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Cpt S 350 Homework 2 Solved

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1.    (easy) Write psuedo-code for partition(A,p,q).

2.    (standard) Consider insertsort. Suppose that the input array A has 1% probability to be monotonically decreasing. Show that, in this case, the average-case complexity of insertsort is Θ(n2).

3.    (not hard) Let iqsort(A,1,n) be an algorithm that sorts an array A with n integers. It works as follows:

iqsort(A,p,q){ if p ≥ q, return; r=partition(A,p,q);

//run quick sort on the low part quicksort(A,p,r − 1); //run insert sort on the high part insertsort(A,r + 1,q);


Compute the best-case, worst-case, and average-case complexities of iqsort.

4.    (hard) Let mixsort(A,1,n) be an algorithm that sorts an array A with n integers. It works as follows:

mixsort(A,p,q){ if p ≥ q, return; r=partition(A,p,q);

//run mixsort on the low part mixsort(A,p,r − 1);

//run insert sort on the high part insertsort(A,r + 1,q);


Compute the best-case, worst-case, and average-case complexities of mixsort.


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