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CPS847- Assignment 2 Solved

[5%] Make your GitHub repo public. If you are creating a new repo for this assignment, then please add  cps847-chang, tonymisic and kazi-rys-21 to GitHub account
Create a Travis CI YAML file that executes a unit test of your sample code [25%] and creates a code coverage report [20%] to be uploaded to Choose a unit test and code coverage framework that is appropriate for the language that you are using.
Create a Dockerfile to generate a container for your web application [10%]
Generate index.html page containing “Hello World” text and deploy the code to AWS ElasticBeanstalk (Container) using Travis CI [15%]. 
Install Ubuntu VM on your laptop using VirtualBox player and Ubuntu ISO ( [5%]. Put a folder with the name of your group on the Ubuntu desktop.
[20%] Create AWS Lambda function that reads in JSON


  "first_name": "Jane",

  "last_name": "Doe"


                and returns 


  "statusCode": 200,

  "output": "Jane Doe"



You can implement this Lambda function in any language. You do not need to externalize the API.




To submit to D2L 
A snapshot of TravisCI log building and testing your code 
Provide the logs which was generated when containerizing your application
A snapshot of report of your code 
Provide a screenshot of the your index.html on AWS EB along with the URL box of the browser.
A snapshot (screen capture) of the Ubuntu desktop within your host machine
Write a report on how the lambda function works.

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