must be self. If the first parameter 
is not self, then the method belongs to the class, and not an instance. 
Below is an example interaction with our class. 
1 >>> my_car = Car (✬red ✬) 
2 >>> print ( my_car . color ) 
3 red 
4 >>> print ( my_car . wheels ) 
5 4 
6 >>> print ( Car . num_wheels ) 
7 4 
8 >>> print ( my_car . num_wheels ) 
9 4 
10 >>> print ( Car . wheels ) 
11 Traceback ( most recent call last ): 
File "<stdin >", line 1 , in < module > 
13 AttributeError : type object 
✬Car ✬ has no attribute 
✬wheels ✬ 
14 >>> my_car . pop_tire () 
15 >>> my_car . drive () 
✬red car cannot drive !✬ 
17 >>> Car . drive () 
18 Traceback ( most recent call last ): 
File "<stdin >", line 1 , in < module > 
20 TypeError : drive () missing 1 required positional argument : ✬self ✬ 
Line 1 creates an instance, my_car. This will internally call the __init__ method of the 
Car class. Note that nothing needs to be passed for the self parameter of the __init__ 
Lines 2 to 5 illustrate access to member variables. Note that member variables are public in 
Lines 5 to 13 illustrate access to class and member variables. The class variable, num_wheels 
, can be accessed via the class (line 6) and via an instance (line 8). However, a member 
variable cannot be accessed through the class (line 10). 
Lines 14 to 20 illustrate calling member methods. They can be called via an instance using 
the dot syntax (lines 14 and 15) but not via the class (line 17). Note again that nothing 
needs to be explicitly passed to correspond to the self parameter of these methods. 
Task: Solve the exercises here. 
2. Disciples of Discipline 
Having experienced this heavy semester before, we would like to transfer our wisdom and 
help you guys plan and execute your semester courses’ study plan in a very structured 
and disciplined manner. Therefore, we want you to create a portal for managing all of 
your individual courses which would then help you design a study plan and prioritize study 
materials as per the commitments of a respective course. We also want you all to learn the 
art of self-sufficient learning where you are confident with internet scanning when it comesto looking for answers for technical questions that one (and every born programmer) might 
encounter when coding. Thus, we will be providing you with links for concepts that you 
have to implement in this task; that you can consult, understand and then implement as per 
your requirements. 
You will create a Course class to encapsulate all the important attributes for any course. It 
will also support functionality to add, remove, and print assignments. You will also create a 
Schedule class which will contain your courses and indicate your schedule and total number 
of credits this semester. 
Task: Implement the methods in the Course class provided in the accompanying file, 
Task: Implement the methods in the Schedule class provided in the accompanying file, 
Resources: The classes make use of the datetime.datetime object which you can learn 
about here. 
3. Guten Appetit 
You are a celebrated chef with many famous dishes to your name. A believer in open source, 
you are now looking to share your inventions with the world. A computer scientist at heart, 
you are developing a library which you will use to program your recipes. You will eventually 
disseminate this library so that not only do people learn of your recipes but they can use 
the library to program and share their recipes as well. 
Two of the classes in your library are Ingredient and Recipe. Ingredient stores a name. 
Recipe stores a name and Ingredient objects along with the required quantity in grams. 
Below is an example interaction with these classes. 
1 >>> my_recipe = Recipe (✬Stairway to Heaven ✬) 
2 >>> my_recipe . add_ingredient ( Ingredient ( ✬Sugar ✬) , 10 ) 
3 >>> my_recipe . add_ingredient ( Ingredient ( ✬Spice ✬) , 10 ) 
4 >>> my_recipe . add_ingredient ( Ingredient ( ✬Everything Nice ✬) , 20 ) 
5 >>> my_recipe . add_ingredient ( Ingredient ( ✬Chemical X✬) , 100 ) 
6 >>> len ( my_recipe ) 
# number 
7 4 
8 >>> for ing , amt in my_recipe : 
# iterate over 
9 ... 
print (f✬{ ing }: { amt }g✬) 
10 ... 
11 Sugar : 10g 
12 Spice : 10g 
13 Everything Nice : 20g 
14 Chemical X: 100g 
Task: Write both classes in the accompanying file, src/, such that they support 
this interaction. 
Resources: There are several features you will need to learn about. 
❼ Writing a custom iterator: See here (first 3 sections only) for an insightful explanation 
and here for a quick example. 
❼ Calling len() on a custom class: Included in the above references.. 
❼ Tuple assignment and unpacking: See here. 
—————————— viel Spaß ——————————

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