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CS112 Problem Set 3 - Linked Lists, Recursion Solved

1. *Given the following definition of a circular linked list (CLL) class:


      public class Node {          public String data;          public Node next;

         public Node(String data, Node next) {     = data; = next;



      public class LinkedList {

         private Node rear;  // pointer to last node of CLL

         ...       }

The class keeps a circular linked list, with a rear pointer to the last node.

Implement the following method in the LinkedList class, to delete the first occurrence of a given item from the linked list. The method returns true if the item is deleted, or false if the item is not found.


     public boolean delete(String target) {

          /* COMPLETE THIS METHOD */




2.  * Implement a method in the circular linked list class of problem 1, to add a new item after the first occurrence (from the front) of a specified item. If the item does not exist in the list, the method should return false, otherwise true.


     public boolean addAfter(String newItem, String afterItem) {

          /* COMPLETE THIS METHOD */



3.  A doubly linked list (DLL) is a linked list with nodes that point both forward and backward. Here's an example:            3 <--- 5 <--- 7 <--- 1

Here's a DLL node definition:


      public class DLLNode {          public String data;          public DLLNode prev, next;

         public DLLNode(String data, DLLNode next, DLLNode prev) {     = data; = next; this.prev = prev;

         }       }

The next of the last node will be null, and the prev of the first node will be null.

Implement a method to move a node (given a pointer to it) to the front of a DLL.

      // moves target to front of DLL

      public static DLLNode moveToFront(DLLNode front, DLLNode target) {

            /** COMPLETE THIS METHOD **/       }

4.  With the same DLLNode definition as in the previous problem, implement a method to reverse the sequence of items in a DLL. Your code should NOT create any new nodes - it should simply resequence the original nodes. The method should return the front of the resulting list.

      public static DLLNode reverse(DLLNode front) {

            /** COMPLETE THIS METHOD **/       }

5.  Implement a RECURSIVE method to delete all occurrences of an item from a (non-circular) linked list. Use the Node class definition of problem 1. Return a pointer to the first node in the updated list.


    public static Node deleteAll(Node front, String target) {



6.  *  Implement a RECURSIVE method to merge two sorted linked lists into a single sorted linked list WITHOUT duplicates. No new nodes must be created: the nodes in the result list are a subset of the nodes in the original lists, rearranged appropriately.

You may assume that the original lists do not have any duplicate items.

For instance:

   l1 = 3-9-12-15    l2 = 2-3-6-12

should result in the following:


Assuming a Node class defined like this:

      public class Node {          public int data;          public Node next;


Complete the following method:


      public static Node merge(Node frontL1, Node frontL2) {




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