(1) Write a program that take two integers from the user and print the results of this equation:
Result = ((num1 + num2) * 3) – 10
(2) Write a program that print your name and your grade in a new line.
(3) Write a program for converting temperature from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit, given the formula:
F = C x
(4) Write a program that reads the radius of a circle and calculates the area and circumference then prints the results.
(5) Write a program to print the ASCII value of a character input by the user.
(6) Write a program that print the relation between two integer number if those numbers are equal, not equal and which one contain the higher value.
(7) Write a program that takes three integers, and prints out the smallest number.
(8) Write a program that reads a positive integer and checks if it is a perfect square.
(9) Write a program that reads a student grade percentage and prints "Excellent" if his grade is greater than or equal 85, "Very Good" for 75 or greater; "Good" for 65, "Pass" for 50, "Fail" for less than 50.
(10) Write a program to make a simple calculator using switch-case. The calculator takes the operation (+ or – or * or /) and takes the two input arguments and print the results.
(11) Print sum of first 100 integers. (With data validation)
(12) Write a program that reads a positive integer and computes the factorial.
(13) Write a program that reads a positive integer and checks if it is a prime.
(14) Write a program to display English alphabets from A to Z.
(15) Write a program to calculate the power of a number. The number and its power are input from user.
(16) Write a program to reverse a number.
(17) Write a program to count number of digits in a decimal number.
(18) Write a program to display half pyramid using stars pattern.
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(19) Write a program to display inverted half pyramid using stars pattern.
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(20) Write a program to display a full pyramid using stars pattern.
(21) Write a program to display cross or X-shape using stars pattern.
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