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CProgramming-Assignment 5 Solved

1.   C Program to store information (name, roll and marks) for a student using structure and display it. 


2.   C Program to add two distances (inch-feet) using structure and display the result. 


3.   C function to add two complex numbers by passing two structure to a function and display the results. 


4.   C Function to calculate the difference between two time periods using structures. 


5.   C Function to store information (name, id and grade) for 10 students in array of structures using pointers and another function to print all the structures using pointers. 


6.   Create Union type called family_name it shall have two members first_name and last_name. The two members are array of characters with same size 30. Try to write string in the first member first_name then print the second member last_name plus print the size of the union.  


7. Create enum type called fan_level it shall have three values Level1, Level2 and Level3. This enum shall be used to control the level of the fan. 

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