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CPE549-Homework 1 (Module 1 and Module 2) Solved

Calculate password entropy for the following passwords (use ASCII characters): password, Password, P@ssw0rd, qwerty, UAH123, MrP*MathPage, 123456, footBall, footb@ll, P33e=7a*E6m. Hint: use E=log2RL , where R=pool of unique charatcers, L=number of characters in your password. For example, for “UAH”, R=26 and L=3. For Uah, R=52, and L=3. Undergraduate students (i.e., CPE449) must calculate any five passwords' entropy, and graduate students must answer all of them. ASCII has 32 special characters. 
Write down the major difference between the dictionary attack and rainbow table attack? How can these attacks be prevented? 
In cybersecurity, what does CIA stand for? Discuss them. 
Bob is buying a textbook from UAH bookstore. The bill was supposed to be $32.00. However, he finds that the 

price can be changed to $2.00. Which part of the CIA triad has broken? 
Ali has taken her final exam and is waiting to get her results by email. By accident, Ali’s results are sent to 

Jason. Which part of the CIA triad has broken? 
Bob cannot make a call using his cell phone because he kept his cell phone in a hot place. Which part of the 

CIA triad has broken? 
What’s rainbow table? Suppose a system consists of one especial character, at least one small letters, and at 

least one numbers. The password can not contain upper case letters. How much space do we need to develop 

a rainbow table? The system uses SHA512 hash function. Assume that the passwords are 8-bit long. 
MD5 and SHA 256 are used to hash passwords. Which hashing algorithm will take more space to build a 

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